Huffington Post
By Kristine Lockwood Addiction can come in any shape and form, from shopping and sex to alcohol and nicotine. And while most people won't make the cut for "My Strange Addiction," treating addictions of any kind can be incredibly complex.
Addiction booming in baby boomers
A real mess," said Peggy, a recovering addict. She is 58 years old and in drug rehab for the first time. "I was in a total black out from the sixth of October to the 17th. They did a blood alcohol on me it was .43. I should have been dead then," said ...

A real mess," said Peggy, a recovering addict. She is 58 years old and in drug rehab for the first time. "I was in a total black out from the sixth of October to the 17th. They did a blood alcohol on me it was .43. I should have been dead then," said ...
Why Fighting Addiction Can Feel Like a Game of Whac-a-Mole ...
By David Sack, M.D.
Recovery from addiction can feel like a game of whac-a-mole™, that classic carnival game where you mallet a mole as it pops up from its hidey hole, only to have one pop up from another hole. Whack away ... We're not just talking about hitting the plate of cookies at a 12-step meeting, but binge eating as a way to compensate for changes in how you feel now that you don't have drugs or alcohol. ... The recovering addict wants to feel better, which often means they want to feel less.
Addiction Recovery
By David Sack, M.D.
Recovery from addiction can feel like a game of whac-a-mole™, that classic carnival game where you mallet a mole as it pops up from its hidey hole, only to have one pop up from another hole. Whack away ... We're not just talking about hitting the plate of cookies at a 12-step meeting, but binge eating as a way to compensate for changes in how you feel now that you don't have drugs or alcohol. ... The recovering addict wants to feel better, which often means they want to feel less.
Addiction Recovery
Bobbi Kristina Brown Addiction Issues? Whitney Houston's Mom Says No
Gather Celebs News Channel
Does Bobbi Kristina Brown have addiction issues? That's the major questions fans have been pondering since Whitney's Houston's death. Whitney's funeral was even cloudy with rumors that Bobbi Kristina may have been under the influence of drugs at the ...
Philadelphia Inquirer
BY GERALD K. McOSCAR ASK THE average person to describe the typical young drug addict or alcoholic, and odds are he will describe a poor, inner-city high-school dropout from a single-parent household, usually a racial minority.
'Alcoholic' RCMP officer who fled collision denies charges
An RCMP officer who struck and killed a motorcyclist, then left the scene to drink vodka, testified in his self-defence Tuesday, one day after his own lawyer told BC Supreme Court the officer is an alcoholic. Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson is facing...
MSU addiction series to start Thursday
Beckley Register-Herald
By Sarah Plummer Register-Herald Reporter Mountain State University will begin its 2012 Symposium Series “Addressing Substance Abuse in West Virginia” on Thursday. Thursday's guest speaker will be Becky Neal, director of intergovernmental affairs for ...
Mountie in fatal crash addicted to alcohol, substance abuse expert testifies
Vancouver Sun
Cpl. Benjamin (Monty) Robin-son's behaviour following the 2008 crash that killed a South Delta man was the result of a "severe" alcohol addiction, a substance abuse expert testified in BC Supreme Court in New Westminster. Dr. Paul Sobey was retained by ...
Addiction drives many to commit crimes: Bangalore top cop
Daily News & Analysis
Youth group Terapanth Yuvak Parishad held an anti-addiction awareness drive at Surana College. The event, which was attended by commissioner of police, BG Jyothiprakash Mirji, was flagged off at Madhavan Park on Tuesday morning.
Gomez tells story of abuse and addiction
Racing fans and pundits know a little of Gomez's personal history -- that he battled addiction and returned triumphant in 2005 after missing 21 months of racing for personal reasons that included substance abuse -- but until now, published accounts of ...
A Prescribed Addiction, Part 1
John, like thousands of Vermonters hooked on prescription opiates, never dreamed it would lead to a life of addiction. But quickly experimentation with Vicodin and Percocet wasn't enough. Before he finished high school John graduated to snorting ...
Treatment Solutions Network and Rockers in Recovery Join Forces with the ITC ...
MarketWatch (press release)
"What an honor it is to be working with Rockers In Recovery and the ITC to raise awareness about addiction and the wonders of recovery. Treatment Solutions Network has always been committed to spreading the word about addiction; however, ...
Experts see painful cutting addiction spreading to urban girls
HOUSTON—The addiction known as “cutting” is becoming so popular that some health experts are calling it the new anorexia. Most of the victims are girls and now doctors are spotting another trend. The girls use razors and pencil erasers to purposely ...
