Adderall addiction: Students misuse drug to gain boost while studying - Iowa State Daily: News: "The United States is 4 percent of the world’s population but produces 88 percent of the world’s legal amphetamine. Adderall, also known as the “study drug,” is in high demand across the nation and has increasingly become highly abused by college students who claim Adderall is the key to academic success. . . . The study also found that full-time college students, between the ages of 18 and 22, were twice as likely to abuse Adderall than those of the same age and not in college. . . . The strive for perfectionism in society often leaves students feeling an immense amount of pressure to succeed; with increased competitiveness in the job market, college students feel the pressure to get perfect grades.
In June 2012, The New York Times published an article entitled, “In Their Own Words: ‘Study Drugs.’” The article was compiled of personal stories of high school and college students who abused prescription drugs for academic advantage. In the article, students from across the nation vividly describe their experiences with the so-called “academic steroid.”
Frequent abusers of Adderall described feeling inundated with schoolwork and the intense pressure put on by themselves, family members and educators.
“Something inside of me that sparked the drive to be independently successful died, and I swallowed the pills,” said a female student from Minneapolis to the New York Times. . . . "
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Bright Spot for Drug Addiction
Bright Spot for Drug Addiction - Technorati Lifestyle: "The Common's Home Affairs Select Committee report on drug policy shows some improvement in the battle against drug addiction.
The report shows that while not all methods of drug prevention have been effective, the evidence based prevention has proved effective.
The most notable positive outcome is the falling number of drug addicts in the last decade. Then number of young people seeking treatment for heroin and crack cocaine are also down. This, combined with a falling number of injection drug users means the UK should also see a decrease in the number of new HIV cases. Just as importantly, more people are seeking help for addiction. The number of people in recovery has significantly increased in recent years."
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Operation Christmas Cheer - With help, couple defeats drug addiction (video)
Operation Christmas Cheer: With help, couple defeats drug addiction demon - :: What follows is a love story, but it might not sell to the Harlequin crowd. David Tate and Erica Snow were introduced four years ago by a mutual friend — their drug dealer — when both showed up to score a few rocks of crack cocaine. Snow, born and raised in Monterey, was a certified nursing assistant for Central Coast Senior Services and a caregiver for a loving father who was nearing the end of his days. Tate had been a self-described "hustler" for much of his adult life, supporting his habit by dealing crack to a couple of dozen fellow addicts who hung around Roberts Lake in Seaside. It wasn't quite love at first sight, Snow says. "We all got into a car together. David kept calling me 'baby,'" she recalls. . . . A blessing for Snow is that she straightened herself out before her father died. He recognized that she had changed and died in peace, she says, knowing his only child was going to be OK. His last week, she says, was the most wonderful time she ever spent with him as an adult. But the couple's reconstruction of their lives was only beginning. When her father died, his income went away. She couldn't afford to stay in the house, and for the first time in her life, she was homeless. Fortunately, kindness and good fortune were coming Tate's way. . . . "God put a lot of wonderful people in our lives," Snow says. "He took us through these trials for a reason. He wanted us to become grateful for what we have. And he also wanted to teach us that you can be up today, but down tomorrow." Operation Christmas Cheer Operation Christmas Cheer is sponsored by The Herald, the Salvation Army and 1st Capital Bank to help local families that find themselves in need this time of year. . . . "
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Women battling homelessness and drug addiction get free makeover
CBS Atlanta 46Women battling homelessness and drug addiction get free makeover - CBS Atlanta 46: "A group of Atlanta women who are working to turn their struggles into success received a free day of pampering. They are part of Gilgal Inc., a Christian-based residential recovery program in Atlanta. The women in the program are battling homelessness and drug addiction. On Saturday, they were all offered facials, manicures and makeovers to help them get a head start on their future. Rev. Rodney K. Turner, pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church of Atlanta is a supporter of Gilgal Inc. "All of us together can help these ladies get back up and get back into society and be successful, all of us play a role in that," Turner said. Gilgal says 70 percent of women who leave their program have stable housing, a job and have maintained their sobriety."
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Why addiction carries a stigma
8 reasons addiction carries a stigma - "American Society of Addiction Medicine characterizes addiction as a “primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.” The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines addiction as a ‘chronic, relapsing brain disease” that changes the structure and functionality of the brain. So why do so many people still think of addiction as a moral failing? Why do they still refer to victims of substance misuse disorders as meth freaks, alcoholics, junkies, crackheads and garden-variety drunks? The answer is simple as it is depressing: because that’s the way it’s always been. Addicts are scorned by communities and celebrities with addictions are exploited or hounded by paparazzi. And while the government purports to view addiction as a disease, it often works in opposition to that position through the “War on Drugs,” which counts most drug users as criminals. . . . "
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Addict steals from mom to fuel drug addiction
News Links about addiction and alcoholism:
Montco man steals from mom to fuel drug addiction
An admitted Upper Moreland heroin addict this week acknowledged he ripped off his mother to fuel his drug addiction. Raymond E. Rigous, 23, of the 400 block of Bensal Road, this week pleaded guilty to stealing items from his mom's china cabinet and ...
Addicted to prescription drugs? There's a prescription drug for that
Daily Caller
Though methadone and the nicotine patch are two examples of drug treatments widely used to treat forms of drug addiction, the push to produce addiction-killing pharmaceuticals is relatively new. The drug Campral, intended to combat alcoholism, was ...

