Addiction is a lethal business, and we often forget, reading a survivor's account, the frequent mortal cost of drug use. Bill Clegg doesn't forget that the addict's will to live must be committed to each day. His memoir of crack use and recovery is ...
From drug addiction, former Menard High star returns to baseball
Alexandria Town Talk
The young man whose life on drugs careened and collapsed to such a degree that, at one time, he was homeless and nearly committed suicide, has shaken the addiction, according to the athlete and his coach and some teammates.
Don't cut addiction treatment services
The Newark Advocate
Adequate investment in addiction treatment services. Are you surprised? » Ohio is in the middle of an opiate epidemic (prescription pain killers and heroin), and we are losing one Ohioan every six hours because of accidental drug overdoses (Source: ...
Crossword addiction presents a real puzzle
Jackson Clarion Ledger
Still, many newspapers don't offer it, so we should be grateful this one feeds our hopeless addiction, which I am. If The CL ever decides to drop it, I'm afraid I'll have to submit a strongly worded letter-to-the-editor, one filled with plays on words, ...
Event Teaches Kids About Substance Abuse and Internet Safety
The Ohio county Substance Abuse Coalition, Safe Place, and the Ohio County Sheriff's Department were among the many local organizations at the event. Children had the opportunity to ride a bicycle while wearing fatal vision goggles to see what it is ...
Our energy addiction unabated even after disaster
Macon Telegraph (blog)
We would rather destroy to feed our energy addiction than consider the consequences of our actions. We have members of Congress who have never seen a measure to protect the environment they agree with, even though the spill in the Gulf has caused ...
Bollywood encouraging alcoholism?
Hindustan Times
After being blamed for India's water woes, encouraging smoking and inspiring real life crime, now a new study has held it responsible for the increasing alcoholism among youngsters. Dubai, on Friday — Alcohol consumption is three times higher in ...
Hindustan Times
Drug addict jailed for theft
Derbyshire Times
Heroin addict Jamie Powazinski stole toy trains from a Clay Cross supermarket to give to his son, Chesterfield magistrates' court heard. His solicitor Phil Bloore told the court: “He feels prison is the only way he can rid himself of drug addiction.
Derbyshire Times
Woman kills alcoholic hubby
Times of India
Iranna an alcoholic had taken a loan of Rs. 40000, and beat up his wife and children regularly. He also sold his wife's jewellery to feed his drinking habit. On Friday night, the couple had a quarrel over his drinking habit. In a fit of rage Sushilabai ...
Task force brings SOLACE to Stark
Canton Repository
Krohn, a resident of Ohio's Scioto County, often referred to as “Pharmageddon,” said she has witnessed widespread opiate addiction and works with law enforcement to close “pill mills.” Stark County is in Krohn's sites as she brings her organization, ...
Hub homeless nonprofit celebrates 25th
Boston Herald
By Ira Kantor Substance abuse and “misplaced values” landed Franklyn McLaughlin in jail for more than a third of his life, but the 49-year-old now has a new outlook on his personal and vocational future thanks to Friends of Boston's Homeless.
More babies testing positive for drugs at FMC
Lancaster Eagle Gazette
She counsels mothers whose babies are born with substance abuse issues and mothers who are taking drugs while pregnant. / Matthew Berry/Eagle-Gazette Fairfield County Child Protective Services will have its annual candlelight vigil at 6:30 pm Thursday ...
Dear Mariella
The Guardian
He is a recovering alcoholic and sex addict, prone to moodiness, verbal abuse and emotional distance nearly always directed at me. He is seeking help with Alcoholics Anonymous and Sex Addicts Anonymous and he seems to be entering these associations ...
The Guardian
Finding a nickname for Madison Bumgarner
San Francisco Chronicle
"She died of addiction. She was addicted to prescription drugs, and I don't hide that. "Dena was a wonderful, beautiful girl, but when she and her husband divorced, she went through some tough times, and the doctor gave her some medicine, ...
Delaware County battling legal, illegal opiates
Muncie Star Press
By the late 1700s, opium addiction was widespread in China and the Chinese government set up opium dens to house addicts in order to prevent opium related crimes on the streets. The Chinese government outlawed opium in 1729 but the British continued to ...
Exclusive interview: Nadia Lockyer tells traumatic story of how affair, drugs ...
San Jose Mercury News
They were a confusing attempt to explain her tortured, drug-fueled affair with a meth addict and her crumbling marriage to state Treasurer Bill Lockyer, who is three decades her senior. One email that ended "Goodbye to everyone" seemed so desperate, ...
He said the Punjab government would soon evolve a time bound action plan to tackle the problem of drug addiction and initiate a campaign to motivate the youths fallen prey to drugs so as to bring them back to the mainstream through proper counselling ...
