. . . the sublime experience of giving my wife a superb gift. It was the realization that none of it would have been possible without recovery coming first. . . Timing in the world of addiction is not a skill, it's helter-skelter madness with miscues and disappointments. It's the luck of the draw. Drugs have a way of not being there when you want or need them the most, as if they are participating in your ...
Silver Hill Opens Pain and Addiction Center
By Paul Devlin Chronic pain and the addiction to the drugs that help alleviate it, have become a serious problem in our society. The misuse of opioid medications like oyxcondone, vicodin, and morphine can lead to serious harm and even death.
Addict lost his battle with heroin
Eastbourne Herald
A DRUG addict who fought hard to tackle his demons died of a heroin overdose after slipping back into old habits. David Thomas was 45-years-old when his body was discovered face down in his first-floor Brodrick Road flat back on May 9 last year.
Tatum O'Neal's Younger Brother Redmond Is Paying For Her $100k Rehab Stint
Radar Online
“She isn't in a 12 step based treatment program and that is a huge problem because someone with Tatum's addiction issues needs to be at a rehab facility like Betty Ford or Cirque Lodge which adhere to the 12 step model. Tatum is essentially in denial ...
Heroin becomes fatal addiction for more area teens
And it's extremely difficult to find any inpatient drug treatment program that will accept minors with heroin addiction, even if they have good insurance. Heroin use in the greater St. Louis area rose dramatically in 2010-2011.
Substance abuse prevention publisher announces the release of parenting ...
WebWire (press release)
New Orleans, LA -- Leading substance abuse prevention publisher announces the release of their latest tool in the fight against the deadly use of synthetic drugs. All across the country, unethical businesses and chemists are creating and distributing ...
HLN Host On Lindsay Lohan's Sobriety: Every Addict Remembers Day They Hit Rock ...
HLN host Jane Velez-Mitchell is quite vocal on her show about her own road to recovery when it comes to her battle with addiction. It's no wonder that she feels so strongly about Lindsay Lohan's recent quotes from her interview with TODAY show host ...
Recovered alcoholic, family praised
BVI Beacon
By Linnell M. Abbott I read with delight and some pride Bailey Penn's well-written commentary headed “'Functional alcoholic' describes kicking habit,” in your Feb. 16 issue. Because addiction of any sort has such debilitating effects on anyone so ...
Substance Abuse, Comorbid Pain Treated Simultaneously
February 29, 2012 (Palm Springs, California) — Patients with chronic pain who are at high risk forsubstance abuse can be treated in an intensive pain rehabilitation program and achieve the same outcomes as low-risk patients, according to a study ...
Tatum O'Neal voluntarily checks back into rehab after cocaine relapse: report
New York Daily News
By Cristina Everett / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tatum O'Neal, now reportedly in rehab, has long battled an addiction to cocaine and heroin. Tatum O'Neal's demons have come back to haunt her. The Oscar-winning actress, who has long battled anaddiction to ...
New York Daily News
Meth Addict Accidentally Burns Down World's Fifth-Oldest Tree
Because Florida is running out of unique ways to embarrass itself, a 26-year old meth enthusiast set fire to and destroyed the world's fifth oldest tree last month. While she was in it. Smoking meth. Sarah Barnes had climbed the tree to smoke, ...
Graham Nash, Ralph Fiennes, a Kennedy's drug addiction and living simply ...
ABC Online
Download this mp3 file In this week's podcast, we hear from Graham Nash (that bloke who sings with Mr Crosby and Mr Stills), one of the Kennedy clan tells us about his battles against addiction, Frank Woodley celebrates his special leap year birthday ...

ABC Online
The best way to Get an Addict to Rehab | Acne No More Review
By Johnny
Because the addiction grows inside a individual, they start to believe in a different way. Their habits gets defensive to issues which can be occurring about them as well as the try at restricting ... In the course of this method, pals and loved ones will collect having a counselor and try to talk about with all the addict how their drug difficulties make the remainder in the loved ones really feel. This can be usually an emotional time for that loved ones as they're compelled to confront emotions ...
Acne No More Review
Ceilings Revisited | An Epidemic of Addiction
By J.T. Junig, MD, PhD
As I have often written, it is VERY hard to stop opioids. It is a little easier to stop buprenorphine; I am convinced of that fact because I have seen opioid addicts taper off buprenorphine, but I know of no opioid addict who tapered off an agonist.
An Epidemic of Addiction
a glimpse into an alcoholic - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug ...
By naive
i've been reading over on the alcoholism forum...ran into this today and thought it encapsulated the struggle when they begin to try to quit: "I. ... A proud member of the SoberRecovery® Network ofAddiction and Recovery Websites ...
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug...
Canadian addiction experts call for national strategy to tackle ...
(NaturalNews) With addictive painkiller OxyContin being phased out in Canada, health experts are calling for a national strategy to confront prescription ...
ABC Online
Download this mp3 file In this week's podcast, we hear from Graham Nash (that bloke who sings with Mr Crosby and Mr Stills), one of the Kennedy clan tells us about his battles against addiction, Frank Woodley celebrates his special leap year birthday ...
ABC Online
The best way to Get an Addict to Rehab | Acne No More Review
By Johnny
Because the addiction grows inside a individual, they start to believe in a different way. Their habits gets defensive to issues which can be occurring about them as well as the try at restricting ... In the course of this method, pals and loved ones will collect having a counselor and try to talk about with all the addict how their drug difficulties make the remainder in the loved ones really feel. This can be usually an emotional time for that loved ones as they're compelled to confront emotions ...
Acne No More Review
Ceilings Revisited | An Epidemic of Addiction
By J.T. Junig, MD, PhD
As I have often written, it is VERY hard to stop opioids. It is a little easier to stop buprenorphine; I am convinced of that fact because I have seen opioid addicts taper off buprenorphine, but I know of no opioid addict who tapered off an agonist.
An Epidemic of Addiction
a glimpse into an alcoholic - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug ...
By naive
i've been reading over on the alcoholism forum...ran into this today and thought it encapsulated the struggle when they begin to try to quit: "I. ... A proud member of the SoberRecovery® Network ofAddiction and Recovery Websites ...
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug...
Canadian addiction experts call for national strategy to tackle ...
(NaturalNews) With addictive painkiller OxyContin being phased out in Canada, health experts are calling for a national strategy to confront prescription ...