Daily Caller
Mike Tyson Admits To Drug Addiction During The Hangover | Bossip
By deolacola
Mike Tyson Admits To Drug Addiction During The Hangover Via RadarOnline reports: It's no secret that Mike Tyson struggled with drug addiction for many years, and he isn't shy about sharing horror stories from back in the day.
Drug Addiction | Vet Failures | Solutions Recovery
The Detroit News highlights how a network of courts, including one in Detroit's 36th District Court, are steering drug- and alcohol-addicted military vets back to ...
Drug Addiction - Alcoholism - Can Parents Help Their Child Avoid It ...
Drug addiction - alcoholism - is it possible to do something from birth and before that first drink or drug experimentation that could make a difference for your ...
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Montco man steals from mom to fuel drug addiction
An admitted Upper Moreland heroin addict this week acknowledged he ripped off his mother to fuel his drug addiction. Raymond E. Rigous, 23, of the 400 block of Bensal Road, this week pleaded guilty to stealing items from his mom's china cabinet and ...
Addicted to prescription drugs? There's a prescription drug for that
Daily Caller
Though methadone and the nicotine patch are two examples of drug treatments widely used to treat forms of drug addiction, the push to produce addiction-killing pharmaceuticals is relatively new. The drug Campral, intended to combat alcoholism, was ...
Daily Caller
Mike Tyson Admits To Drug Addiction During The Hangover | Bossip
By deolacola
Mike Tyson Admits To Drug Addiction During The Hangover Via RadarOnline reports: It's no secret that Mike Tyson struggled with drug addiction for many years, and he isn't shy about sharing horror stories from back in the day.
Drug Addiction | Vet Failures | Solutions Recovery
The Detroit News highlights how a network of courts, including one in Detroit's 36th District Court, are steering drug- and alcohol-addicted military vets back to ...
Drug Addiction - Alcoholism - Can Parents Help Their Child Avoid It ...
Drug addiction - alcoholism - is it possible to do something from birth and before that first drink or drug experimentation that could make a difference for your ...
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Rethinking our attitude to drugs
Rethinking our attitude to drugs | Great Lakes Advocate: "ILLICIT drugs are widely viewed with fear and loathing. Parents, in particular, are understandably terrified their children will become addicted to headline-grabbing horrors including heroin and methamphetamine and crack cocaine. Alcohol and other drugs are known to be extremely hazardous to the developing brains of young people. The apprehension is endlessly fuelled by stereotypical images of dishevelled, desperate drug users roaming the streets. . . . The issue is further blurred by the arbitrary distinction between permitted and prohibited substances. This can create a false sense of security - for example, alcohol is legal, but can cause enormous damage. Beyond that, the burgeoning misuse of, and trade in, prescribed drugs, particularly pain medications and tranquilisers, is potentially overtaking illicit drug misuse as a social and health concern.This instalment of The Zone is not seeking to condone or encourage substance misuse. Rather, it seeks to encourage people to rethink their attitude to, and understanding of, drugs, so that we might as a society better deal with the problems faced by the minority of people who get into strife using substances that alter the mind and body.Today's guest is Luke O'Connor, an expert in helping those with drug and alcohol problems. He works with Youth Projects, a non-profit organisation that runs the Melbourne Drug and Health Alliance, a network of mental health, drug and alcohol and primary healthcare organisations. . . . read full article here"
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Riley Regan - advocate for alcoholism treatment
Riley Regan, advocate for alcoholism treatment, dies at 77 | "Riley Regan was a champion and a pioneer for thousands of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.
During the 1980s, when the federal "war on drugs" helped fuel stigmas against substance abusers, Regan — a recovering alcoholic and drug addict — gave a clarion voice to addicts, advocating for treatment over incarceration. Decades later, the movement Riley fostered in New Jersey has taken hold throughout the nation.
Regan, the founding director of the New Jersey Division of Alcoholism, died of liver cancer Friday in his Cranford home. He was 77.
"He had the ability to reach into people and get them to connect to what he came to New Jersey for — to set up systems so wherever someone was addicted or an alcoholic presented themselves there was a hand to reach out to them," said Tom Graham, Regan’s best friend and former deputy director of the division.
Known for his humility and ability to humanize those devastated by addiction, Regan was instrumental in implementing the Alcoholism Treatment and Rehabilitation Act, which decriminalized public drunkenness and established a statewide system for alcoholism treatment and prevention.
"Riley was a passionate advocate for those struggling to overcome substance abuse. His monument is all those who he helped back to useful lives," said former Gov. Thomas Kean, one of four governors under whom Regan served . . . "
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Fight infant drug addiction epidemic without criminalizing mothers
TN fights infant drug addiction epidemic without criminalizing mothers
The Tennessean
In this file photo, a baby is cared for at Baptist Hospital in Nashville. In Tennessee a 'Children's Cabinet' has devised a strategy to better address the rising epidemic of babies born with addictions. / File / The Tennessean ...
Joy Behar Compares Religion To Drug Addiction
NewsBusters (blog)
This occurred during a discussion on her appropriately named Say Anything show about Angus T. Jones's plea that folks not watch the "filth" on his hit program Two and a Half Men (video follows with transcript and commentary): ...
Jenelle Evans Needs To Stop Smoking Pot And Worry About Her Son
Hollywood Life
It's clear that Jenelle has a lot of love for her son, and she wants the best for him — she tweets cute pics and updates of their time together all the time — she just needs to keep focusing on her mental health and deal with her obvious addiction to ...
Brain area's possible role in drug addiction revealed
Zee News
Brain area's possible role in drug addiction revealed Washington: Substance abuse researchers have concluded that an area of the brain called the orbitofrontal cortex is responsible for decisions made on the spur of the moment, but not those made based...

