ABC News (blog)
Specifically, they say that they have identified specific brain networks linked to impulse control and drug addiction — and that these differences exist even before an individual is exposed to drugs or alcohol. To determine this, the researchers used ...
Teens in Treatment for Substance Abuse Can Benefit From 12-Step ...
The study included 127 teens who were outpatients in substance abuse ... of the teens attendedAlcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) ... F. Kelly of the Center for AddictionMedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital said in ... The findings are published inAlcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.
Hooked: Why bad habits are hard to break
CBS News
In the battle against addiction, "just say no" is magical thinking, says Dr. Nora Volkow. She's the head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and after spending decades studying the brains of addicts, Dr. Volkow has determined that drugaddiction ...
CBS News
Substance Abuse Affects Millions, Costs Billions
Substance abuse poses risks to your workers and your business. Surveys showsubstance abuse remains one of the most serious issues facing US businesses, with more than 6 million active alcoholics employed and a price tag of $276 billion a year.
Memphis professor to study stress, alcoholism
Dr. Robert W. Williams will use the money over the next five years to study how increased stress predisposes people to addiction and alcoholism. Williams, a professor in the departments of anatomy and neurobiology and pediatrics, will have several ...
Ayahuasca May Hold Key to Breaking Addiction, But Canada Is Forcing a Doctor ...
Indian Country Today Media
All over Downtown Eastside there's also help available for junkies, addicts, alkies—detox programs, 12-step meetings, residential treatment centers, methadone clinics, safe-injection protocols. Some of the programs are sponsored by the local churches.

Indian Country Today Media
The Culprit for Food Addiction is Dopamine, Says Dr. Nora Volkow
Diets In Review (blog)
A fascinating piece aired on CBS' 60 Minutes tonight with the foremost researcher on addiction, Dr. Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In 2007, she was named by Time Magazine as one “of the 100 men and women whose power, ...
Substance abuse poses risks to your workers and your business. Surveys showsubstance abuse remains one of the most serious issues facing US businesses, with more than 6 million active alcoholics employed and a price tag of $276 billion a year.
Memphis professor to study stress, alcoholism
Dr. Robert W. Williams will use the money over the next five years to study how increased stress predisposes people to addiction and alcoholism. Williams, a professor in the departments of anatomy and neurobiology and pediatrics, will have several ...
Ayahuasca May Hold Key to Breaking Addiction, But Canada Is Forcing a Doctor ...
Indian Country Today Media
All over Downtown Eastside there's also help available for junkies, addicts, alkies—detox programs, 12-step meetings, residential treatment centers, methadone clinics, safe-injection protocols. Some of the programs are sponsored by the local churches.
Indian Country Today Media
The Culprit for Food Addiction is Dopamine, Says Dr. Nora Volkow
Diets In Review (blog)
A fascinating piece aired on CBS' 60 Minutes tonight with the foremost researcher on addiction, Dr. Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In 2007, she was named by Time Magazine as one “of the 100 men and women whose power, ...
TV ads linked to obesity, alcoholism in kids: Study
Toronto Sun
A separate study showed that kids who were familiar with alcohol advertisements on TV were more likely to have tried alcoholic beverages and binge drink than those who could not recall seeing such ads. "At present, the alcohol industry employs ...
Beating drugs a matter of faith
(AP) — It's at times an emotional thing for Steve Pope of Pauls Valley to stop and really think about the horrors he experienced from a now distant hardcore addiction to drugs. The memories of what drugs, specifically heroin, once did to his life came ...
Kicking the habit: How Prime Minister's former lover kicked drug addiction and ...
A former lover of David Cameron became a nun after beating an alcohol and drug addiction, it emerged today. Laura Adshead dated the future Prime Minister for more than a year but turned her back on a successful career to become Sister John Mary.
Are you addicted to food?
CBS News
Is compulsive overeating similar to drug addiction? In conjunction with Brookhaven University, addiction researcher Nora Volkow has been using brain imaging to study the nature of addiction. This week, she told Morley Safer that her research suggests ...

CBS News
Plymouth drug addict facing jail after 59th conviction
This is Plymouth
A CHRONIC heroin addict with 58 previous convictions is facing jail for his latest string of thefts. Plymouth magistrates locked up Daniel Heron and sent him to face a judge at Plymouth Crown Court because they felt their powers of punishment were not ...
Revealed: David Cameron's ex-girlfriend is studying to become a nun after ...
Scottish Daily Record
DAVID Cameron's ex-girlfriend became a nun after beating drug and alcohol addiction, it emerged yesterday. Laura Adshead, who was with the PM for more than a year, turned her back on a successful career to become Sister John Mary.
More than the bottle: How other addictions affect college students
Arizona Daily Wildcat
CAPS employees see students who deal with more than just an alcohol or drug addiction, according to Debra Cox-Howard, a substance abuse professional counselor at CAPS. These students are addicted to things like food, the Internet, shopping, spending, ...
Are you addicted to work? New survey claims to know the answer
Globe and Mail
The Bergen Work Addiction Scale is a questionnaire that tackles workaholism as an addiction and asks subjects to identify particular weaknesses, according to Connie K. Ho of Researcher Cecilie Schou Andreassen, from Norway's University of ...

Globe and Mail
Gladstone scientists identify brain circuitry associated with addictive ...
Science Codex
These findings also help explain the wide range of Parkinson's symptoms—and mark an important step in finding new treatments for those who suffer fromaddiction or depression. "The physical symptoms that affect people with Parkinson's—including ...

Science Codex
2012 James W. West Quality Awards: Glendale Adventist Alcohol & Drug Services
Editor's note: Established in 2001, the James W. West, MD, Quality Improvement Awards recognize member organizations of the National Association of AddictionTreatment Providers (NAATP) that improve the quality and effectiveness of their services and ...
Teen Impulsiveness Has Different Sources in ADHD, Substance Use
MSN Health & Fitness
People with ADHD are at higher risk of substance abuse and alcoholism. The explanation was thought to lie in the lack of self-control or inability to curb impulses that are part of the disorder, Whelan said. But the brain-imaging study suggests that ...
Prince George County rallies against substance abuse
Progress Index
Nearly all of the participants volunteered their time and talents to help the community take a stand against substance abuse, Browder said. "I'm very pleased with the support we've received," said event chairwoman Melissa Riddick, who started planning ...

Progress Index
Jeff Thomson: Faith can help fight addiction
La Crosse Tribune
The therapist offered that we needed to rally around people trying to escape addiction. It seemed prevention through education and awareness was the only offered method of stopping this life-threatening use of heroin. During the question-and-answer ...
60 Minutes Get Answers On Why It's Not Easy Saying No
WFMY News 2
"We know that drug addiction is a chronic disease...drugs change the brain, physically change it," she says. The changes last long after the addict stops taking the drug, says Volkow. Among her key findings is that levels of dopamine, the chemical that ...

