Russell Brand: Addiction is an illness not a crime
BBC News
Addiction should be treated as a health problem rather than a criminal matter, comedian Russell Brand has told a committee of MPs. The 36-year-old former heroinaddict described addiction as an "illness" and said that those suffering from it should be ...

BBC News
BBC News
Addiction should be treated as a health problem rather than a criminal matter, comedian Russell Brand has told a committee of MPs. The 36-year-old former heroinaddict described addiction as an "illness" and said that those suffering from it should be ...
BBC News
The upbeat intro showed the young male and female dancer, she as the addict, and he, as the addiction itself. They stepped onto the dark stage, and the dance ...
Comedian Russell Brand speaks to UK MPs on drug addiction
Chicago Tribune
Related Comedian Russell Brand speaks to UK MPs on drug addiction Comedian and actor Russell Brand is seen addressing the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee in a still image taken from video in central London Comedian and actor Russell Brand is ...
'Anti-alcoholism' drug cleared for use in France
Medical Xpress
French health authorities have approved the use of a drug, originally designed to treat nervous spasms, for the treatment of alcoholism on a "case by case" basis. AFSSAPS, the regulator that authorises drugs, said that while the drug Baclofen had not ...
Brand all for legalizing drugs
Chicago Sun-Times
Brand testified to a British parliamentary committee on Tuesday about his own experience of addiction, and said society should not “discard people, write them off Comedian Russell Brand says “love and compassion” are the key to weaning addicts off ...
Drug addiction - an illness not a crime, says Russell Brand - Celebrity News
San Francisco Luxury News
I'm saying that, to a drug addict, the legal aspect is irrelevant. If you need to get drugs, you will. “The criminal and legal status, I think, sends the wrong message. Being arrested isn'ta lesson, it's just an administrative blip.
Brand gives MPs lesson in heroin addiction
The comic actor told the Commons home affairs select committee, which is reviewing UK drugs policy, that he overcame an addiction to heroin, and that he did not support the “just say no” message. “I think some people can safely take drugs, ...
Gambling addiction figures soar in Ireland according to reports
Online betting is leading to a massive increase in gambling addiction amongst young people in Ireland according to experts. The Irish Examiner reports an 'alarming' increase in the numbers of young people seeking help with their gambling habit.
Russell Brand addresses British government about drug policies and addiction
Comedian and actor, Russell Brand, appeared before the British government on Tuesday to speak to politicians about current drug policies and share his insight on drug addiction. The comedian/actor revealed personal details of his struggle with ...
Reuters People News Summary
Chicago Tribune
Comedian Russell Brand speaks to UK MPs on drug addiction LONDON (Reuters) - Comedian and actor Russell Brand told the British government on Tuesday that it needs to adopt a pragmatic approach to address the social issues that lead young people to take ...
Binge eating may lead to addiction-like behaviors
Science Daily (press release)
ScienceDaily (Apr. 24, 2012) — A history of binge eating -- consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time -- may make an individual more likely to show other addiction-like behaviors, including substance abuse, according to Penn State ...
Alcoholism Can Now Be Treated with Prescription Drugs
Now, however, it could be a whole lot easier: France has just cleared a new anti-alcoholism drug for use by its nation of claret swillers. Originally designed to treat nervous spasms, Baclofen—which goes by the trade names Kemstro, Lioresal and ...
Demand overwhelms addicts' flexible support program
Salt Lake Tribune
While most government-subsidized substance abuse programs are for people ordered into treatment by the courts, Utah wanted Access To Recovery funds to be used for the general population struggling with addiction. ATR's popularity highlights the pent-up ...
Prescription Drug Addiction 'Could Happen to Anyone'
A family shares their story of the effects of addiction, and Detective Sgt. Sean McKenna offers advice on what to do when it comes to prescription drug abuse. By Bryan Littel Connie Tighe talks about some of the steps parents can take to prevent ...
WATCH: Russell Brand tells British MPs of drug battle in comical hearing
New York Post
LONDON -- Comedian Russell Brand brought some color to British politics on Tuesday as he gave evidence to a committee hearing about his battle with drug addiction. The 36-year-old, who recently divorced singer Katy Perry, wore a black hat, ...
Web of addiction
Irish Examiner
By Michael Clifford and Georgina O'Halloran There has been an alarming increase in the number of young men seeking treatment for gambling addiction because of the popularity of online betting and ease of access to internet sites.
Former MetroHealth official: Sex addiction made me take bribes
Plain Dealer
By James F. McCarty, The Plain Dealer CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Former MetroHealth Vice President John Carroll, who is serving nine years in prison for taking bribes from a hospital contractor, now blames his criminal behavior on an addiction to sex.
Plain Dealer
Addiction is an illness - Brand
British comedian and former heroin addict Russell Brand told lawmakers on Tuesday that addicts should be treated "with love and compassion" and not as criminals. The Forgetting Sarah Marshall star said drug dependency should be treated as an illness ...