Zee News
Obamacare Provides Significant Reform On Substance Abuse Treatment
Highbrow Magazine
Drug addiction and substance abuse have become increasingly significant issues in North America . In certain situations, this is even considered to be an epidemic. The American Psychological Association maintains that for a person to have an addiction,...

Highbrow Magazine
Drug Addicted Military Vets Illustrate Failure of War on Drugs
Deadline Detroit
The Detroit News highlights how a network of courts, including one in Detroit's 36th District Court, are steering drug- and alcohol-addicted military vets back to sober and productive lives. According to statistics provided by ... But the court network ...

Deadline Detroit
DUI suspect was drug addiction counselor | SF Bay Area News ...
A woman suspected of driving under the influence when she hit a pedestrian and drove with the dying man on her hood for more than two miles had worked as a ...
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The Tennessean
In this file photo, a baby is cared for at Baptist Hospital in Nashville. In Tennessee a 'Children's Cabinet' has devised a strategy to better address the rising epidemic of babies born with addictions. / File / The Tennessean ...
Joy Behar Compares Religion To Drug Addiction
NewsBusters (blog)
This occurred during a discussion on her appropriately named Say Anything show about Angus T. Jones's plea that folks not watch the "filth" on his hit program Two and a Half Men (video follows with transcript and commentary): ...
Jenelle Evans Needs To Stop Smoking Pot And Worry About Her Son
Hollywood Life
It's clear that Jenelle has a lot of love for her son, and she wants the best for him — she tweets cute pics and updates of their time together all the time — she just needs to keep focusing on her mental health and deal with her obvious addiction to ...
Brain area's possible role in drug addiction revealed
Zee News
Brain area's possible role in drug addiction revealed Washington: Substance abuse researchers have concluded that an area of the brain called the orbitofrontal cortex is responsible for decisions made on the spur of the moment, but not those made based...
Zee News
Obamacare Provides Significant Reform On Substance Abuse Treatment
Highbrow Magazine
Drug addiction and substance abuse have become increasingly significant issues in North America . In certain situations, this is even considered to be an epidemic. The American Psychological Association maintains that for a person to have an addiction,...
Highbrow Magazine
Drug Addicted Military Vets Illustrate Failure of War on Drugs
Deadline Detroit
The Detroit News highlights how a network of courts, including one in Detroit's 36th District Court, are steering drug- and alcohol-addicted military vets back to sober and productive lives. According to statistics provided by ... But the court network ...
Deadline Detroit
DUI suspect was drug addiction counselor | SF Bay Area News ...
A woman suspected of driving under the influence when she hit a pedestrian and drove with the dying man on her hood for more than two miles had worked as a ...
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Drug felons turn their lives around by graduating from rehab program
Drug felons turn their lives around by graduating from rehab program
Chicago Sun-Times
For over two decades, Timothy Gulley was afraid to face his family because he was embarrassed about his drug addiction. The Far South Side man also stole things from his mother's house and had a tendency to leave the door unlocked, his relatives said.
Our view: McHenry County Drug Court a big success
Northwest Herald
While drug addiction is a lifelong struggle, a one-year sober anniversary for an addict is a milestone of significance. Today marks a milestone in the local battle against drug addiction as McHenry County's Drug Court completes its first year in ...
ARS and Pacific Clinics Drug Abuse and Addiction Forum Offers Facts and Hope
Asbarez Armenian News
GLENDALE—The Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction community forum held on Wednesday, November 28 marked the first in a series of four forums organized in partnership between the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of Western USA and the Pacific ...

Asbarez Armenian News
Portugal cracks down on legal highs
Perth Now
But the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is finding that synthetic drug makers switch the chemical make-up of their products as each new substance is outlawed. In Lisbon, a dozen smartshops are scattered around the ...
Sandy Annabi, addicted to Xanax, to seek drug treatment in prison
Newsday (subscription)
Former Yonkers City Councilwoman Sandy Annabi has developed a drug addictionand will need treatment when she heads to prison on her bribery conviction, Newsday has learned. Annabi, 42, a former two-term Democratic city council member, was ...

Newsday (subscription)
Is "nature's speedball" the latest South Florida drug craze?
However, it is marketed on the Internet as 'alternative medicine' for use as a pain killer, medicine for diarrhea, and other ailments and for the treatment of opiate addiction," says the DEA's drug fact sheet on Kratom. Very little is known about the ...
Sandy Annabi drug treatment 'attempt to game the system,' feds say
Newsday (subscription)
Federal prosecutors say that former Yonkers City Councilwoman Sandy Annabi's drug addiction, disclosed in advance of her sentencing, may be an attempt to shave time off her six-year prison sentence. In a report compiled by the U.S. Department of ...

Newsday (subscription)
Meeting to target drug awareness
During more than a decade as Armstrong County District Attorney, Andreassi has seen the reach of substance abuse extend farther from Pittsburgh to become a part of life in and around Kittanning. “At one time, the drug 'business' targeted large urban ...
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Chicago Sun-Times
For over two decades, Timothy Gulley was afraid to face his family because he was embarrassed about his drug addiction. The Far South Side man also stole things from his mother's house and had a tendency to leave the door unlocked, his relatives said.
Our view: McHenry County Drug Court a big success
Northwest Herald
While drug addiction is a lifelong struggle, a one-year sober anniversary for an addict is a milestone of significance. Today marks a milestone in the local battle against drug addiction as McHenry County's Drug Court completes its first year in ...
ARS and Pacific Clinics Drug Abuse and Addiction Forum Offers Facts and Hope
Asbarez Armenian News
GLENDALE—The Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction community forum held on Wednesday, November 28 marked the first in a series of four forums organized in partnership between the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of Western USA and the Pacific ...
Asbarez Armenian News
Portugal cracks down on legal highs
Perth Now
But the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is finding that synthetic drug makers switch the chemical make-up of their products as each new substance is outlawed. In Lisbon, a dozen smartshops are scattered around the ...
Sandy Annabi, addicted to Xanax, to seek drug treatment in prison
Newsday (subscription)
Former Yonkers City Councilwoman Sandy Annabi has developed a drug addictionand will need treatment when she heads to prison on her bribery conviction, Newsday has learned. Annabi, 42, a former two-term Democratic city council member, was ...
Newsday (subscription)
Is "nature's speedball" the latest South Florida drug craze?
However, it is marketed on the Internet as 'alternative medicine' for use as a pain killer, medicine for diarrhea, and other ailments and for the treatment of opiate addiction," says the DEA's drug fact sheet on Kratom. Very little is known about the ...
Sandy Annabi drug treatment 'attempt to game the system,' feds say
Newsday (subscription)
Federal prosecutors say that former Yonkers City Councilwoman Sandy Annabi's drug addiction, disclosed in advance of her sentencing, may be an attempt to shave time off her six-year prison sentence. In a report compiled by the U.S. Department of ...
Newsday (subscription)
Meeting to target drug awareness
During more than a decade as Armstrong County District Attorney, Andreassi has seen the reach of substance abuse extend farther from Pittsburgh to become a part of life in and around Kittanning. “At one time, the drug 'business' targeted large urban ...
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From drug addiction to helping people
From drug addiction to helping people, man credits Frederick Rescue Mission - The Frederick News-Post Online: "“When you reach out for that next grip, you have to let go of where you are,” Flynn said in a recent interview at FirstCare Nursing Services in Frederick. “But to get to the next place, you have to let go of the step you are on.” Once shackled by addictions to drugs, alcohol and tobacco, Flynn is now marketing manager for First-Care. He is also a certified medical technician and certified assisted living center administrator. He credits the turnaround in his life to family, friends and the Frederick Rescue Mission . . . "
Research identifies a way to block memories associated with PTSD or drug ...
Medical Xpress
New research from Western University could lead to better treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and drug addiction by effectively blocking memories. The research performed by Nicole Lauzon, a PhD candidate in the laboratory of Steven ...
Treating addiction as a public health issue, not a crime
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Third, the abuse of legal drugs suggests an important “exit” to the war on drugs — in other words, viewing the problem of drug addiction as a public health problem and not as a criminal issue. Clearly, individuals who abuse drugs require not prison or ...

Houston Chronicle (blog)
Big city drugs are here
Herren went on to star at Boston College and Fresno State University, despite failing drug tests for marijuana and cocaine at both schools. He was drafted 33rd overall in the 1999 NBA Draft by the Denver Nuggets, despite the Nuggets' fear of his ...

