News Digest editor note: This is the story du jour (see multiple stories below), however note that this is not a new study, merely an analysis of trials carried out in the 1960s and 1970's--"The positive effects of a single LSD dose - reported both in these and in other, non-randomized trials - lasts at least six months and appears to fade by 12 months."-- Public release statement
Globe and Mail
It would be an unusual – and controversial – treatment for alcohol addiction: one hit of LSD every few months. But Norwegian researchers have analyzed results from the 1960s and found a “significant beneficial effect” on alcohol abuse.
Globe and Mail
Using LSD to Treat Alcoholism, An Acid Trip?
By Deborah Mitchell on March 9, 2012 - 7:50am for eMaxHealth When you think about ways to treat alcoholism, options such as Alcoholics Anonymous, rehab centers, and use of the drug disulfiram (Antabuse) may come to mind. But some researchers are ...
LSD To Treat Alcoholism? New Look At Old Data Says It Works
Medical News Today
Scientists from Norway have pooled and re-analyzed data from old trials that tested lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for the treatment of alcoholism and concluded that a single dose of the psychedelic drug was effective in decreasing alcohol misuse.
LSD should be considered for alcoholism treatment, study says
CBS News
(Credit: istockphoto) (CBS News) Decades ago, researchers would examine LSD's effects on various health conditions including pain, anxiety, and alcoholism. A new study suggests it might be time to revisit the mind-altering drug's therapeutic uses.
Mind-altering LSD could treat alcoholism, study claims
Fox News
iStock Alcoholism could be treated using the mind-bending drug LSD, as the hallucinogenic trips it creates alter the drinker's perception of their habit. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, ...
LSD could treat alcoholism because 'trips' make you reassess addiction
Taking LSD could treat alcoholism because the resulting "trips" give people a new insight and fresh perspective on their drinking problem, researchers claim. By Nick Collins, Science Correspondent Although attempting to break an addiction with an ...
LSD helps to treat alcoholism
An analysis of old studies suggests LSD may have a role to play in treating alcoholism. The powerful hallucinogen LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) has potential as a treatment for alcoholism, according to a retrospective analysis of studies published ...
LSD could help treat alcoholism
Times of India
Several decades ago, a number of clinics used LSD to treat alcoholism with some success. But until now, no research has pulled together the results of these trials to document exactly how effective LSD was. Now a new meta-analysis of randomised ...
Internet Addiction Linked to Drug Abuse
ABC News (blog)
“Not only did we find that specific personality attributes were important in both substance abuse and Internet addiction, but that Internet addiction remained an important predictor of substance abuse,” study co-author Georgios Floros, at Aristotle...

ABC News (blog)
Psychedelic Drug Could Help Alcoholics Stay Sober
The mind-altering drug LSD could be used to treat alcoholism, a new report says. LSD prevented alcoholics from relapsing during treatment, according to researchers in Norway who analyzed six previous studies of alcoholism treatment.

LSD could treat alcohol addiction: Norwegian study
The Province
Jimi Hendrix's psychedelic of choice, LSD, could be used to treat alcoholism. Is dropping acid a reasonable way to deal with a drinking problem? Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's department of neuroscience think ...
LSD 'may aid alcoholism treatment'
The Independent
Psychedelic drug LSD could be used as an effective method to treat alcoholism, scientists say. The use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), coupled with relapse prevention treatments, could help alcoholics steer clear of the bottle, research published ...
LSD 'helps alcoholics to give up drinking'
BBC News
"Given the evidence for a beneficial effect of LSD on alcoholism, it is puzzling why this treatment approach has been largely overlooked," they added. Prof David Nutt, who was sacked as the UK government's drugs adviser, has previously called for the ...
OxyContin marketing blamed for addiction epidemic
Powerful but misleading marketing that for years pushed the highly addictive painkiller OxyContin has left potentially tens of thousands of Canadians with the burden ofaddiction, critics claim. OxyContin helped transform the medical landscape after it ...
Study supports LSD as treatment for alcoholism
The drug was once used to treat alcoholism but its effects were unclear. Now, scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have analysed the results of six clinical trials, conducted in the late 1960s and early 1970s, ...
LSD may treat alcoholism
Toronto Sun
"Drink up, turn on, drop out" could become the new mantra in the treatment of alcoholism amid studies showing that LSD may help heavy drinkers quit. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology revisited a number of experiments ...
What is Alcohol Addiction? Alcohol Addiction Counseling and ...
By admin
Until the establishment of Alcoholics Anonymous, a non-profit fellowship of recovering alcoholics trying to stay sober one day at a time, there was not much hope for those in the grips of severe alcoholism. Most alcoholics were ... As soon as the alcoholic would leave the institution or be alone, even for the shortest while, their return to drinking would be quick and imminent. Alcoholism as a Disease Thankfully, a lot more is understood about alcoholism in the present day. Although some ...
Drug Rehabilitation
Medical News Today
Scientists from Norway have pooled and re-analyzed data from old trials that tested lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for the treatment of alcoholism and concluded that a single dose of the psychedelic drug was effective in decreasing alcohol misuse.
