Campaign highlights tales of recovery
White Mountain Independent
Partnership for a Drug Free America commissioned a film crew from Los Angeles to produce public service announcements showing recovery from methamphetamine addiction is possible. One of the stories they chose to tell was that of local resident Steven ...
White Mountain Independent
Partnership for a Drug Free America commissioned a film crew from Los Angeles to produce public service announcements showing recovery from methamphetamine addiction is possible. One of the stories they chose to tell was that of local resident Steven ...
The cop and the robber – a unique friendship
The Guardian
"I have used my addiction – which caused me huge shame – to liberate myself... I probably wouldn't have amounted to much if I hadn't been an alcoholic!" Now she is doing a second master's course, this time in addiction psychology, at South Bank ...

The Guardian
The Guardian
"I have used my addiction – which caused me huge shame – to liberate myself... I probably wouldn't have amounted to much if I hadn't been an alcoholic!" Now she is doing a second master's course, this time in addiction psychology, at South Bank ...
The Guardian
Bradley Cooper's Booze Addiction Could've Killed Him So he doesn't join in...
The 37-year-old suffered from an addiction to booze so he had to give it up before it killed him. The 'Hangover 2' star was propelled to fame as Phil Wenneck in the movies, but he can't join in in real life. "I don't partake any more," the actor told ...

Simon Cowell Starts Addiction Treatment To Help Quit Smoking He's been smoking...
The 52-year-old has a history of lung cancer in the family, so now the X Factor boss has turned to an addiction clinic to help beat his 15-a-day habit. Family and friends have begged Simon to stop smoking, and so now he's gone to an addiction clinic, ...

Cramlington computer expert concealed child porn addiction
Sunday Sun
AN IT expert at a North council used his computer knowledge to conceal a child and bestiality porn addiction in one of the most sophisticated ways police have ever seen. Gary Storey created a “virtual computer” – a hidden section – on his laptop so ...
Up from the streets: Homeless addict now well-liked clerk
Jackson Clarion Ledger
He grew up in Covington, La., in a family he calls "dysfunctional" and explains: "Just about everybody was either an alcoholic, a drug addict or both. I was verbally and mentally abused my whole childhood, told I would never amount to anything. ...
Forget harm reduction, let's have dope reduction instead
The Province
By G. Phillip Braun, The Province January 22, 2012 Dr. Anthony Ocana's recent letter to the editor is indicative of the liberal view of drug addiction in this city by a select list of special-interest groups that is turning us into a haven for crack ...
Putting lives back together
By Tammy Marashlian Signal Staff Writer Unless an addict takes another hit, the withdrawal symptoms often last up to two weeks, creating agony for the patient as the body craves the opiate drug. “There is no quick fix for addiction, especially heroin,” ...
Addicts charity hoping Duchess will lift profile
Wiltshire Times
WILTSHIRE charity Action on Addiction has been celebrating the new patronage of the Duchess of Cambridge after she visited its London treatment centre. Based at Clouds House, East Knoyle, the charity tackles substance addiction and the social damage it ...
Accidental Deaths From Prescription Drug Abuse and Overdose Rising
EIN News (press release)
MALIBU, CA, January 22, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Recent research from the US government suggests that at least five million previously-addiction-free Americans are abusing prescription drugs for the first time each year. Some addiction researchers ...
Prescription drug abuse, deaths target of new Washington law
The Spokesman Review
Joshua Dameron, seen standing on a downtown Spokane street last week, is still in rehab for a painkiller addiction that lasted several years after a work accident damaged his back. He's clean now and says, “It feels great. ...
The 37-year-old suffered from an addiction to booze so he had to give it up before it killed him. The 'Hangover 2' star was propelled to fame as Phil Wenneck in the movies, but he can't join in in real life. "I don't partake any more," the actor told ...
Simon Cowell Starts Addiction Treatment To Help Quit Smoking He's been smoking...
The 52-year-old has a history of lung cancer in the family, so now the X Factor boss has turned to an addiction clinic to help beat his 15-a-day habit. Family and friends have begged Simon to stop smoking, and so now he's gone to an addiction clinic, ...
Cramlington computer expert concealed child porn addiction
Sunday Sun
AN IT expert at a North council used his computer knowledge to conceal a child and bestiality porn addiction in one of the most sophisticated ways police have ever seen. Gary Storey created a “virtual computer” – a hidden section – on his laptop so ...
Up from the streets: Homeless addict now well-liked clerk
Jackson Clarion Ledger
He grew up in Covington, La., in a family he calls "dysfunctional" and explains: "Just about everybody was either an alcoholic, a drug addict or both. I was verbally and mentally abused my whole childhood, told I would never amount to anything. ...
Forget harm reduction, let's have dope reduction instead
The Province
By G. Phillip Braun, The Province January 22, 2012 Dr. Anthony Ocana's recent letter to the editor is indicative of the liberal view of drug addiction in this city by a select list of special-interest groups that is turning us into a haven for crack ...
Putting lives back together
By Tammy Marashlian Signal Staff Writer Unless an addict takes another hit, the withdrawal symptoms often last up to two weeks, creating agony for the patient as the body craves the opiate drug. “There is no quick fix for addiction, especially heroin,” ...
Addicts charity hoping Duchess will lift profile
Wiltshire Times
WILTSHIRE charity Action on Addiction has been celebrating the new patronage of the Duchess of Cambridge after she visited its London treatment centre. Based at Clouds House, East Knoyle, the charity tackles substance addiction and the social damage it ...
Accidental Deaths From Prescription Drug Abuse and Overdose Rising
EIN News (press release)
MALIBU, CA, January 22, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Recent research from the US government suggests that at least five million previously-addiction-free Americans are abusing prescription drugs for the first time each year. Some addiction researchers ...
Prescription drug abuse, deaths target of new Washington law
The Spokesman Review
Joshua Dameron, seen standing on a downtown Spokane street last week, is still in rehab for a painkiller addiction that lasted several years after a work accident damaged his back. He's clean now and says, “It feels great. ...
Life is sweet for e'Lollipop child star
Johannesburg Sunday World
POPULAR child actor, now associate producer, Muntu Ndebele has recovered from years of drug addiction and criminality to become a charismatic motivational speaker. ALL GROWN UP: Muntu Ndebele. Picture by Antonio Muchave He speaks at prisons and schools ...