No Compromise On Drug-related Activities: Sabah CP
TAWAU, Dec 5 (Bernama) -- Sabah commissioner of police, Datuk Hamza Taib said state police would not compromise on any activities related to drug abuse including trafficking and addiction. "We will continue our vigilance at all entry points into the ...
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Research identifies a way to block memories associated with PTSD or drug ...
Medical Xpress
New research from Western University could lead to better treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and drug addiction by effectively blocking memories. The research performed by Nicole Lauzon, a PhD candidate in the laboratory of Steven ...
Treating addiction as a public health issue, not a crime
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Third, the abuse of legal drugs suggests an important “exit” to the war on drugs — in other words, viewing the problem of drug addiction as a public health problem and not as a criminal issue. Clearly, individuals who abuse drugs require not prison or ...
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Big city drugs are here
Herren went on to star at Boston College and Fresno State University, despite failing drug tests for marijuana and cocaine at both schools. He was drafted 33rd overall in the 1999 NBA Draft by the Denver Nuggets, despite the Nuggets' fear of his ...
No Compromise On Drug-related Activities: Sabah CP
TAWAU, Dec 5 (Bernama) -- Sabah commissioner of police, Datuk Hamza Taib said state police would not compromise on any activities related to drug abuse including trafficking and addiction. "We will continue our vigilance at all entry points into the ...
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The secret world of healthcare drug addiction
Guest Post: The secret world of healthcare drug addiction
Albany Times Union (blog)
The author has been an active member of the health care community for over 20 years ...physicians and nurses are held to the highest standards of medical ethics, it imposes an even greater amount of duplicity in order to keep the abuse hidden or worse, in denial. But what should you do if you suspect that a physician you work for or a fellow nurse is using illicit drugs or abusing prescription meds? . . .
Speakers Provide Personal, Powerful Stories of Drug Addiction
The Shawsheen Technical High School graduate spoke about her journey from drug addiction to detox and eventually where she is now – two years sober and hoping her story will help families avoid the same fate. She uses her experiences to work with ...
Bath Salts In Portugal Cracked Down On By Government
Huffington Post
The country introduced legislation in 2001 that decriminalised drugs use across the board, a move that health experts credit in part for the decline in drug addiction. Users are now forced to appear in front of special addiction panels rather than a ...
Exploring Alcoholism Drug's Potential Against Brain Tumors
Genetic Engineering News
The Ben and Catherine Ivy Center for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatment at Swedish Medical Center will receive a $2.5 million grant from the Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation—the second grant in three years awarded to the Ivy Center by the foundation.
Benjamin Presides as Four Graduate Drug Court
Wheeling Intelligencer
Kicking a drug addiction is not easy, but for the four people who stood before West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin Wednesday, the rewards are great. Marshall County Circuit Judge David Hummel introduced Benjamin as always supportive of ...

Wheeling Intelligencer
GUEST OPINION: Legalizing marijuana has a heavy cost
Packet Online
GUEST OPINION: Legalizing marijuana has a heavy cost. DATE POSTED: Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:57 PM EST. By Barbara Sprechman, Mercer Council on Alcoholism & Drug Addiction. MORE NEWS IN THIS SECTION. Citizens group responds to ...
Pete Townshend traces drug abuse, alcohol addiction, infidelity in new biography
Vancouver Sun
TORONTO - Legendary Who guitarist Pete Townshend has weathered drug abuse, alcoholaddiction, infidelity, near-deafening rock 'n' roll assaults to his ears and, of course, those infamous child pornography charges. Townshend discusses these trials ...
Painkiller addiction sweeping the US
The Hindu
The more pills handed out, the more cases of addiction; the more cases of addiction, the more illegal street trafficking of the drugs; the more illegal street trafficking, the more snorting and injecting of the crushed pills; the more snorting and ...

The Hindu
From drug addiction to helping people, man credits Frederick Rescue Mission
Frederick News Post (subscription)
Editor's note: The Frederick News-Post is partnering with four county nonprofit agencies this holiday season to raise funds for programs that aim to change lives. Throughout this “Season of Hope” we will offer stories about people who have been helped ...

Frederick News Post (subscription)
Reader Letters | Drug addiction | The Courier-Journal | courier ...
In the ongoing discussion regarding House Bill 1, a glaring topic is frequently being overlooked.
Albany Times Union (blog)
The author has been an active member of the health care community for over 20 years ...physicians and nurses are held to the highest standards of medical ethics, it imposes an even greater amount of duplicity in order to keep the abuse hidden or worse, in denial. But what should you do if you suspect that a physician you work for or a fellow nurse is using illicit drugs or abusing prescription meds? . . .
Speakers Provide Personal, Powerful Stories of Drug Addiction
The Shawsheen Technical High School graduate spoke about her journey from drug addiction to detox and eventually where she is now – two years sober and hoping her story will help families avoid the same fate. She uses her experiences to work with ...
Bath Salts In Portugal Cracked Down On By Government
Huffington Post
The country introduced legislation in 2001 that decriminalised drugs use across the board, a move that health experts credit in part for the decline in drug addiction. Users are now forced to appear in front of special addiction panels rather than a ...
Exploring Alcoholism Drug's Potential Against Brain Tumors
Genetic Engineering News
The Ben and Catherine Ivy Center for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatment at Swedish Medical Center will receive a $2.5 million grant from the Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation—the second grant in three years awarded to the Ivy Center by the foundation.
Benjamin Presides as Four Graduate Drug Court
Wheeling Intelligencer
Kicking a drug addiction is not easy, but for the four people who stood before West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin Wednesday, the rewards are great. Marshall County Circuit Judge David Hummel introduced Benjamin as always supportive of ...
Wheeling Intelligencer
GUEST OPINION: Legalizing marijuana has a heavy cost
Packet Online
GUEST OPINION: Legalizing marijuana has a heavy cost. DATE POSTED: Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:57 PM EST. By Barbara Sprechman, Mercer Council on Alcoholism & Drug Addiction. MORE NEWS IN THIS SECTION. Citizens group responds to ...
Pete Townshend traces drug abuse, alcohol addiction, infidelity in new biography
Vancouver Sun
TORONTO - Legendary Who guitarist Pete Townshend has weathered drug abuse, alcoholaddiction, infidelity, near-deafening rock 'n' roll assaults to his ears and, of course, those infamous child pornography charges. Townshend discusses these trials ...
Painkiller addiction sweeping the US
The Hindu
The more pills handed out, the more cases of addiction; the more cases of addiction, the more illegal street trafficking of the drugs; the more illegal street trafficking, the more snorting and injecting of the crushed pills; the more snorting and ...
The Hindu
From drug addiction to helping people, man credits Frederick Rescue Mission
Frederick News Post (subscription)
Editor's note: The Frederick News-Post is partnering with four county nonprofit agencies this holiday season to raise funds for programs that aim to change lives. Throughout this “Season of Hope” we will offer stories about people who have been helped ...
Frederick News Post (subscription)
Reader Letters | Drug addiction | The Courier-Journal | courier ...
In the ongoing discussion regarding House Bill 1, a glaring topic is frequently being overlooked.
Pete Doherty speaks out about his life in Paris and his battle to beat his drug addiction
Pete Doherty speaks out about his life in Paris and his battle to beat his ...
Daily Mail
But four years on Pete Doherty is still gripped with addiction but says that staying in the French capital shows he is trying because the quality of the drugs are so bad. In an interview with The Guardian Pete said: 'Being in Paris is me making a ...

Daily Mail
Women's Group Urges Nana Addo To Commit To Fight Drugs
Peace FM Online
