CBS News
(CBS News) A branch of the National Academy of Sciences reported today that doctors in military hospitals appear to be overprescribing pain pills and the result is often addiction. ... Long entered an Army treatment program but continued to abusedrugs.
CBS News
Military Alcohol Abuse 'Culture' Is Now A 'Crisis,' Report Finds
Huffington Post
WASHINGTON — Abusing alcohol and drugs has been part of military culture historically: troops do it for fun, to ease the stresses of war or to be part of the brotherhood. But a new report says substance use and misuse among ... Today, the military's ...
Former drug dealer: Getting methadone paid for by state 'was an easy scam'
He said he started going to the methadone clinic not to get off drugs but to maintain his addiction – and to sell the drugs he was using. “It was a free high,” said Castellano, who pleaded guilty to selling Oxycontin in 2009. He said he's since turned ...
York Township surgeon rappelling Harrisburg building for alcohol, drug ...
York Daily Record
Drug, alcohol, food and nicotine addictions are among the most common addictions in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heird said he hoped the event would help people recognize that addiction and alcoholism ...
Military not doing enough to help soldiers with substance abuse, study finds
Baltimore Sun (blog)
The report released today by the Institute of Medicine found that the military health system TRICARE doesn't cover the best treatments for alcohol and drug abuse. The system also does not permit long-term use of certain medications to treat addiction ...
Grog and drugs cost me the lot: Collingwood 1990 premiership star Gavin Crosisca
Herald Sun
Soon the teenager became a daily user of cannabis, something that was a constant during his playing career at the Magpies before spiralling into a full-blown amphetamines addiction while trying to coach at senior AFL level with North Melbourne ...
Braidwood officials urge residents to join fight against drugs
Joliet Herald News
BRAIDWOOD — Citizens can play a role in helping the city fight heroin and drug addiction in Braidwood. Public comment at a recent Braidwood City Council meeting centered on the need for the town to help young people avoid the dangers of addiction.
Legal opioid painkillers fuel spike in fatal ODs across state
Last year, heroin was second only to alcohol as the self-reported drug of choice for residents seeking addiction treatment in publicly funded centers, according to MCDH data. Why is this happening? Because life hurts. Pain treatment in the U.S ...
Rockland drug court gets $329000 in federal funds
The Journal News |
The court program is an attempt to intervene with drug- and alcohol-addicted, nonviolent, low-level offenders before their addiction and criminal behavior worsen, he said. “Our job is first and foremost to protect the public,” Zugibe said ...
Childhood Trauma May Increase Drug Addiction Risk
By Dusten Carlson
Prior research has suggested that signs of an increased risk of addiction are tied to personality traits like impulsivity or compulsiveness, but a new study suggests that the roots of addiction go back even further. The study, published in the ...
The Inquisitr
Contact with her Addicted father? - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism ...
By February13
Go Back · SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information > Friends and Family > Friends and Family of Substance Abusers · Reload this Page Contact with her Addicted father?
Ride raises awareness of drug addiction
My son Johnathan started using drugs eight years ago. He is now 25. He started with marijuana, cocaine, opiates and is now a heroin addict. Like most addicts ...
Methadone: '60s treatment for drug addiction comes with deadly ...
Methadone, a drug available since the 1960s and deemed by the National Institute of Health and the Centers for Disease Control as “the most effective treatment ...
Jael Strauss: Before & After Drug Addiction [Pics] | I Am Bored
Could 'miracle drug' be answer to fight heroin addiction?
Philadelphia Inquirer
It's called Vivitrol, a monthly injection of naltrexone that binds to human opioid receptors and blocks the drugs' euphoric effects, so addicts can't get high even if they want to. Kapulsky said it also stopped her drug cravings. She doesn't even think ...

Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Inquirer
It's called Vivitrol, a monthly injection of naltrexone that binds to human opioid receptors and blocks the drugs' euphoric effects, so addicts can't get high even if they want to. Kapulsky said it also stopped her drug cravings. She doesn't even think ...
Philadelphia Inquirer