Kennedy kin takes addiction fight to NZ
New Zealand Herald
The United Nations Goodwill Ambassador on drug dependence and treatment is here as a guest of the NZ Drug Foundation, spreading the word about the dangers of addiction. "I was a pig at the gate. I basically took anything and everything.
Addiction charity seeks 10k entrants
Drogheda Independent
NEW LOCAL charity Action Against Addiction is looking for runners or walkers to do the Boyne 10K on May 6 to raise funds for their project. The charity was set up early last year and currently helps five local men who have suffered from drug addiction ...
Saskatchewan joins crackdown on oxycodone prescriptions
Globe and Mail
Saskatchewan is joining at least four other provinces in cracking down on oxycodone prescriptions in the face of rising addiction rates. In an announcement Tuesday afternoon, Saskatchewan's health ministry said that, starting at the end of the month, ...
Globe and Mail
Leadership Cheatham hosting addiction summit
The Tennessean
Leadership Cheatham County Alumni is hosting a summit on addiction issues on Monday, March 5 at the Cheatham County School Board Annex in Ashland City. “Cheatham County is no exception when it comes to addiction issues,” said Debbie Martin, ...
Cocaine as a Performance Enhancing Drug Among Athletes
Yahoo! Sports
Contributor Network 10 hours, 44 minutes ago Many individuals, athletes and non-athletes alike suffer from an addiction to cocaine. Some athletes, however, develop an addiction to cocaine after beginning use in hopes of improving athletic performance ...
Cop's addiction 'severe,' court hears
Surrey Now
NEW WESTMINSTER - Corporal Monty Robinson's behaviour following the 2008 crash that killed a South Delta man was the result of a "severe" alcohol addiction, an expert on substance abusetestified Monday morning in New Westminster Supreme Court.
From Alcoholism to Food Addiction - It's All About the Feelings
Huffington Post UK
In his BBC Panorama programme Britain's Hidden Alcoholics on Monday evening, Alastair Campbell suggested he probably traded one addiction for another when he put down alcohol and picked up running. From my experience with addiction, I'd say he probably ...
Addiction is complex
Edmonton Journal
The reason was to stop these addicted souls from consuming worse products like Lysol spray. This latest move is a step in the right direction, but addiction is a far more complex problem in our poorer neighbourhoods. Bob Wilson, Edmonton © Copyright ...
Smartphones to prevent substance abuse
Individuals with a history of substance abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder were asked to wear an iHeal sensor band around their wrist that measures the electrical activity of the skin, body motion, skin temperature and heart rate – all indicators ...
Utah residential facility to offer treatment for porn 'addicts'
Salt Lake Tribune
By Mark Havnes A St. George couple hopes to open what they believe would be Utah's first residential treatment center for pornography “addiction.” Mark Jorgensen and his wife, Jerri, are seeking state approval to open the 5-acre Desert Solace for up to ...
New Site Answers Hard Questions about Addiction
PR Web (press release)
Evalyn Smith, the Knowledge Manager of, spoke about the goals of the new website: " is about more than just providing information about drug and alcohol addiction and substance abuse treatment,” she said.
Heroin Users Seeking Addiction Help From County Increases 57 Percent Over Five ...
San Diego 6
She said treatment is available throughout the county, regardless of a patient's ability to pay. Parents who believe their child might have a drug problem and adults with substance abuseissues can call the county's Access and Crisis Line at (888) ...
Addiction Inbox: Interview with Michael Farrell of Australia's National ...
By Dirk Hanson
Addiction Inbox. The Science of Substance Abuse. Dirk Hanson. Articles and health studies about drugs, addiction and alcoholism, including the most recent scientific and medical findings.
Addiction Inbox
By Dirk Hanson
Addiction Inbox. The Science of Substance Abuse. Dirk Hanson. Articles and health studies about drugs, addiction and alcoholism, including the most recent scientific and medical findings.
Addiction Inbox
family feels I am a prescription drug addict
By julisgramma
Now my family thinks I a prescription med addict. I in turn have ... I am a prescription drug addict and am used to many of the bipolar … user avatar ... Help, I am an alcohlic/addict with bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder! I would ...
Support Groups
SAMHSA Blog » Blog Archive » Prescription Drug Abuse, Addiction ...
Entertainment news reports during the past week have centered the Nation's attention on substance abuse, addiction, and the vital need for recovery by millions ...