A group calling itself the Coalition of Women against Drugs Addiction (COWAD) is calling on the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to make a bold pronouncement on his commitment to fight narcotic drug trade. According to COWAD, Nana Addo ...

Peace FM Online
Experts Say Synthetic Drug Use Popular in Midwest
"We know that people with addiction struggle, families with addiction struggle right along with the addict and it effects a lot of people in the community," said Holmes. Holmes is Executive Director of the Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and ...
Heroin makes way for new drugs
The Slovak Spectator
“Europe is faced with an increasingly complex stimulant market, in which consumers are confronted with a wide variety of powders and pills,” the Lisbon-based EU drugs agency European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) wrote in ...
Drug Addiction | Seek Help | Solutions Recovery
Face Your Drug Addiction Honestly and Seek Help. Q: You had a letter recently from someone who got addicted to painkillers after his back surgery. Well, I've ...
Drug addiction rates Vs. spending : Drugs
Ugh theres no context behind the graph. Moreover this has been posted already. Someone care to explain how this doesn't add up? Just because you see a ...
Drug addiction, mental affliction: Richfield school embraces the link ...
Federal legislation, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Act, passed in 2008 to address the gap in treatment, requires insurers to cover chemical dependence ...
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Daily Mail
But four years on Pete Doherty is still gripped with addiction but says that staying in the French capital shows he is trying because the quality of the drugs are so bad. In an interview with The Guardian Pete said: 'Being in Paris is me making a ...
Daily Mail
Women's Group Urges Nana Addo To Commit To Fight Drugs
Peace FM Online
A group calling itself the Coalition of Women against Drugs Addiction (COWAD) is calling on the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to make a bold pronouncement on his commitment to fight narcotic drug trade. According to COWAD, Nana Addo ...
Peace FM Online
Experts Say Synthetic Drug Use Popular in Midwest
"We know that people with addiction struggle, families with addiction struggle right along with the addict and it effects a lot of people in the community," said Holmes. Holmes is Executive Director of the Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and ...
Heroin makes way for new drugs
The Slovak Spectator
“Europe is faced with an increasingly complex stimulant market, in which consumers are confronted with a wide variety of powders and pills,” the Lisbon-based EU drugs agency European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) wrote in ...
Drug Addiction | Seek Help | Solutions Recovery
Face Your Drug Addiction Honestly and Seek Help. Q: You had a letter recently from someone who got addicted to painkillers after his back surgery. Well, I've ...
Drug addiction rates Vs. spending : Drugs
Ugh theres no context behind the graph. Moreover this has been posted already. Someone care to explain how this doesn't add up? Just because you see a ...
Drug addiction, mental affliction: Richfield school embraces the link ...
Federal legislation, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Act, passed in 2008 to address the gap in treatment, requires insurers to cover chemical dependence ...
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Test your IQ: Drug use and addiction
Test your IQ: Drug use and addiction
Drug addiction and abuse is a serious problem in America. Some people believe addiction is all about will power. However, much research has shown that addiction is a brain disease. Early experimentation with illicit drugs, nicotine and alcohol may be ...
My gambling addiction epiphany
The disease model of addiction is so widely accepted, it has become dogma. DrugCzar Gil Kerlikowske, director of the US Office of National Drug Control Policy, recently delivered a speech at the Betty Ford Center, in which he argued that drug ...