Johannesburg Sunday World
Keep the Lights On: Sundance Film Review
Hollywood Reporter
(It's no secret that the character is based on Sachs' former partner, Bill Clegg, a literary agent at William Morris Endeavor, who chronicled his odyssey in the memoir “Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man.”) The warmth and physical heat between Erik ...

Hollywood Reporter
Heroin's siren song: A force that's stronger than will or reason
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
His brother, a heroin addict, told him to look past the sickness and search for the high. "And that's what I did and I ended up liking it." In 1974, he helped a dealer sell heroin until the man was shot in a robbery. The following year he began selling ...

Pittsburgh Post Gazette
1990s saw hard push for legal opiates
The Spokesman Review
• More than two-thirds of all methadone prescriptions are written for pain, not treatment for addiction. • While it's the least expensive of all the opiates, it's also much stronger than morphine and more addictive. • In 2003, the state agency that ...
New study says alcohol taboo during pregnancy
The study was published online on January 17 in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (La Jolla). The prospective study of 992 women noted that in regard to alcohol-related ...
Prescription drug abuse, deaths target of new Washington law
The Spokesman Review
January 22, 2012 in City on Page A1 At the height of his addiction, Joshua Dameron would cruise through emergency rooms in Spokane, hoping to score his next fix. Dameron got hooked on prescription pain medication after suffering … ...
Synthetic dagga claims to be legal
Independent Online
But Claire Savage, a senior information official at South African National Council onAlcoholism and Drug Abuse (Sanca) cautioned consumers to be wary of false advertising. “Remember that advertising latches on to words that entice people to try it,...

Independent Online
Prescription for disaster: Case stands out in rising tide of addicts
Lewiston Sun Journal
After his arrest, Lukeski spent three months in jail, withdrawing from a 15-year drug addiction. When he was freed, he checked himself into a rigorous, month-long drug rehabilitation clinic in Portland, followed by a six-month program aimed at staying ...

