It's not just Whitney Houstons daughter. One in ten kids have an alcoholic parent
Houston Chronicle (blog)
A look at well-known parents who have struggled with addiction. Some have gotten better. Some have relapsed. Angelina Jolie has struggled with drug and alcoholaddiction but has since turned her attention toward raising her family and philanthropy.
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Whitney Houston's Death: Why Addiction Is Harder On Women
“This telescoping effect in women was first shown with alcoholism decades ago, more recently for drug addiction, and very recently for other addictive behaviors, like gambling,” says Marc Potenza, MD, PhD, an addiction researcher at Yale.
Why can't celebrities beat addiction?
on rossen reports, celebrities and addiction, while we don't know the cause of whitney houston 's death, we know she received treatment for drug and alcohol abuse several times over the years. why do so many stars relapse even after a pricey rehab?
One in 10 US kids have alcoholic parent: study
CHICAGO (Reuters) - More than one in 10 US children live with an alcoholic parent and are at increased risk of developing a host of health problems of their own, according to a new government study released on Thursday. Researchers at the Substance ...
One in 10 US kids have alcoholic parent, study finds
Fox News
More than one in 10 US children live with analcoholic parent and are at increased risk of developing a host of health problems of their own, according to a new government study released on Thursday.
One in 10 U.S. kids have alcoholic parent - study - Children's Health -
Alcoholism is a disease. It is not as simple for the alcoholic to just stop drinking. You may have heard that all an alcoholic has to do is “stop drinking,” but it's not that simple. The American Medical Association (AMA), the American College of ...
Latest Breaking Health News &...
Lauer, O'Reilly spar over Whitney Houston coverage
New York Daily News
Who do you agree with on the subject of the media's coverage of Whitney Houston'saddiction history? Bill O'Reilly. It's true: Whitney should've been called out on her addiction a long time ago Matt Lauer. It's not the media's job to do an intervention ...

New York Daily News
BBC labels child 'recovering alcoholic' in tech slip-up
By Team Register • Get more from this author A glitch on BBC News that accidentally labelled a child as a recovering alcoholic is a symptom of endemic problems with the Salford Media City's software, The Reg has been told by a BEEB insider, ...
Deep in the Heart chronicles one man's journey from alcoholism to success
UT The Daily Texan
The movie captures the life of native Texan Dick Wallrath, who overcame an alcoholaddiction to become an extremely successful businessman and went to sponsor hundreds of college scholarships through 4-H and Future Farmers of America.

UT The Daily Texan
Alcoholic's baby died of neglect
Rutland and Stamford Mercury
Southend Council has pledged to improve standards after details emerged of a baby who died after being left in the care of his alcoholic mother. The child, known as Baby Robert, was 34 days old when he died from neglect in Southend following a string ...
Bill O'Reilly VS Matt Lauer: Was Whitney Houston's Addiction Beyond Her Control??
Their disagreement quickly heated and before U knew it, the two were sparring over the science of addiction. Their epic battle of words went like this: Matt: Addiction is a disease. Bill: It's a mental disease. You have free will when it comes to ...
One in 10 US Kids Lives With Alcoholic Parent
So much so that one out of every 10 children in the US now lives with an alcoholic parent. That's just troubling for so many reasons. And it makes me never want to drink a glass of wine with dinner again. Researchers from the Substance Abuse and Mental...

Born into addiction
Florida Today
Babies born with addiction on the rise: Dr. Stephanie Haridopolos discusses the problems more babies are having after being born parents who used drugs during pregnancy. By Caroline Perez and Chuck McClung Posted Feb. 15, 2012 The number of babies born ...
Former addict testifies on dangers of meth
A former meth addict came to the capitol to talk with lawmakers today about the need to make some over-the-counter medicines harder to get. The debate over cold and allergy medicines with pseudoephedrine has been going on for months in Frankfort.
O'Reilly Owns Matt Lauer: Whitney Houston Was a 'Drug Addict' and You ...
Fox News
“I don't believe that anyone is a slave to addiction,” O'Reilly said, explaining that while addiction is a disease, people also have free will. “You don't have free will when you have lung cancer. You do have free will when you're a crack addict.