WFMY News 2
Overcoming Addiction, Abuse & Chasing the Dragon – Recovery ...
By Jim LaPierre
The voice of addiction is like the worst peer pressure and temptation you've ever experienced times a hundred and it lives in your head 24/7. The only escape is escapism, which we take to unhealthy extremes. Ultimately the path toward ...
Recovery Rocks
Toronto Sun
A separate study showed that kids who were familiar with alcohol advertisements on TV were more likely to have tried alcoholic beverages and binge drink than those who could not recall seeing such ads. "At present, the alcohol industry employs ...
Beating drugs a matter of faith
(AP) — It's at times an emotional thing for Steve Pope of Pauls Valley to stop and really think about the horrors he experienced from a now distant hardcore addiction to drugs. The memories of what drugs, specifically heroin, once did to his life came ...
Kicking the habit: How Prime Minister's former lover kicked drug addiction and ...
A former lover of David Cameron became a nun after beating an alcohol and drug addiction, it emerged today. Laura Adshead dated the future Prime Minister for more than a year but turned her back on a successful career to become Sister John Mary.
Are you addicted to food?
CBS News
Is compulsive overeating similar to drug addiction? In conjunction with Brookhaven University, addiction researcher Nora Volkow has been using brain imaging to study the nature of addiction. This week, she told Morley Safer that her research suggests ...
CBS News
Plymouth drug addict facing jail after 59th conviction
This is Plymouth
A CHRONIC heroin addict with 58 previous convictions is facing jail for his latest string of thefts. Plymouth magistrates locked up Daniel Heron and sent him to face a judge at Plymouth Crown Court because they felt their powers of punishment were not ...
Revealed: David Cameron's ex-girlfriend is studying to become a nun after ...
Scottish Daily Record
DAVID Cameron's ex-girlfriend became a nun after beating drug and alcohol addiction, it emerged yesterday. Laura Adshead, who was with the PM for more than a year, turned her back on a successful career to become Sister John Mary.
More than the bottle: How other addictions affect college students
Arizona Daily Wildcat
CAPS employees see students who deal with more than just an alcohol or drug addiction, according to Debra Cox-Howard, a substance abuse professional counselor at CAPS. These students are addicted to things like food, the Internet, shopping, spending, ...
Are you addicted to work? New survey claims to know the answer
Globe and Mail
The Bergen Work Addiction Scale is a questionnaire that tackles workaholism as an addiction and asks subjects to identify particular weaknesses, according to Connie K. Ho of Researcher Cecilie Schou Andreassen, from Norway's University of ...
Globe and Mail
Gladstone scientists identify brain circuitry associated with addictive ...
Science Codex
These findings also help explain the wide range of Parkinson's symptoms—and mark an important step in finding new treatments for those who suffer fromaddiction or depression. "The physical symptoms that affect people with Parkinson's—including ...
Science Codex
2012 James W. West Quality Awards: Glendale Adventist Alcohol & Drug Services
Editor's note: Established in 2001, the James W. West, MD, Quality Improvement Awards recognize member organizations of the National Association of AddictionTreatment Providers (NAATP) that improve the quality and effectiveness of their services and ...
Teen Impulsiveness Has Different Sources in ADHD, Substance Use
MSN Health & Fitness
People with ADHD are at higher risk of substance abuse and alcoholism. The explanation was thought to lie in the lack of self-control or inability to curb impulses that are part of the disorder, Whelan said. But the brain-imaging study suggests that ...
Prince George County rallies against substance abuse
Progress Index
Nearly all of the participants volunteered their time and talents to help the community take a stand against substance abuse, Browder said. "I'm very pleased with the support we've received," said event chairwoman Melissa Riddick, who started planning ...
Progress Index
Jeff Thomson: Faith can help fight addiction
La Crosse Tribune
The therapist offered that we needed to rally around people trying to escape addiction. It seemed prevention through education and awareness was the only offered method of stopping this life-threatening use of heroin. During the question-and-answer ...
60 Minutes Get Answers On Why It's Not Easy Saying No
WFMY News 2
"We know that drug addiction is a chronic disease...drugs change the brain, physically change it," she says. The changes last long after the addict stops taking the drug, says Volkow. Among her key findings is that levels of dopamine, the chemical that ...
WFMY News 2
Overcoming Addiction, Abuse & Chasing the Dragon – Recovery ...
By Jim LaPierre
The voice of addiction is like the worst peer pressure and temptation you've ever experienced times a hundred and it lives in your head 24/7. The only escape is escapism, which we take to unhealthy extremes. Ultimately the path toward ...
Recovery Rocks
White House drug policy focuses on treating addiction - CNN
The U.S. government's drug strategy should focus more on treating addiction and less on imposing harsh prison sentences, the White House said Tuesday.
The U.S. government's drug strategy should focus more on treating addiction and less on imposing harsh prison sentences, the White House said Tuesday.