12-Step Programs: Working Toward Freedom from Addiction ...
These programs are essential for family members and friends of the addict. I want to emphasize to parents the importance of embracing the 12-Steps into your ... on the original 12-Step concept launched by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. .... of them) the intended philosophies of 12 twelve step, there are those who do not.
These programs are essential for family members and friends of the addict. I want to emphasize to parents the importance of embracing the 12-Steps into your ... on the original 12-Step concept launched by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. .... of them) the intended philosophies of 12 twelve step, there are those who do not.
His brother told the San Jose Mercury News newspaper that the painter had battled alcoholism for several years and suffered a relapse before he died. Patrick Kinkade said his brother had been burdened in recent years by a separation from his wife, ...
Is the Internet Driving Pornography Addiction Among School-Aged Kids?
ABC News
He has a high GPA, serves on the student council and swims competitively, but Haug had a secret he kept hidden from his family and friends during his early teen years -- he suffered from an addiction to online pornography. This 17-year-old from Alpine, ...
ABC News
Are You a Facebook Addict?
By Janice Wood Associate News Editor Researchers from Norway have developed a new way to measure Facebook addiction called the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale. Headed by Cecilie Schou Andreassen, Ph.D., at the University of Bergen, the Facebook ...
Report: Thomas Kinkade's death was caused by accidental overdose of alcohol ...
Boston Herald
He eventually separated from his long-time wife, was arrested for drunken driving and battled an alcohol addiction. Dr. Joseph O'Hara, the county's lead medical examiner, said in a report dated Wednesday that the cause of Kinkade's death was accidental ...
Now, scale to measure Facebook addiction
Zee News
To measure this addiction researchers from Norway have developed a new instrument called the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale. The use of Facebook has increased rapidly. We are dealing with a subdivision of Internet addictionconnected to social media, ...
Zee News
Are you a Facebook addict? Newly designed test can tell you
According to a news report from the University of Bergen (UiB), researchers from UiB have developed an instrument called the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale to measure an individual's use of Facebook. The project has been headed up by Doctor of ...
Gregg Allman Memoir Reveals Addiction, Grief, Finding God
Christian Post
The 64-year-old co-founder of the Allman Brothers opens up about many bouts with drug and alcohol addiction as well as woes with women that have included seven divorces. With open and honest conversational style, the book also reveals Allman's ...
Facebook Addiction Is Real
Noticing the rapid use of Facebook and reliance upon it for human connection, Doctor of Psychology Cecilie Schou Andreassen created a research project called Facebook Addiction at the University of Bergen (UiB). An article detailing the results has ...
Now, a measuring scale to assess your addiction to Facebook
Daily News & Analysis
Are you a social media enthusiast or simply a Facebook addict? Researchers from Norway have developed a new tool to measure this phenomenon — the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS). In January 2011, 227 women and 196 men participated in BFAS tests.
Measure your Facebook addiction
Moneylife Personal Finance site and magazine
A research conducted by the University of Bergen, Norway, revealed that Facebook addictionoccurs regularly among younger than older users. It was also found that people who are anxious and socially insecure use Facebook, probably because they find it ...
Teenage alcoholic caught when he went back to store
Shields Gazette
By PAUL CLIFFORD AN alcoholic who stole a bottle of booze from a store in South Tyneside has been told to change his ways. Ryan Lee was arrested as he made a return visit to Jarrow's B&M Bargains after a security guard recognised him from CCTV coverage ...
Shields Gazette
Is the Internet Driving Porn Addiction Among School-Aged Kids?
But Haug had a secret he kept hidden from his family and friends during his early teen years -- he suffered from an addiction to online pornography. This 17-year-old from Alpine, Utah, is one of eight children, and one of the oldest still living at ...
How to measure your Facebook addiction
TG Daily
According to Andreassen, Facebook addiction occurs most frequently amongst younger users, and tends to ensnare individuals who are anxious or socially insecure - probably because they find it easier to communicate via social media than face-to-face.
TG Daily
New Pharmacogenetic Center for Addiction and Mental Health Established in Ontario
By a GenomeWeb staff reporter NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – A new center in Ontario, Canada focused on pharmacogenetic applications for addiction and mental health has been established with a C$19 million (US$19.1 million) investment.
Thomas Kincade's death ruled an 'accidental overdose'
Entertainment Weekly
His brother has said Kinkade battled alcoholism and relapsed before his death. A judge last month issued a restraining order against a former girlfriend that prevents her from talking about the late painter.
Are you a Facebook addict? Take the doctor-designed test
Globe and Mail
It may sound laughable, but psychologists at the University of Bergen in Norway have come up with six questions designed to detect full-blown Facebook addiction. You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook.
Globe and Mail
Cell Phone Addiction on the Rise
Are you addicted to your cell phone? Could you go several hours -- or several days -- without it? A new survey indicates that as many as 66 percent of us have Nomophobia, better known as the fear of not having your mobile phone with you.
Thomas Kinkade Died of Alcohol and Tranquilizers: Autopsy
People Magazine
In an interview last month, the artist's brother, Patrick Kinkade, said Thomas had battledalcoholism for as long as five years. Also beset with financial reverses, Kinkade had separated from his wife, Nanette, and their four daughters in 2010.
How substance abuse affects decision making
Royal Gazette
He said it's important to recognise that substance addiction is a biological problem. “You can't just think of addiction as a social issue,” he explained. Drugs like dopamine, a chemical messenger in the brain which is linked to learning through use of ...
'Combatting Rising Substance Abuse In The Community'
Abu Dhabi City Guide
HE Dr.Hamad Al Ghaferi, NRC's Director General said: “At NRC, we recognise that substance abuse is a condition that has consequences on one's family relationships and health. However, it also impacts the nation's economic growth and its long term ...
Thomas Kinkade cause of death: alcohol, Valium
USA TODAY (blog)
Kinkade's brother, Patrick, has said Kinkade battled alcoholism and relapsed before his death. Patrick Kinkade said his brother had been burdened in recent years by a separation from his wife, financial troubles and the low opinion of his work by ...

