Treating drug addiction saves lives
Tulsa World
Treating drug addiction saves lives. treatment William Yarborough: Addiction is taking many lives, including those of our youth, and we must have tools to address the challenges of treating it. By WILLIAM YARBOROUGH Published: 8/15/2012 2:24 AM ... The ...
Tulsa World
Treating drug addiction saves lives. treatment William Yarborough: Addiction is taking many lives, including those of our youth, and we must have tools to address the challenges of treating it. By WILLIAM YARBOROUGH Published: 8/15/2012 2:24 AM ... The ...
Papo & Yo Review: A Heartbreaking Meditation on Alcoholism and Child Abuse
Pull back a step more and it becomes a kind of autobiography-in-abstract of its creative director, Vander Caballero, who's openly admitted the game echoes his troubled relationship growing up in South America with an alcoholic and drug-addled dad. All ...

Pull back a step more and it becomes a kind of autobiography-in-abstract of its creative director, Vander Caballero, who's openly admitted the game echoes his troubled relationship growing up in South America with an alcoholic and drug-addled dad. All ...
STOP THE PRESSES, we cured heroin addiction.
Scientific American (blog)
But no one has cured addiction yet. And this press release is downright vague, to say the least. “Avoiding the wiring?” What the heck does THAT mean?! No matter what you do in the brain, I assure you there's no “avoiding the wiring”. But this paper is ...
Scientific American (blog)
But no one has cured addiction yet. And this press release is downright vague, to say the least. “Avoiding the wiring?” What the heck does THAT mean?! No matter what you do in the brain, I assure you there's no “avoiding the wiring”. But this paper is ...
Mother Nature Network
Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia worked with colleagues at the University of Colorado in the United States to pinpoint a key mechanism in the body's immune system that amplifies addiction to opioid drugs. "Our studies have shown ...
Mother Nature Network
Connections between addiction recovery and the Book of Mormon
Deseret News
J. Douglas LeCheminant, a group leader with LDS Family Services, encouraged people to look for connections between addiction recovery and the Book of Mormon in his class at BYU Campus Education Week. Koji Sasahara, Associated Press. Summary. In a class ...
Deseret News
Former NFL quarterback Ray Lucas hopes story of painkiller addiction will lead ...
CBS News
"That becomes the basic dilemma," said Lee, who NYU's addiction medicine fellowship program at the medical school and Bellevue Hospital in New York City. "In most people's opiate career, it was not about getting high constantly, it was about avoiding ...
Gaming Addiction
U Weekly
Drug addiction, alcohol addiction and gambling addiction are all serious problems that usually require the help of a professional to overcome. They are disorders that are often perceived as incredibly dangerous and sometimes life-threatening. They are ...
U Weekly
Integrated Therapy Best for PTSD and Addiction
Investigators say research is needed because the traditional methods to treat PTSD may rekindle substance abuse issues. “Prolonged exposure therapy, a cognitive-behavioral therapy involving exposure to memories and reminders of past trauma, has long ...
DUI in Marblehead
First, Suboxone is typically prescribed as part of the treatment for an opiate addiction. It is a central nervous system depressant that interferes with the body's ability to experience the “buzz” of opiate intake. Someone in recovery from an opiate ...
Drama continues
Alexandria Town Talk
LSU's substance abuse policy dictates that after three positive drug tests an athlete must receive a "one-year suspension from competition" with "reinstatement after the one-year period dependent upon a negative drug screen." Neither Miles .... Delta ...
Addiction to heroin can be blocked: research
SYDNEY — Addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, according to research released on Wednesday which could prove a major breakthrough in treating addicts and in pain relief treatments. Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia ...
Man charged in Dunkin' Donuts crash tells judge he's an alcoholic
The Star-Ledger -
When the judge asked him what kind of help, Guardiola admitted he is an alcoholic and attends Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. He also said that he passed out before the crash. Police are awaiting the results of the blood-alcohol test administered last ...
The Star-Ledger -
Can a Video Game Tackle Alcoholism Without Being Preachy?
But neither of these tackle issues that any of us could face at home: the demons of alcoholism in a family. That's the mission of Papo & Yo, a PlayStation Network indie title released Tuesday. It's the brainchild of Vander Caballero, a former EA design ...