Creating Space for Recovering Artists
Laguna Beach Independent
With new pieces being submitted all the time, a rotation system will soon be necessary, admits co-owner Jerry Thompson, 77, a recovering alcoholic who opened the gallery with two partners. “We don't want to turn anyone away,” said Thompson, ...
Pregnant smokers 'need more help'
Your Local Guardian
In the past 12 months a shocking 267 smokers and three heroin-dependant mums at Kingston Hospital refused to give up their addiction while pregnant, leading to the premature birth of two babies, a Comet investigation has revealed.
Anglicare Tasmania wants pokie players to stand
Adelaide Now
Chris Jones says removing chairs could help break the cycle of poker machine addiction. Picture: Heather Faulkner Source: HWT Image Library Anglicare says: "If they want a break, they can sit elsewhere." A TASMANIAN welfare agency wants pokie players ...
Dani Garavelli: Here's to an adult take on teenage drinking
Photograph: PA I WAS less than ten years old when I had my first alcoholic beverage, a little bit of red wine topped up with lemonade so it looked like fizzy Ribena. I don't remember the occasion, but it would have been a birthday or Christmas or other ...

Will mental health, addictions services be addressed?
The Guardian Charlottetown
Islanders who have been calling for improvements in mental health and addiction treatment services should take only cautious encouragement from the province's commitment expressed in the recent throne speech to review such services.
The “Talk” is Not Enough -- Protecting our Children from ...
By LDS Hope
LDS parents are always asking for help on how to talk to their children about pornography. Brannon Patrick LDS pornography addiction counselor provides great insight into how to keep the discussion going about this important topic.
LDS Hope and Recovery
Your Local Guardian
In the past 12 months a shocking 267 smokers and three heroin-dependant mums at Kingston Hospital refused to give up their addiction while pregnant, leading to the premature birth of two babies, a Comet investigation has revealed.
Anglicare Tasmania wants pokie players to stand
Adelaide Now
Chris Jones says removing chairs could help break the cycle of poker machine addiction. Picture: Heather Faulkner Source: HWT Image Library Anglicare says: "If they want a break, they can sit elsewhere." A TASMANIAN welfare agency wants pokie players ...
Dani Garavelli: Here's to an adult take on teenage drinking
Photograph: PA I WAS less than ten years old when I had my first alcoholic beverage, a little bit of red wine topped up with lemonade so it looked like fizzy Ribena. I don't remember the occasion, but it would have been a birthday or Christmas or other ...
Will mental health, addictions services be addressed?
The Guardian Charlottetown
Islanders who have been calling for improvements in mental health and addiction treatment services should take only cautious encouragement from the province's commitment expressed in the recent throne speech to review such services.
The “Talk” is Not Enough -- Protecting our Children from ...
By LDS Hope
LDS parents are always asking for help on how to talk to their children about pornography. Brannon Patrick LDS pornography addiction counselor provides great insight into how to keep the discussion going about this important topic.
LDS Hope and Recovery
Signs someone is becoming a alcoholic? - SoberRecovery ...
By AdrenalineJunki
Is it a sign that somebody is becoming addict to drinking if they get really drunk every weekend and have a beer or two nearly everyday? ... Also my addict to adrenaline rush start out the same way! At first I just get it from kickboxing then it ...
By AdrenalineJunki
Is it a sign that somebody is becoming addict to drinking if they get really drunk every weekend and have a beer or two nearly everyday? ... Also my addict to adrenaline rush start out the same way! At first I just get it from kickboxing then it ...
Evidence-based policy wrong-headed | Addiction & Recovery News
By Jason Schwartz
To drive home the distinction between scientific evidence and its application, consider the strong scientific evidence that risk for addiction is highest in adolescence. It is just as evidence-informed to respond to these data by targeting alcohol ...
Addiction & Recovery News
Alcohol use in Bollywood movies impacting alcohol use among ...
Alcohol use in Bollywood movies impacting alcohol use among Indian adolescents -Alcoholism and alcohol abuse news- ... A family history of alcoholism may make adolescent brains respond differently · Stanford research casts sober light on ...
Mental Health news from Armenian...
Blending conference translates substance abuse research into ...
Experts will share the latest clinical research with addiction ...
Alcohol use in Bollywood movies impacting alcohol use among Indian adolescents -Alcoholism and alcohol abuse news- ... A family history of alcoholism may make adolescent brains respond differently · Stanford research casts sober light on ...
Mental Health news from Armenian...
Blending conference translates substance abuse research into ...
Experts will share the latest clinical research with addiction ...