Addiction Psychiatrist: Substance abuse is chronic illness
(NECN: Eileen Curran) - Whitney Houston's battles with drug addiction were well known. There was the interview in 2002 where she admitted drug use, but denied using cocaine. She uttered the now famous line: "crack is whack.
One in 10 U.S. kids have alcoholic parent: study
by Reuters Health, Last updated February 16, 2012 CHICAGO (Reuters) - More than one in 10 US children live with an alcoholic parent and are at increased risk of developing a host of health problems of their own, according to a new government study ...
7.5 Million Children Live With An Alcoholic Parent
SAMHSA also found that children in homes with alcoholic parents were also more likely to be abused or neglected by their parents, more likely to have cognitive or language deficiencies, and four times as likely to become alcoholics themselves.

Addiction Update: Updating the update
More than anything, the intention of the column has been to contribute to an understanding of addiction: the myths, stigma and reality of a condition that perplexes, confounds and destroys indiscriminately. I also have attempted to impart a flavor of ...
Addiction: It retrains the brain, is tougher on women
Harvard Health Publications (blog)
“That's what addiction is,” answered Seattle-based psychologist and addiction expert Gregg Jantz. He hit the nail on the head. The word “addiction” comes from a Latin term meaning “enslaved by” or “bound to.” Anyone with an addiction understands this; ...
Baby Robert: Newborn left to die with homeless alcoholic mother after failures ...
Daily Mail
By Kerry Mcqueeney A newborn died after he was left in the care of his homeless,alcoholic mother by social workers, a damning report has revealed. Social workers from Southend Council found the 34-day-old baby dead on a sofa next to his mother, ...

Daily Mail
Drug addict stole cash from man suffering a seizure
This is Grimsby
A DRUG addict rifled through the pockets of an epileptic man for cash while he was suffering a seizure, a court heard. Nikita Hansen also deliberately targeted a vulnerable 82-year-old disabled man and betrayed his trust by stealing cash from him.
Nikki Sixx Talks Addiction and Whitney Houston Death on CNN's 'Piers Morgan ...
Nikki Sixx's battle with addiction has been well documented over the years, the rocker was even pronounced dead for two minutes before being revived during one particularly rough night in 1987. Having come out the other side of his addictions — Sixx ...

James Haven, father Jon Voight promote Texas film
He overcame alcoholism to reunite with his family, build a successful ranching business and then support college scholarships for rural kids through 4H and Future Farmers of America. (AP Photo/Jack Plunkett) By Chris Tomlinson Associated Press...
Link between brain injury, addiction explored
Vancouver Sun
When Dr. Gabor Mate began to investigate the medical literature about brain injury and addictions, he was expecting to find addictions could develop after acquiring a brain injury, but he discovered the opposite was true. The reality is many people who ...
Open Channel - Rossen Reports: Why can't celebrities beat addiction?
This week, the White House drug czar called the death of Whitney Houston a “teachable moment.” Why do so many celebrities struggling with addiction keep relapsing, even after pricey rehab? Investigative correspondent Jeff Rossen looks at ...
Newsvine - Open Channel - Articles
Heroin Addiction Counseling Aids Patients Needing Recovery ...
5 Didn't-See-It-Coming Relapse Triggers (and How to Avoid Them ...
By David Sack, M.D.
This advice is not intended to punish, but to give the recovering addict time to focus internally – to figure out who they are, what they want and how to cope without using drugs or alcohol – before trying to be a source of support for someone else. At a time when recovering addicts are ... When life begins to feel more manageable, many recovering addicts start thinking, “My addiction wasn't that bad” or “I'm stronger now – I can have just one drink and stop.” They may stop taking care of ...
Addiction Recovery
Clinical Rehab for Heroin Addiction | Recovery First
By russbarnstein
Heroin is one of the most dangerous and habit-forming substances currently abused. Many heroin addicts recover each year with the help of clinical drug rehab.
Recovery First
Whitney Houston's Death Raises Addiction Questions
Addiction relapse seems to have led to Whitney Houston's death at age 48. Why do people relapse? How does addiction recovery work? Is celebrity a risk factor ...
AMH: Resources and data
Addiction Treatment Forum - Information, Research, and News for the Addiction Treatment Field Since 1992; Alcohol Screening Tool; Alcoholic Anonymous ...