USA TODAY (blog)
Eavesdropping In: Why You Should Exercise Less, How To Tell If You're A ...
[NYT] - Are you a Facebook addict? (Spoiler: You are) If you score "often" or "always" on four of the six items below, it's time to unplug for a minute. [Gizmodo] -You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook.

Facebook addiction scale
MyFox Tampa Bay
Researchers in Norway have been studying Facebook dependence and have come up with some criteria to assess addiction to the social networking site. You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook.

MyFox Tampa Bay
Whitney Houston's Death Raises Addiction Questions | FYI BeHealthy
How Is Addiction Treated? Most of us are familiar with 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Such programs, which offer intensive community support, can be very effective. But ultimately, the most effective addiction treatment varies from person to person, says substance abuse treatment expert Goldman. “Treatment is a very personal choice,” Goldman tells WebMD. “Nowadays there are many options: medications, individual psychotherapy, group therapy, family therapy, ...
FYI BeHealthy
USA TODAY (blog)
Kinkade's brother, Patrick, has said Kinkade battled alcoholism and relapsed before his death. Patrick Kinkade said his brother had been burdened in recent years by a separation from his wife, financial troubles and the low opinion of his work by ...
USA TODAY (blog)
Eavesdropping In: Why You Should Exercise Less, How To Tell If You're A ...
[NYT] - Are you a Facebook addict? (Spoiler: You are) If you score "often" or "always" on four of the six items below, it's time to unplug for a minute. [Gizmodo] -You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook.
Facebook addiction scale
MyFox Tampa Bay
Researchers in Norway have been studying Facebook dependence and have come up with some criteria to assess addiction to the social networking site. You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook.
MyFox Tampa Bay
Whitney Houston's Death Raises Addiction Questions | FYI BeHealthy
How Is Addiction Treated? Most of us are familiar with 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Such programs, which offer intensive community support, can be very effective. But ultimately, the most effective addiction treatment varies from person to person, says substance abuse treatment expert Goldman. “Treatment is a very personal choice,” Goldman tells WebMD. “Nowadays there are many options: medications, individual psychotherapy, group therapy, family therapy, ...
FYI BeHealthy
Restricting Pain Control Versus Preventing Addiction | Psychology ...
By Dennis Rosen, M.D.
Restricting Pain Control Versus Preventing Addiction. Keeping kids away from pain meds shouldn't increase patient suffering. Published on May 7, 2012 by Dennis Rosen, M.D. in Sleeping Angels. This post is NOT about sleep. Not real sleep ...
Psychology Today Blogs
All About Alcoholism And What You Can Do | Alcoholism .Net
Dial 1-800-303-4415 to be connected right now with an alcoholism specialist. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, we have resources that ... the globe who really have a very tough time dealing with this addiction. ... there that will absolutely be able to help an alcoholiccompletely abstain from taking in alcohol.
The Bergen Work Addiction Scale
Bergen, Norway. Researchers have developed and applied The Bergen Work Addiction Scale, showing that it reliably differentiates between workaholics and ...