Drug addiction: "You can only help if the person wants to be helped ...
Would you consider sources that do not specifically mention 'drug addition' but any addiction in general? – Colin D yesterday. Thanks for asking. No I would not. . . .
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Drug addiction and abuse is a serious problem in America. Some people believe addiction is all about will power. However, much research has shown that addiction is a brain disease. Early experimentation with illicit drugs, nicotine and alcohol may be ...
My gambling addiction epiphany
The disease model of addiction is so widely accepted, it has become dogma. DrugCzar Gil Kerlikowske, director of the US Office of National Drug Control Policy, recently delivered a speech at the Betty Ford Center, in which he argued that drug ...
Drug addiction: "You can only help if the person wants to be helped ...
Would you consider sources that do not specifically mention 'drug addition' but any addiction in general? – Colin D yesterday. Thanks for asking. No I would not. . . .
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Prescription Drug Addiction Now An Epidemic
Prescription Drug Addiction is truly a problem "out of control" as it involves (and is often caused) by health care practitioners--doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies, etc.--
Prescription Drug Addiction Is Now An Epidemic: "Drug abuse was recently referred to as an "epidemic" in a newspaper article by a Nebraska State Patrol investigator. "Clinically, it's a very common problem," added Aly Hassan, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry in the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Medicine. The '90s were considered to be the decade of treatment of pain, the Dr. explained. Not only was there a change in medication, but there was also a change in policy. "An important aspect of that was to consider pain as the fifth vital sign," he said. . . . In 2012, Dr. Hassan pointed out that several of these drugs have similar characteristics to other addictive drugs:absorb quickly; the half-like of the medicine staying in your system goes very fast. "The opiates are very addictive for that reason," Dr. Hassan said, because it makes a person want to take another one. This puts clinicians in a bad situation because it is their job to prescribe these potentially addictive drugs. "This is beyond the level of an individual practitioner," Dr. Hassan said. "This is really a state problem or even a national problem.""
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Prescription Drug Addiction Is Now An Epidemic: "Drug abuse was recently referred to as an "epidemic" in a newspaper article by a Nebraska State Patrol investigator. "Clinically, it's a very common problem," added Aly Hassan, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry in the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Medicine. The '90s were considered to be the decade of treatment of pain, the Dr. explained. Not only was there a change in medication, but there was also a change in policy. "An important aspect of that was to consider pain as the fifth vital sign," he said. . . . In 2012, Dr. Hassan pointed out that several of these drugs have similar characteristics to other addictive drugs:absorb quickly; the half-like of the medicine staying in your system goes very fast. "The opiates are very addictive for that reason," Dr. Hassan said, because it makes a person want to take another one. This puts clinicians in a bad situation because it is their job to prescribe these potentially addictive drugs. "This is beyond the level of an individual practitioner," Dr. Hassan said. "This is really a state problem or even a national problem.""
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