Lewiston Sun Journal
Addiction Recovery: Why I'm playing BIG! - Ecademy
A recovery coach says: Alcoholism wins if I don't make my life amazing. ... In AA you have to label yourself an alcoholic forever, and unlike cancer, alcoholism does not go into remission. Unlike any other illness, you're never, ever safe. And worse than ... I am not an alcoholic and my addictions are minor compared to being a drug addict or similar, as such I cannot obviously make a judgement based on experience - however, I can relate to what you are saying. To me your thinking is ...
Ecademy: user blogs
Johannesburg Sunday World
POPULAR child actor, now associate producer, Muntu Ndebele has recovered from years of drug addiction and criminality to become a charismatic motivational speaker. ALL GROWN UP: Muntu Ndebele. Picture by Antonio Muchave He speaks at prisons and schools ...
Johannesburg Sunday World
Keep the Lights On: Sundance Film Review
Hollywood Reporter
(It's no secret that the character is based on Sachs' former partner, Bill Clegg, a literary agent at William Morris Endeavor, who chronicled his odyssey in the memoir “Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man.”) The warmth and physical heat between Erik ...
Hollywood Reporter
Heroin's siren song: A force that's stronger than will or reason
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
His brother, a heroin addict, told him to look past the sickness and search for the high. "And that's what I did and I ended up liking it." In 1974, he helped a dealer sell heroin until the man was shot in a robbery. The following year he began selling ...
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
1990s saw hard push for legal opiates
The Spokesman Review
• More than two-thirds of all methadone prescriptions are written for pain, not treatment for addiction. • While it's the least expensive of all the opiates, it's also much stronger than morphine and more addictive. • In 2003, the state agency that ...
New study says alcohol taboo during pregnancy
The study was published online on January 17 in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (La Jolla). The prospective study of 992 women noted that in regard to alcohol-related ...
Prescription drug abuse, deaths target of new Washington law
The Spokesman Review
January 22, 2012 in City on Page A1 At the height of his addiction, Joshua Dameron would cruise through emergency rooms in Spokane, hoping to score his next fix. Dameron got hooked on prescription pain medication after suffering … ...
Synthetic dagga claims to be legal
Independent Online
But Claire Savage, a senior information official at South African National Council onAlcoholism and Drug Abuse (Sanca) cautioned consumers to be wary of false advertising. “Remember that advertising latches on to words that entice people to try it,...
Independent Online
Prescription for disaster: Case stands out in rising tide of addicts
Lewiston Sun Journal
After his arrest, Lukeski spent three months in jail, withdrawing from a 15-year drug addiction. When he was freed, he checked himself into a rigorous, month-long drug rehabilitation clinic in Portland, followed by a six-month program aimed at staying ...
Lewiston Sun Journal
Addiction Recovery: Why I'm playing BIG! - Ecademy
A recovery coach says: Alcoholism wins if I don't make my life amazing. ... In AA you have to label yourself an alcoholic forever, and unlike cancer, alcoholism does not go into remission. Unlike any other illness, you're never, ever safe. And worse than ... I am not an alcoholic and my addictions are minor compared to being a drug addict or similar, as such I cannot obviously make a judgement based on experience - however, I can relate to what you are saying. To me your thinking is ...
Ecademy: user blogs
Stop the Addiction, Utilize Rehab Centers |
By admin
Are you or someone you know suffering from drug or alcohol addiction? If you want to turn your life around and start living a normal healthy life, then this is.
The Personal Costs of Addiction - Everything Addiction | Addiction ...
By Everything Addiction
Addiction of any kind takes a significant toll on everyone - the addict, his or her family, and society as a whole. But if you ... Since denial is one of the hallmarks of addiction, it can be very difficult to acknowledge that you're an addict. It takes a ...
Everything Addiction
Alcohol Addiction | Alcohol Addiction Treatment
By admin
Alcohol addiction may be present when one is seen as sweating, nauseous, shaky, or mentally unstable when not able to obtain an intoxicating liquid substance. The more one drinks the higher doses will be needed for someone addicted to ...
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Understanding and Overcoming the Shame of Addiction
By Promises Treatment Centers
If you're struggling with an addiction of any kind, whether it's to alcohol, prescription medications, sex, ... Alcoholism Treatment, Amphetamines, Articles, Binge Drinking, CEO Message, Children of Alcoholics, Chronic Pain, Cocaine, Crime, Depression, Drug Addiction, Drug Policy, Drug Rehab, Drug Treatment, Drunk Driving, Dual Diagnosis, Family & Parenting, Food .... Most people are their own worst critics – and as an addict, it's especially hard to not be extremely critical of yourself.
Promises Addiction Treatment...
Research helping combat drug addiction - Care2 News Network
By Agnes N.
Dr Bronwyn Kivell, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences, is screening a number of anti-addiction compounds that may ultimately form the basis of medications that help reduce cravings and prevent relapses for. ... All I can say is that as much as I hate drug companies and some of the things they create, any drug that can combat cravings for street drugs, is a blessing to an addict. Thanks for this story. send green star | flag as inappropriate. Why is this inappropriate?
Care2 News Network
Cocaine Rehab Is Most Effective In Addiction Recovery
By Bridget
Cocaine addiction can be extremely challenging to break free from. As your use of the drug increases, your thought process can change, making it difficult to get away from using the drug. Cocaine rehab treatment will help you stop the.
By Bridget
Cocaine addiction can be extremely challenging to break free from. As your use of the drug increases, your thought process can change, making it difficult to get away from using the drug. Cocaine rehab treatment will help you stop the.
We hope to show that the term "addiction" is too valuable to discard. ..... of the pseudoculture in which the addict immerses ...... From temperance to alcoholism.
We hope to show that the term "addiction" is too valuable to discard. ..... of the pseudoculture in which the addict immerses ...... From temperance to alcoholism.
How To Help An Alcoholic Without Hurting Yourself
When you are taking steps to learn how to help an alcoholic, you must first recognize that ...Alcoholism is a progressive disease and learning about addiction and ... the addict money, let them sleep over and other negative enabling behaviors.
The Way Out