Drugs in the family: Learning from daughter's addiction, teaching others to cope
Kansas City Star
Dealing with her daughter's addiction was like "going through hell," Barden said. But with help, Sarah is now in recovery. She was treated at Henry Ford Maplegrove Center in West Bloomfield, Mich., and has been clean for three years. ...
Former drug addict now helps out those in need
Vanier said it's the least he can do to try to contact people who are mired in a life of addiction and crime. He credits Nanaimo's Surfside Recovery House and an understanding judge for helping him get his life back on track. "I was an alcoholic and ...
Solutions to Genetically Predisposed Individuals Suffering From Alcohol and ...
MarketWatch (press release)
This further emphasizes the need for alcoholism treatment and, more generally, addiction treatment. Recognizing and attending to any likely causes of addiction must be appreciated for rehabilitation to remain effective. Addiction treatment centers such ...
Alcoholic's drunken rant after waking up in hospital
Burton Mail
by JOSH TAYLOR AN alcoholic slapped with an ASBO for his drunken antics has again been hauled before the courts after a boozefuelled outburst at Burton's Queen's Hospital. John Kedzierski, 56, woke up in hospital after suffering an alcoholicblackout. ...

Burton Mail
Heroin addict, 47, died of overdose 3 months after leaving prison
Stoke & Staffordshire
A 47-YEAR-OLD died from a drug overdose just three months after being released from prison, an inquest heard. Isaac Price collapsed and died in the bedroom of his home on February 4 last year. An inquest held yesterday heard Mr Price was a violent ...
Drug addict prostitutes jailed for mugging Coventry woman, 81
Coventry Telegraph
By Duncan Gibbons TWO drug-addicted prostitutes have been jailed for mugging an 81-year-old of her bed-ridden husband's pension. Kelly Cardwell and Caroline Brown attacked the frail old woman in Coventry after watching her collect £400 from a post ...
Estonia: TB and alcoholism
GlobalPost (blog)
Their alcoholic father or mother gave it to them.” In Estonia, 41 percent of the country's 330 new TB cases last year were patients who were considered alcoholics. Another 7 percent were drug abusers, according to the country's tracking of TB cases. ...
Pill addiction story heartbreaking, hopeful
And they demonstrate that the path from the depths of addiction to a productive life is often one step up and two steps back even for those who are desperate to escape the grip of drugs and have the help of family and others. ...

In New Book Writer and Photographer Explore Inner Wild in the Midst of Nature ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Ex-con and wildlife photographer, Don Moseman, shares recovery from addiction and love of the natural world with English-born writer Mary Reynolds Thompson. Through his lens and her words, outer nature and inner spirit are explored in "Embrace Your ...
1835 House helping addicts rebuild lives
Calgary Herald
"I drank to blackout a lot in those days." He said he grew up with an alcoholic father and schizophrenic mother, although he won't blame them for his addiction. Pot and hash came at 15, before he became what he calls a "garbage can addict. ...
Hospital promises subsidized rates for test to diagnose liver problems
Times of India
Kerala tops India's alcohol consumption charts and alcoholic or alcohol-induced liver diseases likealcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis are becoming quite common. As the capital records more liver disease, a city-based ...
Friday's letters: Commendable account of addiction, hope
This ongoing and escalating issue is a plague in our society, and our beautiful state of Florida has the "black cloud" of addiction surrounding us. My children, now young adults, have friends and classmates who have died from this; I have friends whose ...
Major roots of crime in Nigeria
Moment Nigerian Newspapers
Alcoholism and drug addiction expose an individual to danger. What do Nigerians gain from alchohol and hard drugs? A drug addict is an 'insured' person against good health. The medical damage of these viruses has gone beyond paper explanation. ...
Chris Jacquemain: From a Life on the Football Field to a Death by Drugs
Tragically, an addiction to opiates squelched his tremendous potential and took everything away from him. Now, members of Jacquemain's family are telling his story in hopes that others can avoid the mistakes he made and the struggle that ultimately ...
Lil Boosie Says He's a Drug Addict | Alta Mira Recovery Programs
He says that, as a drug addict, he intends to take full advantage of the time inside to get the help he needs to fight that addiction and get the treatment he needs. Says Lil Boosie to TMZ: “Don't worry about me. I am getting help with my drug ...
Alta Mira Recovery Programs » News
Kansas City Star
Dealing with her daughter's addiction was like "going through hell," Barden said. But with help, Sarah is now in recovery. She was treated at Henry Ford Maplegrove Center in West Bloomfield, Mich., and has been clean for three years. ...
Former drug addict now helps out those in need
Vanier said it's the least he can do to try to contact people who are mired in a life of addiction and crime. He credits Nanaimo's Surfside Recovery House and an understanding judge for helping him get his life back on track. "I was an alcoholic and ...