The Bold New Definition of Addiction | The Fix
The official diagnosis for addiction is getting a major makeover—promising major ... an addict” a crime except for use of methadone and buprenorphine in treatment, this .... What's your favorite movie about alcoholism/addiction and recovery?
Alcoholism is a disease. It is not as simple for the alcoholic to just stop drinking. You may have heard that all an alcoholic has to do is “stop drinking,” but it's not that simple. The American Medical Association (AMA), the American College of ...
Latest Breaking Health News &...
Alcoholism more likely after 4 years on Wall Street - Ecademy
Alcoholism and drug addictions trouble young investment bankers within 4 years on the job. ...Articles : Alcoholism more likely after 4 years on Wall Street. by Beth Burgess · BlackStar [55.22:18] on 16-Feb-12 10:43am. Likes (0) Post this page ...
Ecademy: user blogs
Alcoholism and drug addictions trouble young investment bankers within 4 years on the job. ...Articles : Alcoholism more likely after 4 years on Wall Street. by Beth Burgess · BlackStar [55.22:18] on 16-Feb-12 10:43am. Likes (0) Post this page ...
Ecademy: user blogs
Lauer, O'Reilly spar over Whitney Houston coverage
New York Daily News
Who do you agree with on the subject of the media's coverage of Whitney Houston'saddiction history? Bill O'Reilly. It's true: Whitney should've been called out on her addiction a long time ago Matt Lauer. It's not the media's job to do an intervention ...
New York Daily News
BBC labels child 'recovering alcoholic' in tech slip-up
By Team Register • Get more from this author A glitch on BBC News that accidentally labelled a child as a recovering alcoholic is a symptom of endemic problems with the Salford Media City's software, The Reg has been told by a BEEB insider, ...
Deep in the Heart chronicles one man's journey from alcoholism to success
UT The Daily Texan
The movie captures the life of native Texan Dick Wallrath, who overcame an alcoholaddiction to become an extremely successful businessman and went to sponsor hundreds of college scholarships through 4-H and Future Farmers of America.
UT The Daily Texan
Alcoholic's baby died of neglect
Rutland and Stamford Mercury
Southend Council has pledged to improve standards after details emerged of a baby who died after being left in the care of his alcoholic mother. The child, known as Baby Robert, was 34 days old when he died from neglect in Southend following a string ...
Bill O'Reilly VS Matt Lauer: Was Whitney Houston's Addiction Beyond Her Control??
Their disagreement quickly heated and before U knew it, the two were sparring over the science of addiction. Their epic battle of words went like this: Matt: Addiction is a disease. Bill: It's a mental disease. You have free will when it comes to ...
One in 10 US Kids Lives With Alcoholic Parent
So much so that one out of every 10 children in the US now lives with an alcoholic parent. That's just troubling for so many reasons. And it makes me never want to drink a glass of wine with dinner again. Researchers from the Substance Abuse and Mental...
Born into addiction
Florida Today
Babies born with addiction on the rise: Dr. Stephanie Haridopolos discusses the problems more babies are having after being born parents who used drugs during pregnancy. By Caroline Perez and Chuck McClung Posted Feb. 15, 2012 The number of babies born ...
Former addict testifies on dangers of meth
A former meth addict came to the capitol to talk with lawmakers today about the need to make some over-the-counter medicines harder to get. The debate over cold and allergy medicines with pseudoephedrine has been going on for months in Frankfort.
O'Reilly Owns Matt Lauer: Whitney Houston Was a 'Drug Addict' and You ...
Fox News
“I don't believe that anyone is a slave to addiction,” O'Reilly said, explaining that while addiction is a disease, people also have free will. “You don't have free will when you have lung cancer. You do have free will when you're a crack addict.
Addiction Psychiatrist: Substance abuse is chronic illness
(NECN: Eileen Curran) - Whitney Houston's battles with drug addiction were well known. There was the interview in 2002 where she admitted drug use, but denied using cocaine. She uttered the now famous line: "crack is whack.
One in 10 U.S. kids have alcoholic parent: study
by Reuters Health, Last updated February 16, 2012 CHICAGO (Reuters) - More than one in 10 US children live with an alcoholic parent and are at increased risk of developing a host of health problems of their own, according to a new government study ...
7.5 Million Children Live With An Alcoholic Parent
SAMHSA also found that children in homes with alcoholic parents were also more likely to be abused or neglected by their parents, more likely to have cognitive or language deficiencies, and four times as likely to become alcoholics themselves.
Addiction Update: Updating the update
More than anything, the intention of the column has been to contribute to an understanding of addiction: the myths, stigma and reality of a condition that perplexes, confounds and destroys indiscriminately. I also have attempted to impart a flavor of ...
Addiction: It retrains the brain, is tougher on women
Harvard Health Publications (blog)
“That's what addiction is,” answered Seattle-based psychologist and addiction expert Gregg Jantz. He hit the nail on the head. The word “addiction” comes from a Latin term meaning “enslaved by” or “bound to.” Anyone with an addiction understands this; ...
Baby Robert: Newborn left to die with homeless alcoholic mother after failures ...
Daily Mail
By Kerry Mcqueeney A newborn died after he was left in the care of his homeless,alcoholic mother by social workers, a damning report has revealed. Social workers from Southend Council found the 34-day-old baby dead on a sofa next to his mother, ...
Daily Mail
Drug addict stole cash from man suffering a seizure
This is Grimsby
A DRUG addict rifled through the pockets of an epileptic man for cash while he was suffering a seizure, a court heard. Nikita Hansen also deliberately targeted a vulnerable 82-year-old disabled man and betrayed his trust by stealing cash from him.
Nikki Sixx Talks Addiction and Whitney Houston Death on CNN's 'Piers Morgan ...
Nikki Sixx's battle with addiction has been well documented over the years, the rocker was even pronounced dead for two minutes before being revived during one particularly rough night in 1987. Having come out the other side of his addictions — Sixx ...
James Haven, father Jon Voight promote Texas film
He overcame alcoholism to reunite with his family, build a successful ranching business and then support college scholarships for rural kids through 4H and Future Farmers of America. (AP Photo/Jack Plunkett) By Chris Tomlinson Associated Press...
Link between brain injury, addiction explored
Vancouver Sun
When Dr. Gabor Mate began to investigate the medical literature about brain injury and addictions, he was expecting to find addictions could develop after acquiring a brain injury, but he discovered the opposite was true. The reality is many people who ...
Open Channel - Rossen Reports: Why can't celebrities beat addiction?
This week, the White House drug czar called the death of Whitney Houston a “teachable moment.” Why do so many celebrities struggling with addiction keep relapsing, even after pricey rehab? Investigative correspondent Jeff Rossen looks at ...
Newsvine - Open Channel - Articles
Heroin Addiction Counseling Aids Patients Needing Recovery ...
By author
Drug rehab centers can support addicts in their efforts to overcome their addiction and begin the long but rewarding journey to recovery. Rehabilitation from heroin addiction is not easy, but many centers are open to help clients struggling with ...
World Of Wonder
Drug rehab centers can support addicts in their efforts to overcome their addiction and begin the long but rewarding journey to recovery. Rehabilitation from heroin addiction is not easy, but many centers are open to help clients struggling with ...
World Of Wonder
5 Didn't-See-It-Coming Relapse Triggers (and How to Avoid Them ...
By David Sack, M.D.
This advice is not intended to punish, but to give the recovering addict time to focus internally – to figure out who they are, what they want and how to cope without using drugs or alcohol – before trying to be a source of support for someone else. At a time when recovering addicts are ... When life begins to feel more manageable, many recovering addicts start thinking, “My addiction wasn't that bad” or “I'm stronger now – I can have just one drink and stop.” They may stop taking care of ...
Addiction Recovery
Clinical Rehab for Heroin Addiction | Recovery First
By russbarnstein
Heroin is one of the most dangerous and habit-forming substances currently abused. Many heroin addicts recover each year with the help of clinical drug rehab.
Recovery First
Whitney Houston's Death Raises Addiction Questions
Addiction relapse seems to have led to Whitney Houston's death at age 48. Why do people relapse? How does addiction recovery work? Is celebrity a risk factor ...
AMH: Resources and data
Addiction Treatment Forum - Information, Research, and News for the Addiction Treatment Field Since 1992; Alcohol Screening Tool; Alcoholic Anonymous ...
The Bold New Definition of Addiction | The Fix
The official diagnosis for addiction is getting a major makeover—promising major ... an addict” a crime except for use of methadone and buprenorphine in treatment, this .... What's your favorite movie about alcoholism/addiction and recovery?