Vets prone to addiction get risky painkillers - Army News | News from ...
By The Associated Press
Iraq and Afghanistan vets with PTSD who already had substance abuse problems were four times more likely to get these drugs than vets without mental health problems, according to the study. Subsequent suicides, other self-inflicted injuries, ...
Army Times - News
By The Associated Press
Iraq and Afghanistan vets with PTSD who already had substance abuse problems were four times more likely to get these drugs than vets without mental health problems, according to the study. Subsequent suicides, other self-inflicted injuries, ...
Army Times - News
The Atlantic
This protagonist, Randy Chalmers, is an ex-cop turned high-end contractor whose equilibrium is destroyed when his Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor turns up dead in a hotel room from a heroin overdose. On his quest for answers, he hurls profanity and fists ...
The Atlantic
Vets prone to drug addiction get risky painkillers
Fox News
Iraq and Afghanistan vets with PTSD who already had substance abuse problems were four times more likely to get these drugs than vets without mental health problems, according to the study. Subsequent suicides, other self-inflicted injuries, ...
Dating a recovering addict (blog)
He's an alcoholic/addict. We're in our mid-20s. When I first met him, he was smoking pot (more and more as time progressed) and drinking a lot. We slept together the first time we hung out. In the beginning, we were happy and had fun, although I always ...
A Gambler's Addiction: A Hopeful Recovery
Jim is on his way to recovering from an addiction he felt he never had control over. "It was like someone tripped a switch from that point forward, and that was about two-and-a-half, three years ago," Jim said. "From that point forward I'd do anything ...
Tila Tequila to Enter Rehab For Substance Abuse, Psychological Issues
The Hollywood Gossip
Troubled star Tila Tequila has agreed to enter rehab for substance abuse in addition to seeking treatment for psychological issues, her manager says. The MySpace celeb / fame-seeker agreed to rehab after several of her friends staged a miniature ...
Trowbridge addict burgled neighbours
This Is Wiltshire
A man who broke into the home of elderly neighbours to steal cheque books, bank cards and jewellery while they were in hospital has been jailed for two years. Gary Gent, 45, even took a debit card stored in the wheelchair of a blind woman as he ...
Online Gaming Officially Makes You an Internet Addict in Korea
The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) in South Korea released the results of last year's survey aimed at studying the causes of internet addiction. The Ministry conducted the study from October to December 2011, which was just around the ...
A healthy addiction! Brooke Mueller stocks up on frozen yoghurt as her ...
Daily Mail
Her very public and very dark battles with substance abuse, Charlie and the courts have been played out for us all to see. But now, and in a twist that is as happy as it is unexpected, Brooke seems to have beaten the odds and whipped her inner demons.

Daily Mail
More risk for addiction-prone vets
Philadelphia Inquirer
By Lindsey Tanner AP CHICAGO - Morphine and similar powerful painkillers are sometimes prescribed to recent war veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress along with physical pain, and the consequences can be tragic, a government study suggests.
Substance abuse group, Chemung County florists team up to spread Safe Prom message
Corning Leader
By Austin Prickett The non-profit substance abuse group Trinity of Chemung County is working with local businesses to keep teens safe on prom night. Trinity, which seeks to treat or prevent chemical dependency, is seeking to keep teens sober on prom ...
GUEST COMMENTARY: Youth gambling addiction could have lifelong consequences
Two percent of gamblers even develop pathological addiction symptoms. Gambling addiction is as real and as dangerous as being addicted to drugs or alcohol -- and some gambling addicts are children. It sometimes comes as a surprise to learn that ...
Survey affirms that gambling addiction is not about the money
Bismarck Tribune
“Although many gamblers are motivated early on by winning money, the addiction is really about escaping negative feelings and difficult life experiences,” said Vig, in a release. Lutheran Social Services gambling counselor Dawn Cronin has worked in ...
Addict snapped by witness
This is Cornwall
"When you are taking heroin your moral compass changes and all that matters in your life is the need to fund your addiction. It is a sad story". Prosecutor Caroline Fleming said that when Robinson was found in the staff room at the Dunelm premises he ...
Cause of Death: Addiction?
Huffington Post (blog)
Unfortunately, this thirst for the sensational displays a profound misunderstanding of the disease of addiction and adds to the stigma attached to the disease already hidden behind a curtain of silence and a wealth of misunderstanding.
Vets prone to drug addiction get risky painkillers
Click here Vets prone to drug addiction get risky painkillers Originally published: March 6, 2012 4:09 PM Updated: March 6, 2012 9:31 PM By The Associated Press LINDSEY TANNER (AP Medical Writer) (AP) -- Morphine and similar powerful painkillers are ...

Harrison Parents Receive Education on Addiction
The Daily Harrison
by Greg Maker (email) Now focusing on helping others facing addiction, former addict Tim Rader speaks with parents at Harrison High School. HARRISON NY – Experts said that misinformation onaddiction can be harmful to treatment, parents learned at ...
Ex-Addict's Struggle Helping to Advocate Change
You know what I mean, just my kids," Beth, a re coving addict said. The woman Beth is today is not the woman she was two years ago. While she did not want to give out her last name, Beth hopes her story give hope to other addicts.
Survey: Ten Percent of American Adults Report Being in Recovery from Substance ...
Sacramento Bee
By The Partnership at NEW YORK, March 6, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Survey data released today by The Partnership at and The New York State Office ofAlcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) show that 10 percent of ...
New App for beating addiction
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) -Curbing the craving; millions of Americans suffer from addiction, whether it's alcohol, prescription drugs or gambling. Now, there's an App for that. The App alerts addicts they are headed into a weak moment, ...
23.5 Million Americans in Recovery
About - News & Issues
A national survey conducted by the Partnership at and New York State Office ofAlcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) indicates that 10 percent of all adults over age 18 in the US consider themselves to be in recovery.
Family issues plea for leads
Vancouver Sun
Dodd, a 27-year-old drug addict, was shot in the head inside a crack shack in the 13000-block of 108th Avenue. "All of the witnesses fled the scene and Steven was transported to hospital where he remained on life support for several days," said Sgt.
Whitney Houston was a Drug Addict Before Bobby Brown Came Along
Since Whitney Houston's death, people keep talking and speculating what exactly happened in that bathroom the afternoon she supposedly drowned in the bathtub. Now some new details have surfaced about Whitney's drug problem and it actually seems to have ...
Parenting Teens: Why Being the Cool Parent Isn't So Cool ...
By David Sack, M.D.
Not only are teens at increased risk of addiction, their still-developing bodies and brains are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of drug use. Studies show that ... A national poll by the University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital shows that while parents accurately estimate the rate of substance abuse among other teens, they remain blissfully ignorant of their own children's drug use. Rather than turning a .... And there is no evidence that 12-step... Heather: Excellent ...
Addiction Recovery
Fox News
Iraq and Afghanistan vets with PTSD who already had substance abuse problems were four times more likely to get these drugs than vets without mental health problems, according to the study. Subsequent suicides, other self-inflicted injuries, ...
Dating a recovering addict (blog)
He's an alcoholic/addict. We're in our mid-20s. When I first met him, he was smoking pot (more and more as time progressed) and drinking a lot. We slept together the first time we hung out. In the beginning, we were happy and had fun, although I always ...
A Gambler's Addiction: A Hopeful Recovery
Jim is on his way to recovering from an addiction he felt he never had control over. "It was like someone tripped a switch from that point forward, and that was about two-and-a-half, three years ago," Jim said. "From that point forward I'd do anything ...
Tila Tequila to Enter Rehab For Substance Abuse, Psychological Issues
The Hollywood Gossip
Troubled star Tila Tequila has agreed to enter rehab for substance abuse in addition to seeking treatment for psychological issues, her manager says. The MySpace celeb / fame-seeker agreed to rehab after several of her friends staged a miniature ...
Trowbridge addict burgled neighbours
This Is Wiltshire
A man who broke into the home of elderly neighbours to steal cheque books, bank cards and jewellery while they were in hospital has been jailed for two years. Gary Gent, 45, even took a debit card stored in the wheelchair of a blind woman as he ...
Online Gaming Officially Makes You an Internet Addict in Korea
The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) in South Korea released the results of last year's survey aimed at studying the causes of internet addiction. The Ministry conducted the study from October to December 2011, which was just around the ...
A healthy addiction! Brooke Mueller stocks up on frozen yoghurt as her ...
Daily Mail
Her very public and very dark battles with substance abuse, Charlie and the courts have been played out for us all to see. But now, and in a twist that is as happy as it is unexpected, Brooke seems to have beaten the odds and whipped her inner demons.
Daily Mail
More risk for addiction-prone vets
Philadelphia Inquirer
By Lindsey Tanner AP CHICAGO - Morphine and similar powerful painkillers are sometimes prescribed to recent war veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress along with physical pain, and the consequences can be tragic, a government study suggests.
Substance abuse group, Chemung County florists team up to spread Safe Prom message
Corning Leader
By Austin Prickett The non-profit substance abuse group Trinity of Chemung County is working with local businesses to keep teens safe on prom night. Trinity, which seeks to treat or prevent chemical dependency, is seeking to keep teens sober on prom ...