Solutions to Genetically Predisposed Individuals Suffering From Alcohol and ...
MarketWatch (press release)
This further emphasizes the need for alcoholism treatment and, more generally, addiction treatment. Recognizing and attending to any likely causes of addiction must be appreciated for rehabilitation to remain effective. Addiction treatment centers such ...
Alcoholic's drunken rant after waking up in hospital
Burton Mail
by JOSH TAYLOR AN alcoholic slapped with an ASBO for his drunken antics has again been hauled before the courts after a boozefuelled outburst at Burton's Queen's Hospital. John Kedzierski, 56, woke up in hospital after suffering an alcoholicblackout. ...
Burton Mail
Heroin addict, 47, died of overdose 3 months after leaving prison
Stoke & Staffordshire
A 47-YEAR-OLD died from a drug overdose just three months after being released from prison, an inquest heard. Isaac Price collapsed and died in the bedroom of his home on February 4 last year. An inquest held yesterday heard Mr Price was a violent ...
Drug addict prostitutes jailed for mugging Coventry woman, 81
Coventry Telegraph
By Duncan Gibbons TWO drug-addicted prostitutes have been jailed for mugging an 81-year-old of her bed-ridden husband's pension. Kelly Cardwell and Caroline Brown attacked the frail old woman in Coventry after watching her collect £400 from a post ...
Estonia: TB and alcoholism
GlobalPost (blog)
Their alcoholic father or mother gave it to them.” In Estonia, 41 percent of the country's 330 new TB cases last year were patients who were considered alcoholics. Another 7 percent were drug abusers, according to the country's tracking of TB cases. ...
Pill addiction story heartbreaking, hopeful
And they demonstrate that the path from the depths of addiction to a productive life is often one step up and two steps back even for those who are desperate to escape the grip of drugs and have the help of family and others. ...
In New Book Writer and Photographer Explore Inner Wild in the Midst of Nature ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Ex-con and wildlife photographer, Don Moseman, shares recovery from addiction and love of the natural world with English-born writer Mary Reynolds Thompson. Through his lens and her words, outer nature and inner spirit are explored in "Embrace Your ...
1835 House helping addicts rebuild lives
Calgary Herald
"I drank to blackout a lot in those days." He said he grew up with an alcoholic father and schizophrenic mother, although he won't blame them for his addiction. Pot and hash came at 15, before he became what he calls a "garbage can addict. ...
Hospital promises subsidized rates for test to diagnose liver problems
Times of India
Kerala tops India's alcohol consumption charts and alcoholic or alcohol-induced liver diseases likealcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis are becoming quite common. As the capital records more liver disease, a city-based ...
Friday's letters: Commendable account of addiction, hope
This ongoing and escalating issue is a plague in our society, and our beautiful state of Florida has the "black cloud" of addiction surrounding us. My children, now young adults, have friends and classmates who have died from this; I have friends whose ...
Major roots of crime in Nigeria
Moment Nigerian Newspapers
Alcoholism and drug addiction expose an individual to danger. What do Nigerians gain from alchohol and hard drugs? A drug addict is an 'insured' person against good health. The medical damage of these viruses has gone beyond paper explanation. ...
Chris Jacquemain: From a Life on the Football Field to a Death by Drugs
Tragically, an addiction to opiates squelched his tremendous potential and took everything away from him. Now, members of Jacquemain's family are telling his story in hopes that others can avoid the mistakes he made and the struggle that ultimately ...
Lil Boosie Says He's a Drug Addict | Alta Mira Recovery Programs
He says that, as a drug addict, he intends to take full advantage of the time inside to get the help he needs to fight that addiction and get the treatment he needs. Says Lil Boosie to TMZ: “Don't worry about me. I am getting help with my drug ...
Alta Mira Recovery Programs » News
Free will vs. addiction | Addiction & Recovery News
By Jason Schwartz
Although addiction may be defined and operationalized in a number of different ways, the heart and core of the concept lies in its implication of the loss of the ability to choose – that is, the loss of free will. Hence, and logically, the concept of ...
Addiction & Recovery News
Humor: Bio of an Alcoholic... - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug ...
By m1k3
I found this on someone's blog who is an A. I wish I would have kept the link but here it is: AnAlcoholic Biography. ... SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information > Friends and Family > Friends and Family of Alcoholics ...
What to Expect From Alcohol Detox | Drug Addiction Treatment
By Drug Addiction
... a drug that is no respecter of persons. Addiction to alcohol affects men and women, young and old, and people from every socio-economic stratum. ... Detox clinics are a way an alcoholic can get that help. Detox Begins With a Health Check ...
Drug Addiction Treatment
The Way Out