Gaston Gazette
In 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in Akron, Ohio by Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith and William Griffith Wilson. - June 10, 1935...
Way back when: Today in history
Tulsa World
Associated Press file By GENE CURTIS Two recovering alcoholics, Bill W. and Dr. Bob S., foundedAlcoholics Anonymous in Akron, Ohio, to help each other stay sober. Bill W. was Bill Wilson, whose drunkenness had ruined his Wall Street career, ...
Morning Minutes for Sunday, June 10
Little Falls Evening Times
By Anonymous Founded on this day in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous still brings together men and women looking to solve their drinking problem. This site is full of information about alcohol abuse and how you can get help. 15: Age of Joe Nuxhall of the ...
Little Falls Evening Times
By Anonymous Founded on this day in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous still brings together men and women looking to solve their drinking problem. This site is full of information about alcohol abuse and how you can get help. 15: Age of Joe Nuxhall of the ...
Kent Desormeaux is an alcoholic. He has fought the battle long and hard, and although he is a brilliant rider, his personal struggle has cost him much throughout the years. In the past few weeks, it cost him more: a ride on Tiger Walk in the Preakness ...
Former All-American DT Pitcock eyes NFL return following video game addiction
MyFox Washington DC
ORLANDO -- Former first-team All-American defensive tackle Quinn Pitcock is eyeing a return to the NFL after his career was derailed by depression and video game addiction. Pitcock had a solid rookie season after being selected by the Indianapolis ...
The Latest From E3 Won't Help Couples Cultivate Relationships, But May Cause ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Therapist Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil says while games can have positive benefits, they can also be an addiction and a relationship wrecker. (PRWEB) June 10, 2012 Positive news is coming from E3 in regards to games that have people get up and move, ...
Keralites trying to kick alcoholism: Alcoholics Anonymous
Times of India
KOCHI: Though Kerala has a large population of alcoholics, many are joining de-addictionprogrammes to break this habit, according to data available with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). "The number of people frequenting our centres almost doubles every year ...
The Leader Newspaper Online
If your alcoholic is in recovery or a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and is sober - Al-Anon can still help, as with sobriety there still can be problems. Al-Anon helps us grasp the idea thatalcoholism is a disease –physical, emotional and spiritual.
Plateau begins online program for war veterans
Cookeville Herald Citizen
by Megan Trotter UPPER CUMBERLAND -- Veterans returning home from duty can find themselves suffering from mental health issues or turning to substance abuse, and while some may ask for help, many times they suffer in silence, unwilling to reach out.
Keeping kids off drugs, alcohol
Buffalo News
By Jane Kwiatkowski Andrea Wanat, 41, has made preventing substance abuse her vocation. As executive director of the Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Wanat and her staff work daily with parents and children to ...

Buffalo News
Addict's final chance
This is Plymouth
A RECOVERING drug addict has been given a final chance to avoid jail after breaching a community order imposed for theft. Gareth Allison, also known as George Stone, was made subject of 12 months' supervision by the Probation Service, a nine-month drug ...
New Cure Programs Are Popping Up, But Should Sex Be Considered an Addiction?
With four competing 12-step programs and numerous new treatments, sexaholics have more options than ever. Sign up to stay up to date on the latest News & Politics headlines via email. Want to get the latest on America's drug & rehab culture?
Community must understand challenge
By Jenifer L. Galvan When the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration reported in January that 1 in 5 Americans are currently diagnosed with a mental illness and undergoing mental health treatment, it caught people's attention.
Nero Psychiatric, De-Addiction Centre Opens at Bemina
Kashmir Observer
Srinagar, June 09: The Kashmir Nero Psychiatric, De-addiction and Rehabilitation Institute was inaugurated by MLA Molvi Iftikhar Ansari at the Imam Hussain Hospital Bemina on Saturday. The inaugural ceremony was attended by doctors, police officers and ...
Latino Community Hosts Fair Combating Alcoholism
Preventing alcoholism was the main goal of the event. But other important services were offered. The Literacy Volunteer Program was out in full force. According to a national literacy survey 22% of adults perform at a fifth grade reading level.
Courts & Rehab: Some local, state officials at odds over how to treat drug ...
Anniston Star
They sit through five hours of substance-abuse treatment classes each week. They take psychological examinations. They must go to weekly Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. There is much more they must do, because the residential rehabilitation ...
Colorado teen brothers addicted to heroin reach out for help
Denver Post
By Claire Martin, Photo By Joe Amon There was a brief pause on the other end when therapist Kevin Bert answered the phone at Synergy, a Denver substance-abuse treatment program for adolescents. Did Synergy take on heroin addicts who were under age 18?
Teens Urged to Avoid Gambling
Government of Jamaica, Jamaica Information Service
Ronald Thwaites, is encouraging adolescents to refrain from participating in underage gambling, as this may lead to other unhealthy habits such as substance abuse. “Don't get involved in gambling at all, it cannot help the sweat of your brow ...

Government of Jamaica, Jamaica Information Service
High participation in Oklahoma County 'vet court' forces organizers to find ...
Edwards, who grew up in Edmond, said the trauma of war combined with a severe back injury led him to a painkiller addiction after he was discharged in 2004. The addiction nearly ruined his engagement to the mother of his son, he said.
GO in full support of Caritas
Malta Independent Online
GO's Chief Executive Officer, David Kay, has visited Caritas Malta's San Blas Therapeutic Centre (limits of Żebbuġ) where he acquired hands-on knowledge of the work done by Caritas at the facility to rehabilitate persons with drug addiction issues.
How to Handle Alcoholic, Abusive Dad? | Ask the Therapist
By Dr. Marie Hartwell-Walker
My father has been an alcoholic for 6+ years, since I was 11 years old. He drinks at home by himself most nights and is ... Alcoholism rarely is solely the problem of the alcoholic. As you so clearly pointed out, it takes its toll on everyone in the ...
Ask the Therapist
my heroin addict boyfriend my story - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism ...
By sweetheart25
I met my boyfriend nearly 5 years ago (Im 25, hes 28) he has been an Iv heroin addict since he was 15. ... When we met he told me "If I had you, Id give up the drugs" naively, I believed him (very inexperienced with addiction at the time!) ...
Opiate addiction: How prescription painkillers pave the way to ...
Addiction psychiatrist Dr. Stuart Gitlow, president of the American Society of ... It is for this reason that an addict will seek more potent forms of the opioids.
Follow @jmpoolecom
ORLANDO -- Former first-team All-American defensive tackle Quinn Pitcock is eyeing a return to the NFL after his career was derailed by depression and video game addiction. Pitcock had a solid rookie season after being selected by the Indianapolis ...
The Latest From E3 Won't Help Couples Cultivate Relationships, But May Cause ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Therapist Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil says while games can have positive benefits, they can also be an addiction and a relationship wrecker. (PRWEB) June 10, 2012 Positive news is coming from E3 in regards to games that have people get up and move, ...
Keralites trying to kick alcoholism: Alcoholics Anonymous
Times of India
KOCHI: Though Kerala has a large population of alcoholics, many are joining de-addictionprogrammes to break this habit, according to data available with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). "The number of people frequenting our centres almost doubles every year ...
The Leader Newspaper Online
If your alcoholic is in recovery or a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and is sober - Al-Anon can still help, as with sobriety there still can be problems. Al-Anon helps us grasp the idea thatalcoholism is a disease –physical, emotional and spiritual.
Plateau begins online program for war veterans
Cookeville Herald Citizen
by Megan Trotter UPPER CUMBERLAND -- Veterans returning home from duty can find themselves suffering from mental health issues or turning to substance abuse, and while some may ask for help, many times they suffer in silence, unwilling to reach out.
Keeping kids off drugs, alcohol
Buffalo News
By Jane Kwiatkowski Andrea Wanat, 41, has made preventing substance abuse her vocation. As executive director of the Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Wanat and her staff work daily with parents and children to ...
Buffalo News
Addict's final chance
This is Plymouth
A RECOVERING drug addict has been given a final chance to avoid jail after breaching a community order imposed for theft. Gareth Allison, also known as George Stone, was made subject of 12 months' supervision by the Probation Service, a nine-month drug ...
New Cure Programs Are Popping Up, But Should Sex Be Considered an Addiction?
With four competing 12-step programs and numerous new treatments, sexaholics have more options than ever. Sign up to stay up to date on the latest News & Politics headlines via email. Want to get the latest on America's drug & rehab culture?
Community must understand challenge
By Jenifer L. Galvan When the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration reported in January that 1 in 5 Americans are currently diagnosed with a mental illness and undergoing mental health treatment, it caught people's attention.
Nero Psychiatric, De-Addiction Centre Opens at Bemina
Kashmir Observer
Srinagar, June 09: The Kashmir Nero Psychiatric, De-addiction and Rehabilitation Institute was inaugurated by MLA Molvi Iftikhar Ansari at the Imam Hussain Hospital Bemina on Saturday. The inaugural ceremony was attended by doctors, police officers and ...
Latino Community Hosts Fair Combating Alcoholism
Preventing alcoholism was the main goal of the event. But other important services were offered. The Literacy Volunteer Program was out in full force. According to a national literacy survey 22% of adults perform at a fifth grade reading level.
Courts & Rehab: Some local, state officials at odds over how to treat drug ...
Anniston Star
They sit through five hours of substance-abuse treatment classes each week. They take psychological examinations. They must go to weekly Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. There is much more they must do, because the residential rehabilitation ...
Colorado teen brothers addicted to heroin reach out for help
Denver Post
By Claire Martin, Photo By Joe Amon There was a brief pause on the other end when therapist Kevin Bert answered the phone at Synergy, a Denver substance-abuse treatment program for adolescents. Did Synergy take on heroin addicts who were under age 18?
Teens Urged to Avoid Gambling
Government of Jamaica, Jamaica Information Service
Ronald Thwaites, is encouraging adolescents to refrain from participating in underage gambling, as this may lead to other unhealthy habits such as substance abuse. “Don't get involved in gambling at all, it cannot help the sweat of your brow ...
Government of Jamaica, Jamaica Information Service
High participation in Oklahoma County 'vet court' forces organizers to find ...
Edwards, who grew up in Edmond, said the trauma of war combined with a severe back injury led him to a painkiller addiction after he was discharged in 2004. The addiction nearly ruined his engagement to the mother of his son, he said.
GO in full support of Caritas
Malta Independent Online
GO's Chief Executive Officer, David Kay, has visited Caritas Malta's San Blas Therapeutic Centre (limits of Żebbuġ) where he acquired hands-on knowledge of the work done by Caritas at the facility to rehabilitate persons with drug addiction issues.
How to Handle Alcoholic, Abusive Dad? | Ask the Therapist
By Dr. Marie Hartwell-Walker
My father has been an alcoholic for 6+ years, since I was 11 years old. He drinks at home by himself most nights and is ... Alcoholism rarely is solely the problem of the alcoholic. As you so clearly pointed out, it takes its toll on everyone in the ...
Ask the Therapist
my heroin addict boyfriend my story - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism ...
By sweetheart25
I met my boyfriend nearly 5 years ago (Im 25, hes 28) he has been an Iv heroin addict since he was 15. ... When we met he told me "If I had you, Id give up the drugs" naively, I believed him (very inexperienced with addiction at the time!) ...
Opiate addiction: How prescription painkillers pave the way to ...
Addiction psychiatrist Dr. Stuart Gitlow, president of the American Society of ... It is for this reason that an addict will seek more potent forms of the opioids.
Follow @jmpoolecom