LSD should be considered for alcoholism treatment, study says
CBS News
(Credit: istockphoto) (CBS News) Decades ago, researchers would examine LSD's effects on various health conditions including pain, anxiety, and alcoholism. A new study suggests it might be time to revisit the mind-altering drug's therapeutic uses.
Mind-altering LSD could treat alcoholism, study claims
Fox News
iStock Alcoholism could be treated using the mind-bending drug LSD, as the hallucinogenic trips it creates alter the drinker's perception of their habit. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, ...
LSD could treat alcoholism because 'trips' make you reassess addiction
Taking LSD could treat alcoholism because the resulting "trips" give people a new insight and fresh perspective on their drinking problem, researchers claim. By Nick Collins, Science Correspondent Although attempting to break an addiction with an ...
LSD helps to treat alcoholism
An analysis of old studies suggests LSD may have a role to play in treating alcoholism. The powerful hallucinogen LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) has potential as a treatment for alcoholism, according to a retrospective analysis of studies published ...
LSD could help treat alcoholism
Times of India
Several decades ago, a number of clinics used LSD to treat alcoholism with some success. But until now, no research has pulled together the results of these trials to document exactly how effective LSD was. Now a new meta-analysis of randomised ...
Internet Addiction Linked to Drug Abuse
ABC News (blog)
“Not only did we find that specific personality attributes were important in both substance abuse and Internet addiction, but that Internet addiction remained an important predictor of substance abuse,” study co-author Georgios Floros, at Aristotle...
ABC News (blog)
Psychedelic Drug Could Help Alcoholics Stay Sober
The mind-altering drug LSD could be used to treat alcoholism, a new report says. LSD prevented alcoholics from relapsing during treatment, according to researchers in Norway who analyzed six previous studies of alcoholism treatment.
LSD could treat alcohol addiction: Norwegian study
The Province
Jimi Hendrix's psychedelic of choice, LSD, could be used to treat alcoholism. Is dropping acid a reasonable way to deal with a drinking problem? Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's department of neuroscience think ...
LSD 'may aid alcoholism treatment'
The Independent
Psychedelic drug LSD could be used as an effective method to treat alcoholism, scientists say. The use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), coupled with relapse prevention treatments, could help alcoholics steer clear of the bottle, research published ...
LSD 'helps alcoholics to give up drinking'
BBC News
"Given the evidence for a beneficial effect of LSD on alcoholism, it is puzzling why this treatment approach has been largely overlooked," they added. Prof David Nutt, who was sacked as the UK government's drugs adviser, has previously called for the ...
OxyContin marketing blamed for addiction epidemic
Powerful but misleading marketing that for years pushed the highly addictive painkiller OxyContin has left potentially tens of thousands of Canadians with the burden ofaddiction, critics claim. OxyContin helped transform the medical landscape after it ...
Study supports LSD as treatment for alcoholism
The drug was once used to treat alcoholism but its effects were unclear. Now, scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have analysed the results of six clinical trials, conducted in the late 1960s and early 1970s, ...
LSD may treat alcoholism
Toronto Sun
"Drink up, turn on, drop out" could become the new mantra in the treatment of alcoholism amid studies showing that LSD may help heavy drinkers quit. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology revisited a number of experiments ...
What is Alcohol Addiction? Alcohol Addiction Counseling and ...
By admin
Until the establishment of Alcoholics Anonymous, a non-profit fellowship of recovering alcoholics trying to stay sober one day at a time, there was not much hope for those in the grips of severe alcoholism. Most alcoholics were ... As soon as the alcoholic would leave the institution or be alone, even for the shortest while, their return to drinking would be quick and imminent. Alcoholism as a Disease Thankfully, a lot more is understood about alcoholism in the present day. Although some ...
Drug Rehabilitation
Addiction Envy
By Leah
Addiction Envy. by Leah on March 9, 2012. The other night I went to an addiction book panel at the NYU Bookstore, moderated and hosted by Susan Shapiro, the co-author of Unhooked: How to Quit Anything. She gathered some amazing panelists, like Maer Roshan, founder of the website, The Fix, about all things ... This was meant to reassure me that I would never be an alcoholic or an addict of any kind, but it had the opposite effect: it made me feel defensive, like, “Oh yeah?
Drinking Diaries
SAMSHA Reports 7.5 Children Live with an Alcoholic Parent ...
By Addiction Treatment
SAMSHA Reports 7.5 Children Live with an Alcoholic Parent. Posted by: Addiction Treatment Posted date: March 09, 2012 In: Alcohol Addiction. The Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released a new report ...
Addiction Treatment Magazine
By Addiction Treatment
SAMSHA Reports 7.5 Children Live with an Alcoholic Parent. Posted by: Addiction Treatment Posted date: March 09, 2012 In: Alcohol Addiction. The Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released a new report ...
Addiction Treatment Magazine
Let's Call Alcohol Poisoning What It Really Is: Drug Overdose ...
By David Sack, M.D.
... Addiction Medicine. He is CEO of Elements Behavioral Health which has drug rehab and addictiontreatment programs in California, Florida, and Tennessee. ... How 12-Step Recovery Helps Alcoholics Remember What Drinking Took Away ...
Addiction Recovery