GUEST COMMENTARY: Youth gambling addiction could have lifelong consequences
Two percent of gamblers even develop pathological addiction symptoms. Gambling addiction is as real and as dangerous as being addicted to drugs or alcohol -- and some gambling addicts are children. It sometimes comes as a surprise to learn that ...
Survey affirms that gambling addiction is not about the money
Bismarck Tribune
“Although many gamblers are motivated early on by winning money, the addiction is really about escaping negative feelings and difficult life experiences,” said Vig, in a release. Lutheran Social Services gambling counselor Dawn Cronin has worked in ...
Addict snapped by witness
This is Cornwall
"When you are taking heroin your moral compass changes and all that matters in your life is the need to fund your addiction. It is a sad story". Prosecutor Caroline Fleming said that when Robinson was found in the staff room at the Dunelm premises he ...
Cause of Death: Addiction?
Huffington Post (blog)
Unfortunately, this thirst for the sensational displays a profound misunderstanding of the disease of addiction and adds to the stigma attached to the disease already hidden behind a curtain of silence and a wealth of misunderstanding.
Vets prone to drug addiction get risky painkillers
Click here Vets prone to drug addiction get risky painkillers Originally published: March 6, 2012 4:09 PM Updated: March 6, 2012 9:31 PM By The Associated Press LINDSEY TANNER (AP Medical Writer) (AP) -- Morphine and similar powerful painkillers are ...
Harrison Parents Receive Education on Addiction
The Daily Harrison
by Greg Maker (email) Now focusing on helping others facing addiction, former addict Tim Rader speaks with parents at Harrison High School. HARRISON NY – Experts said that misinformation onaddiction can be harmful to treatment, parents learned at ...
Ex-Addict's Struggle Helping to Advocate Change
You know what I mean, just my kids," Beth, a re coving addict said. The woman Beth is today is not the woman she was two years ago. While she did not want to give out her last name, Beth hopes her story give hope to other addicts.
Survey: Ten Percent of American Adults Report Being in Recovery from Substance ...
Sacramento Bee
By The Partnership at NEW YORK, March 6, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Survey data released today by The Partnership at and The New York State Office ofAlcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) show that 10 percent of ...
New App for beating addiction
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) -Curbing the craving; millions of Americans suffer from addiction, whether it's alcohol, prescription drugs or gambling. Now, there's an App for that. The App alerts addicts they are headed into a weak moment, ...
23.5 Million Americans in Recovery
About - News & Issues
A national survey conducted by the Partnership at and New York State Office ofAlcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) indicates that 10 percent of all adults over age 18 in the US consider themselves to be in recovery.
Family issues plea for leads
Vancouver Sun
Dodd, a 27-year-old drug addict, was shot in the head inside a crack shack in the 13000-block of 108th Avenue. "All of the witnesses fled the scene and Steven was transported to hospital where he remained on life support for several days," said Sgt.
Whitney Houston was a Drug Addict Before Bobby Brown Came Along
Since Whitney Houston's death, people keep talking and speculating what exactly happened in that bathroom the afternoon she supposedly drowned in the bathtub. Now some new details have surfaced about Whitney's drug problem and it actually seems to have ...
Parenting Teens: Why Being the Cool Parent Isn't So Cool ...
By David Sack, M.D.
Not only are teens at increased risk of addiction, their still-developing bodies and brains are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of drug use. Studies show that ... A national poll by the University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital shows that while parents accurately estimate the rate of substance abuse among other teens, they remain blissfully ignorant of their own children's drug use. Rather than turning a .... And there is no evidence that 12-step... Heather: Excellent ...
Addiction Recovery
Gambling and Drug Addiction: Are they Related? | Recovery First
By russbarnstein
For many people this might include the need to seek professional gambling addiction treatment in order to regain control of their lives. But despite the similarities, substance abuse and drug addictionis vastly different than gambling addiction ...
Recovery First
By russbarnstein
For many people this might include the need to seek professional gambling addiction treatment in order to regain control of their lives. But despite the similarities, substance abuse and drug addictionis vastly different than gambling addiction ...
Recovery First
72 hours. Having a panic attack. Help? - SoberRecovery ...
By CloudyDays
Blog List · Search Blogs · Go Back · SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information > Alcoholism Information > Alcoholism. 72 hours. Having a panic attack. Help? User Name, Remember Me? Password. Forgot Password?
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug..
Vets prone to drug addiction get risky painkillers - Yahoo! News
Iraq and Afghanistan vets with PTSD who already had substance abuse problems were four times more likely to get these drugs than vets without mental health ...
Iraq and Afghanistan vets with PTSD who already had substance abuse problems were four times more likely to get these drugs than vets without mental health ...