Woman paid ultimate price for addiction, ex-husband says
Chicago Tribune
The west suburban man knew about his wife's occasional trips to casinos in Joliet and Indiana, but he had no idea how deep an addiction she had until a real ...
Toronto's 'new' Centre for Addiction and Mental Health opens
Canada's largest mental health institution has been redesigned to encourage a more open atmosphere that is better connected to the surrounding community.

Addiction and forgiveness
Washington Times
Addiction is real and lasts a lifetime. ... Addicts trading one addiction for another is nothing new. ... Opium and cocaine were first sold as cures for alcoholism. . . .

Washington Times
Recovering alcoholic changes his life after having prison tattoos ...
The Desert Sun
The recovering alcoholic has been in and out of jail for a good portion of his life but ... Center in Indio where he was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction.
Former Addict Reveals Signs Of Heroin Use
KKTV 11 News
Some who had to lie and steal to feed their addiction. ... life--and his parents, despite one working in the medical field, never even suspected he was an addict.
'Overdressed' bares consumers' addiction to fashion
Boston Herald
There's a reason your closet is cluttered: The average American consumer buys 64 new pieces of clothing a year, according to a 2008 report from the American ...
Alcoholic Liver Disease May Not Lead to Cancer
MedPage Today
Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis have a lower risk of liver cancer than previously thought, Danish researchers found.
Food Addiction Workshop to be Offered by Hilton Head Health ...
PR Web (press release)
A three-day food addiction workshop is being offered June 28-30, 2012, at Hilton ...food embrace the term 'food addict' despite its misplaced negative connotation.” Volz has designed F.A.R. to be somewhere between a 12-step program and a ...

PR Web (press release)
Austin-Based Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Expands Spiritual ...
MarketWatch (press release)
"Individuals battling addiction and alcoholism are up against a disease that is ... She continued "As we help clients through the 12 steps they are encouraged to turn their ... evidence-based practices, experiential therapies, and 12 step work.
Sex addict former DA admits he was 'popping Xanax like a Pez ...
Daily Mail
Sex addict former DA admits he was 'popping Xanax like a Pez dispenser' when he ...the former district attorney drew a comparison between sex addiction and ...

Daily Mail
BioRealm Gets SBIR Contract to Develop Screening Tool for ...
While studies have shown that genetics play a significant role in nicotine addiction, the genetics of tobacco addiction is not fully understood, and addiction ...
Sober Days: Anorexia, alcoholism linked?
The Desert Sun
Question: I have been in recovery with A.A. for 3½ years; I am also anorexic. Is there a connection between alcoholism and anorexia/bulimia?
BioRealm to Develop Universal Genetic Screening Tool for Tobacco ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
BioRealm's "Smokescreen" product will integrate recent advances in tobacco addiction research and allow researchers to study thousands of an individual's ...
Is the web spawning a new wave of internet addiction?
“She developed the Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire (IADQ) to diagnose ... space are no different to more traditional addictions, such as alcoholism.
Gastric Bypass surgery increases risk of alcoholism: try hypnosis first
Gastric Bypass surgery increases risk of alcoholism: try hypnosis first ... evidence of a link between gastric bypass surgery and increased alcoholism sufferers. ... es sense; people who overeat can liken the symptoms of overeating to addiction.

Substance abuse causing domestic violence in Fiji
ABC Online
The director of Fiji's Council of Social Services says he's not surprised that domestic violence caused by substance abuse cost the country an estimated $US 275 ...
Response to painkillers may be linked to genetics
Liking a drug increases the susceptibility to addiction, while experiencing negative ... Researchers believe the addiction problem could be curbed if people's ...
A Mosque for Drug Addiction Treatment
Many people might think that mosques are no place for drug addiction treatment, but those responsible for setting up a noteworthy drug treatment clinic in a ...
Adele's Secret Addiction Revealed?
KHQ Right Now
COM - A new biography describes the time in the singers life when she had a dangerous addiction -- and it nearly spun out of control.
Graduating despite an addiction
Del Buey, 17, has battled substance abuse since she was 13, and says joining the ... I like to read, I like to write now, I play guitar," said the recovering addict.
Genes May Influence Reactions to Painkillers
U.S. News & World Report
WEDNESDAY, June 20 (HealthDay News) -- Genetics play a major role in a person's risk foraddiction or unpleasant side effects when taking opioid painkillers, ...
Did You Know? - Dorchester Substance Abuse Coalition presents ...
Dorchester Substance Abuse Coalition presents “Learning to Cope” - A forum for parents and teens with several guest speakers including local men and women in recovery and Mrs. Joanne Petersonwww.learn2cope.org Tuesday, June 19, ...
IrishCentral.com - Top Stories
HIV Testing, Including Rapid Testing, in Substance Abuse Treatment ...
By Team Celebration
By offering HIV testing, including rapid HIV testing, to patients in substance abuse treatment programs, providers can help more individuals to become aware of their infection and seek care and treatment to protect their health and reduce their potential of ... NIDA and the Substance AbuseMental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network have partnered to create the “Blending Initiative,” a program to help move findings from drug abuse ...
A Celebration of Women
My parent is a sex addict and I really need support. : Sexual ...
By n539
My parents have had the same argument for years. You're a sex addict. My father has been anaddict for years. I remember as a ... ... However, if my father decides to choose his addiction I may need to cut him out. I know I can't have that type ...
Psychforums : Psychology and...
Florida Drug Rehab & Substance Abuse Problems in Thailand ...
By russbarnstein
Some of the patients who attend Florida drug rehab develop their addictions in Thailand – one of the world's hotspots for trafficking and substance abuse.
Recovery First
porn addiction, child porn, emotional affair, cyber stalking, escorts ...
By WifeOfATroubledMan
I'm a SAHM to two children (one boy, one girl) under the age of 4. My husband of 4 years has always been an amazing father (plays with the kids, reads to them every night, etc..) and a great roommate (helps clean up on the weekends, makes ...
Talk About Marriage
Monifah Resurfaces, Talks 7-Year Cocaine Addiction - Madame Noire
By Brande Victorian
When the '90s ended so did much of Monifah's mainstream career. The singer left us with singles like “Touch It” and “I Can Tell” but after she was dropped by her label, she did more low key projects, appearing in stage plays and things of that ...
Madame Noire | Black Women's...
How Alcoholism Is Linked to Extreme Weight-Loss - Digg
How Alcoholism Is Linked to Extreme Weight-Loss ... Also most people who have this type of surgery replace their eating addiction with some other addiction.
The Way Out
Chicago Tribune
The west suburban man knew about his wife's occasional trips to casinos in Joliet and Indiana, but he had no idea how deep an addiction she had until a real ...
Toronto's 'new' Centre for Addiction and Mental Health opens
Canada's largest mental health institution has been redesigned to encourage a more open atmosphere that is better connected to the surrounding community.
Addiction and forgiveness
Washington Times
Addiction is real and lasts a lifetime. ... Addicts trading one addiction for another is nothing new. ... Opium and cocaine were first sold as cures for alcoholism. . . .
Washington Times
Recovering alcoholic changes his life after having prison tattoos ...
The Desert Sun
The recovering alcoholic has been in and out of jail for a good portion of his life but ... Center in Indio where he was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction.
Former Addict Reveals Signs Of Heroin Use
KKTV 11 News
Some who had to lie and steal to feed their addiction. ... life--and his parents, despite one working in the medical field, never even suspected he was an addict.
'Overdressed' bares consumers' addiction to fashion
Boston Herald
There's a reason your closet is cluttered: The average American consumer buys 64 new pieces of clothing a year, according to a 2008 report from the American ...
Alcoholic Liver Disease May Not Lead to Cancer
MedPage Today
Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis have a lower risk of liver cancer than previously thought, Danish researchers found.
Food Addiction Workshop to be Offered by Hilton Head Health ...
PR Web (press release)
A three-day food addiction workshop is being offered June 28-30, 2012, at Hilton ...food embrace the term 'food addict' despite its misplaced negative connotation.” Volz has designed F.A.R. to be somewhere between a 12-step program and a ...
PR Web (press release)
Austin-Based Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Expands Spiritual ...
MarketWatch (press release)
"Individuals battling addiction and alcoholism are up against a disease that is ... She continued "As we help clients through the 12 steps they are encouraged to turn their ... evidence-based practices, experiential therapies, and 12 step work.
Sex addict former DA admits he was 'popping Xanax like a Pez ...
Daily Mail
Sex addict former DA admits he was 'popping Xanax like a Pez dispenser' when he ...the former district attorney drew a comparison between sex addiction and ...
Daily Mail
BioRealm Gets SBIR Contract to Develop Screening Tool for ...
While studies have shown that genetics play a significant role in nicotine addiction, the genetics of tobacco addiction is not fully understood, and addiction ...
Sober Days: Anorexia, alcoholism linked?
The Desert Sun
Question: I have been in recovery with A.A. for 3½ years; I am also anorexic. Is there a connection between alcoholism and anorexia/bulimia?
BioRealm to Develop Universal Genetic Screening Tool for Tobacco ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
BioRealm's "Smokescreen" product will integrate recent advances in tobacco addiction research and allow researchers to study thousands of an individual's ...
Is the web spawning a new wave of internet addiction?
“She developed the Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire (IADQ) to diagnose ... space are no different to more traditional addictions, such as alcoholism.
Gastric Bypass surgery increases risk of alcoholism: try hypnosis first
Gastric Bypass surgery increases risk of alcoholism: try hypnosis first ... evidence of a link between gastric bypass surgery and increased alcoholism sufferers. ... es sense; people who overeat can liken the symptoms of overeating to addiction.
Substance abuse causing domestic violence in Fiji
ABC Online
The director of Fiji's Council of Social Services says he's not surprised that domestic violence caused by substance abuse cost the country an estimated $US 275 ...
Response to painkillers may be linked to genetics
Liking a drug increases the susceptibility to addiction, while experiencing negative ... Researchers believe the addiction problem could be curbed if people's ...
A Mosque for Drug Addiction Treatment
Many people might think that mosques are no place for drug addiction treatment, but those responsible for setting up a noteworthy drug treatment clinic in a ...
Adele's Secret Addiction Revealed?
KHQ Right Now
COM - A new biography describes the time in the singers life when she had a dangerous addiction -- and it nearly spun out of control.
Graduating despite an addiction
Del Buey, 17, has battled substance abuse since she was 13, and says joining the ... I like to read, I like to write now, I play guitar," said the recovering addict.
Genes May Influence Reactions to Painkillers
U.S. News & World Report
WEDNESDAY, June 20 (HealthDay News) -- Genetics play a major role in a person's risk foraddiction or unpleasant side effects when taking opioid painkillers, ...
Did You Know? - Dorchester Substance Abuse Coalition presents ...
Dorchester Substance Abuse Coalition presents “Learning to Cope” - A forum for parents and teens with several guest speakers including local men and women in recovery and Mrs. Joanne Petersonwww.learn2cope.org Tuesday, June 19, ...
IrishCentral.com - Top Stories
HIV Testing, Including Rapid Testing, in Substance Abuse Treatment ...
By Team Celebration
By offering HIV testing, including rapid HIV testing, to patients in substance abuse treatment programs, providers can help more individuals to become aware of their infection and seek care and treatment to protect their health and reduce their potential of ... NIDA and the Substance AbuseMental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network have partnered to create the “Blending Initiative,” a program to help move findings from drug abuse ...
A Celebration of Women
My parent is a sex addict and I really need support. : Sexual ...
By n539
My parents have had the same argument for years. You're a sex addict. My father has been anaddict for years. I remember as a ... ... However, if my father decides to choose his addiction I may need to cut him out. I know I can't have that type ...
Psychforums : Psychology and...
Florida Drug Rehab & Substance Abuse Problems in Thailand ...
By russbarnstein
Some of the patients who attend Florida drug rehab develop their addictions in Thailand – one of the world's hotspots for trafficking and substance abuse.
Recovery First
porn addiction, child porn, emotional affair, cyber stalking, escorts ...
By WifeOfATroubledMan
I'm a SAHM to two children (one boy, one girl) under the age of 4. My husband of 4 years has always been an amazing father (plays with the kids, reads to them every night, etc..) and a great roommate (helps clean up on the weekends, makes ...
Talk About Marriage
Monifah Resurfaces, Talks 7-Year Cocaine Addiction - Madame Noire
By Brande Victorian
When the '90s ended so did much of Monifah's mainstream career. The singer left us with singles like “Touch It” and “I Can Tell” but after she was dropped by her label, she did more low key projects, appearing in stage plays and things of that ...
Madame Noire | Black Women's...
How Alcoholism Is Linked to Extreme Weight-Loss - Digg
How Alcoholism Is Linked to Extreme Weight-Loss ... Also most people who have this type of surgery replace their eating addiction with some other addiction.
The Way Out
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