Austin American-Statesman
Darylann Torrico, center, a recovering crack addict, found redemption after almost losing her life and now helps women, such as Chasity Griffin, left, and Jacqulin Johnson, on the path to sobriety. Torrico, right, and Austin Detective Jeff Greenwalt...

Austin American-Statesman
Insurance a major obstacle for private substance abuse treatment centers
Private treatment programs for substance abuse have the potential to be more successful than their state-run counterparts, but some say there's a massive obstacle sitting in the way. Dr. Charles J. Shaw, a doctor specializing in addiction, ...
New Substance Abuse Recovery Center Set to Open
It's a faith based, holistic, 12-step recovery program. Glenna Tucker has been doing this for nearly 40 years, and where she sees a need, she delivers. The Courage to Change Community Center is opening its doors this Tuesday, March 20th.
Spring Break Boozing May Put Young Brains at Risk
MSN Health & Fitness
Binge drinking, defined in this case as the consumption of four alcoholic drinks by males and three drinks by females in a day, could be a sign of alcohol dependency or addiction, said Dr. Alicia Ann Kowalchuk, medical director of the InSight alcohol ...
Alcoholic gets court order for wine theft
This is Plymouth
AN ALCOHOLIC who stole a bottle of wine has been given a court order to treat her habit. Karen Allen, aged 40, admitted taking the wine worth £5 from a newsagent on January 26. She admitted the offence put her in breach of two conditional discharges, ...
Tirado: Address nicotine addiction as part of caring for patients
Austin American-Statesman
For as long as I can remember, popular wisdom among doctors, counselors and people in recovery dictated that trying to quit tobacco is "too hard" to do while you are in treatment to endaddiction to alcohol or drugs. The usual advice is to tackle "one ...
How I Stopped Drowning in Drink
Wall Street Journal
What's the secret to getting sober and repairing the other broken parts of an alcoholic's life? It starts with setting your own terms, writes Paul Carr. By PAUL CARR When Paul Carr decided to quit drinking he eschewed AA in favor of his own 12-step ...
12-step recovery programme offers hope to Fianna Fáil
Irish Times
He set them out to Fianna Fáil as a 12-step programme for recovery. 1 Fully grasp the enormity and scale of the defeat . Fianna Fáil has to recognise the extent to which it is despised. No one is listening to you, he told the delegates, ...
Berwyn student says pill addiction drove him to burglary
Daily Local News
Police said Mahal told investigators that his addiction to pills was the reason he committed the burglary. According to Hughes, the pawn shop helped police identify Mahal as the suspect through security video and shop records. “We were able to identify ...
The Way Out
Darylann Torrico, center, a recovering crack addict, found redemption after almost losing her life and now helps women, such as Chasity Griffin, left, and Jacqulin Johnson, on the path to sobriety. Torrico, right, and Austin Detective Jeff Greenwalt...
Austin American-Statesman
Insurance a major obstacle for private substance abuse treatment centers
Private treatment programs for substance abuse have the potential to be more successful than their state-run counterparts, but some say there's a massive obstacle sitting in the way. Dr. Charles J. Shaw, a doctor specializing in addiction, ...
New Substance Abuse Recovery Center Set to Open
It's a faith based, holistic, 12-step recovery program. Glenna Tucker has been doing this for nearly 40 years, and where she sees a need, she delivers. The Courage to Change Community Center is opening its doors this Tuesday, March 20th.
Spring Break Boozing May Put Young Brains at Risk
MSN Health & Fitness
Binge drinking, defined in this case as the consumption of four alcoholic drinks by males and three drinks by females in a day, could be a sign of alcohol dependency or addiction, said Dr. Alicia Ann Kowalchuk, medical director of the InSight alcohol ...
Alcoholic gets court order for wine theft
This is Plymouth
AN ALCOHOLIC who stole a bottle of wine has been given a court order to treat her habit. Karen Allen, aged 40, admitted taking the wine worth £5 from a newsagent on January 26. She admitted the offence put her in breach of two conditional discharges, ...
Tirado: Address nicotine addiction as part of caring for patients
Austin American-Statesman
For as long as I can remember, popular wisdom among doctors, counselors and people in recovery dictated that trying to quit tobacco is "too hard" to do while you are in treatment to endaddiction to alcohol or drugs. The usual advice is to tackle "one ...
How I Stopped Drowning in Drink
Wall Street Journal
What's the secret to getting sober and repairing the other broken parts of an alcoholic's life? It starts with setting your own terms, writes Paul Carr. By PAUL CARR When Paul Carr decided to quit drinking he eschewed AA in favor of his own 12-step ...
12-step recovery programme offers hope to Fianna Fáil
Irish Times
He set them out to Fianna Fáil as a 12-step programme for recovery. 1 Fully grasp the enormity and scale of the defeat . Fianna Fáil has to recognise the extent to which it is despised. No one is listening to you, he told the delegates, ...
Berwyn student says pill addiction drove him to burglary
Daily Local News
Police said Mahal told investigators that his addiction to pills was the reason he committed the burglary. According to Hughes, the pawn shop helped police identify Mahal as the suspect through security video and shop records. “We were able to identify ...
The Way Out
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