Mother of teen heroin addict warns parents
PJ Newberg is in recovery for alcoholism. She said she was devastated when her daughter, Paula Nixon, began using heroin at 16. She held a forum Tuesday night in Glenview. Newberg was prompted by her daughter's addiction and the deaths of several ...
Video Game Addiction: Not Just For Kids
Or maybe it's the tenth time you've picked up your child late from daycare because you just couldn't tear yourself away from Farmville or Words with Friends. You may think that video game addiction is something that only affects teenagers, but more and ...
Attention Drug Addiction: A Growing Trend In Drug Abuse
CBS Local
Dr. Timothy Wilens, of the Center of Addiction Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital, says an estimated five to 10 percent of young people are misusing or abusing ADHD medications. ”If you're just popping them willy nilly and you're using them in ...
CBS Local
Jackson remains concerned with substance abuse amongst Native Americans
Navajo-Hopi Observer
Sylvia Allen on how to address alcohol and substance abuse in northern Arizona. "The detox center in Gallup is doing some great work there," he said. "We need more local control on the sale of alcohol." Jackson said McKinley County has an additional ...
Scientists can now block heroin, morphine addiction; clinical trials possible ...
This is concept art depicting addiction by Joshua Burton (School of Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide). Credit: Joshua Burton/University of Adelaide. In a major breakthrough, an international team of scientists has proven that addiction to ...
TRICARE outsources addiction treatment with little oversight
To cope with a growing population of drug- and alcohol-addicted personnel, the Defense Department has outsourced substance abuse treatment to a network of 1053 civilian rehabilitation facilities through the TRICARE insurance plan. But a Nextgov ...
One woman's war on addiction
The Star
Now 41, Jon has lost both his legs as a result of his addiction – and his freedom. Last year he was jailed for four-and-a-half years after being found guilty of playing his part in the robbery of another drug addict. “I hate drugs with a vengeance ...
The Star
Bobby Brown Checks Into Rehab For Alcohol Addiction
By Ambika Muttoo
TMZ is reporting that Bobby Brown is in rehab right now, hoping to conquer his addiction to alcohol, something he has been battling for years. Sources say.
VH1 Celebrity
By Ambika Muttoo
TMZ is reporting that Bobby Brown is in rehab right now, hoping to conquer his addiction to alcohol, something he has been battling for years. Sources say.
VH1 Celebrity
Addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked: research | The ...
By Agence France-Presse
Addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, according to research released on Wednesday which could prove a major breakthrough in treating addicts and in pain relief treatments. Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia ...
The Raw Story
By News
Scientists say they can now block heroin and morphine addiction. In a major breakthrough, an international team of scientists has proven that addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, while at the same time increasing pain relief.
Science Codex - Science news,...
Scientists say they can now block heroin and morphine addiction. In a major breakthrough, an international team of scientists has proven that addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, while at the same time increasing pain relief.
Science Codex - Science news,...
Attention Drug Addiction: A Growing Trend In Drug Abuse « CBS DC
By mreal197
Dr. Timothy Wilens, of the Center of Addiction Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital, says an estimated five to 10 percent of young people are misusing or abusing ADHD medications. ”If you're just popping them willy nilly and you're using ...
Addicted to a Narcissit who's possibly an Alcoholic-6 year relationship
By MissEH76
I knew his father was an alcoholic and I thought he might be suspetible. Throughout the relationship, I was irritated with some of his character flaws such as him not returing my call or text. In my mind, I wondered if he was cheating on me.
Support Groups
Addiction to heroin can be blocked: research - Yahoo! News
News: Addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, according to research released on ... This file photo shows a drug addict injecting himself with heroin.
By MissEH76
I knew his father was an alcoholic and I thought he might be suspetible. Throughout the relationship, I was irritated with some of his character flaws such as him not returing my call or text. In my mind, I wondered if he was cheating on me.
Support Groups
Addiction to heroin can be blocked: research - Yahoo! News
News: Addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, according to research released on ... This file photo shows a drug addict injecting himself with heroin.
Teens Fare Better at Substance Abuse Facilities With Comprehensive
Teenagers who receive substance abuse treatment at facilities with comprehensive mental health services fare better one year later, compared with those ...
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