Russell Brand calls change to drug law - Entertainment News
San Francisco Luxury News
The former alcoholic and heroin addict was invited to share his experiences at a House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee hearing into drug policies taking place in London on Tuesday. He told the hearing his drug demons had forced him to become a ...
Iowa, Johnson County substance abuse numbers higher than national averages
UI The Daily Iowan
BY JORDYN REILAND | APRIL 25, 2012 6:30 AM Iowans may be spending more than most people across the country in substance-abuse-related issues, Iowa health officials say. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, substance abuse costs people in ...
Russell Brand Urges MPs To Change Drugs Laws
He told the Home Affairs Select Committee: "To a drug addict, the legal status is irrelevant. It is at best an inconvenience. "If you need to get drugs because you're a drug addict, you're going to get drugs regardless of their legal status.
Brand opens up about drugs
Independent Online
The 36-year-old actor – who is himself a recovered heroin addict – has told a panel of British Members of Parliament reviewing the government's drugs strategy that many people who take drugs consider the law as an “inconvenience” and an alternative ...
Russell Brand testifies before Parliament -- VIDEO
Entertainment Weekly (blog)
According to The Guardian, Brand's main objective today was to advocate for treating drug addiction as a health and social welfare issue rather than as a criminal one. Despite cracking jokes, the funnyman got serious for a few moments, saying, ...
Entertainment Weekly (blog)
Brand tells of 'rough' drug battle
COMEDIAN Russell Brand brought some colour to British politics as he gave evidence about his battle with drug addiction. The 36-year-old, who recently divorced singer Katy Perry, wore a black hat, gold chains and crosses and a torn black vest top for ...
Russell Brand Testifies on Drug Addiction, Calls It a Health Matter
E! Online
Per UK reports, the 36-year-old Brand—speaking as someone who had been arrested "roughly" 12 times during his own struggle with drugs—testified that treating addictionas a health issue rather than a criminal one was a "brilliant idea.
E! Online
Russell Brand Testifies 'Love & Compassion' Best Treatment For Drug Addiction
Brand, a former drug addict himself arrested an estimated dozen times, appeared before the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee to advocate that drug abuse be treated as a social disease rather than a crime. He said he himself became an addict ...
The Collegian » Addiction professionals visit campus
By Johnathan Wilbanks
According the National Center of Addiction, one in five college students is turning to prescription drugs to perform well on tests and tackle papers. Huerta said that he was pleased with the panel's presentation. “The panel made it clear, he said, ...
The Collegian
Understanding Drug Use, Drug Abuse, And Addiction | In Flex We ...
By WiL
04.24.12 | No Comments. People experiment with drugs for many different reasons. Use doesn't automatically lead to abuse, and there is no specific level at which drug use moves from casual to problematic. It varies by individual. HelpGuide.
In Flex We Trust
Web of addiction | Online Casino News
By admin
There has been an alarming increase in the number of young men seeking treatment for gambling addiction. ... in major debt or has been arrested for fraud and theft.” He said the age profile of the gambling addict has changed in recent years.
Online Casino News
Oh No They Didn't! - Russell Brand says 'addiction should be treated ...
By x_butterfly_x
Comedian Russell Brand has told MPs that taking drugs should not be seen as a "criminal or judicial matter" and users should be shown more compassion. Appearing in Parliament, Mr Brand said drugaddiction was primarily a "health matter" ...
Oh No They Didn't!
Addiction Inbox: A Drug For Marijuana Withdrawal?
By Dirk Hanson
Addiction Inbox. The Science of Substance Abuse. Dirk Hanson. Articles and health studies about drugs, addiction and alcoholism, including the most recent scientific and medical findings.
Addiction Inbox
Holistic Approach to the Addiction Recovery Process – Article ...
By admin
As with every health condition, decreasing stress and boosting one's immunity and psychological resilience can help the body cope better, heal more quickly, and maintain health. The article link below describes how the holistic approach can ...
American Holistic Health Association...
Indian State Finds Itself in Tight Grip of Addiction - The New York ...
Indian State Finds Itself in Tight Grip of Addiction ... Dr. Rana Ranbir Singh, a psychiatrist in a government-run clinic, talked to a patient being treated for drug addiction in ... Mr. Singh, the H.I.V.-positive addict, lives at his parents' home with his ...
Wendell Berry Quotes (Author of Jayber Crow): "“People use drugs, legal and illegal, because their lives are intolerably painful or dull. They hate their work and find no rest in their leisure. They are estranged from their families and their neighbors. It should tell us something that in healthy societies drug use is celebrative, convivial, and occasional, whereas among us it is lonely, shameful, and addictive. We need drugs, apparently, because we have lost each other. (pg. 61, "Racism and the Economy")” ― Wendell Berry, The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays"