Former addict on track
Toronto Sun
The charges against Lyons were dropped, and she promptly entered the Jean Tweed addictioncentre in Toronto's west end. Drug use becomes a way of getting through life on the streets, says Kim Snow, an associate professor with Ryerson University's ...
Recovering alcoholic now helping others at Staffordshire Brighter Futures
Stoke & Staffordshire
Originally from Rugeley, the 50-year-old has battled alcoholism, drug abuse and homelessness for most of his life. He gave up his marriage to tour the UK with Birmingham-based rock band Marshall Law for five years. However, just before the band ...
Heroin addict shares his story from prison, hoping to reduce the destruction ...
The Jackson Citizen Patriot -
You only have so much stuff to sell,” Coffey said. Clean and clear-headed, he said he is “deeply sorry” for his actions. “How horrible does that sound? I broke into someone's home to support my drug addiction.” A1main_heroin_evidence2 . jpg.

The Jackson Citizen Patriot -
Joe Bodolai: Former Saturday Night Live writer leaves online apology before ...
Daily Mail
By Michael Zennie A former writer for 'Saturday Night Live' and co-writer of the first draft of 'Wayne's World,' apparently succumbed his battle with alcoholism and killed himself, cops say. Three days before his body was discovered at a Los Angeles ...

Daily Mail
Dilaudid addict says things are looking up
Riverview ThisWeek
To feed his addiction to the painkiller, he committed a robbery and landed in jail for a couple of months. He tried detox, but he couldn't stick with it. In 2006, he got into the city's methadone program. "Things are a lot better now. ...
Program assists addiction fight
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
One of the key reasons for such facilities is to help the recovering addict avoid a return to the people and places that fed the addiction before arrest. “We've seen people who have told us they relapsed four or five times within the same year. ...

Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
Study links tasty foods to an addiction
Over time, a high sugar diet suppresses the brain circuits that control feelings of satiation, so that more and more has to be consumed to produce the same sense of fullness – much as an addict has to take ever-increasing doses of a drug to achieve the ...
Alcoholic Plymouth girl, 19, given custody for attacking stranger
Plymouth Herald
AN ALCOHOLIC teenager who took part in an unprovoked gang attack on a stranger has been locked up for nearly five months. Plymouth magistrates sent 19-year-old Gemma Baker to a young offender institution for 20 weeks. The court heard she hit the man ...
Lighthouse Network offering free, 24-hour addiction helpline
Newnan Times-Herald
Those looking at legal consequences for their drinking are not the only ones faced with the pressures -- and the pleasures -- of the holiday season, so say experts at Lighthouse Network, an addictionand mental health referral program that also ...
Reforms aim to stem opiate abuse in Vermont
BEAR CIERI, for the Free Press Burlington Free Press Sam Hemingway produced multiple stories and series in 2011 on the toll of opiate addiction here. Among his findings: • The problem, the nation's second worst, is getting worse. ...
Bangor addiction treatment center provides safe outlet for Lehigh Valley residents
"We're finding that people that had been in recovery for many years, maybe sober from alcohol for 10 years or more, are going to casinos and ending up either relapsing on alcohol, because they provide it for free, or getting an addiction to gambling," ...
Addict-felon turns role model, thanks to de-addiction camp
Deccan Herald
Come New Year, he will begun work as a cook at the canteen of the de-addiction centre where he was treated from May to October this year. Shaukat started with a few drags of hash given by some school friends, only to become an addict a few days later. ...
Stakes are high as 'net gambling rules set
MyFox Tampa Bay
The online gaming community may have gotten a huge Christmas present, but for anyone who's a recovering addict, like the man we interviewed for this story -- who asked us not to reveal his identity and now works as a counselor with Gamblers Anonymous ...
Drug courts turn around lives, one addict at a time
Jackson Clarion Ledger
One can recover and break the bondage of addiction. Tough love helped me to get where I am today to stay clean and sober. It's not a final step; it's a transformation." Archie said her goal is to counsel others. She is currently working as a sitter. ...
Long-term heroin addict granted bail
by - A man with a 13-year-long heroin habit pleaded not guilty to trafficking and possession today. Jonathan Bonello, 32, admitted to simple possession of heroin but pleaded not guilty to possession not for his exclusive ...
Binley thief avoid punishment as he's 'beating drug addiction'
Coventry Telegraph
by Sam Dimmer, Coventry Telegraph A RECOVERING drug addict who stole £156 of cosmetics from Boots has escaped punishment after a court heard he was turning his life around. Mark Thomson, 33, was arrested by police as part of a Christmas crackdown on ...
I think my dad is an alcoholic
The Sun
I BELIEVE my dad is an alcoholic and I'm so worried something is going to happen to him. I'm a 15-year-old girl and Sundays at home are a nightmare. He's down the pub most of the day, then he comes home like some drunken idiot. ...
Alcohol, drugs catch up with aging Boomers
Burlington Times News
The state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission is launching an early-warning campaign to alert people, not just about drinking, but also about the larger issues of substance abuse among the elderly. “I certainly think that it's going to be a rapidly ...
Young mum to battle drug addiction
A YOUNG mum who gave birth at 12 today told how she plans to go into rehab for the sake of her daughter. Tressa Middleton, 18, of Bathgate, told how she ended up using £400 of heroin a day and now hopes to get clean, it was reported today. ...
Everyday Heroes: Mary Marks' troubled childhood leads to life of service
Green Bay Press Gazette
Her mother, who is now dead, was an alcoholic, and Marks found herself counseling other young people who were coping with addiction in their own families. She later volunteered and worked at agencies that dealt with both addiction and domestic violence ...
Toronto Sun
The charges against Lyons were dropped, and she promptly entered the Jean Tweed addictioncentre in Toronto's west end. Drug use becomes a way of getting through life on the streets, says Kim Snow, an associate professor with Ryerson University's ...
Recovering alcoholic now helping others at Staffordshire Brighter Futures
Stoke & Staffordshire
Originally from Rugeley, the 50-year-old has battled alcoholism, drug abuse and homelessness for most of his life. He gave up his marriage to tour the UK with Birmingham-based rock band Marshall Law for five years. However, just before the band ...
Heroin addict shares his story from prison, hoping to reduce the destruction ...
The Jackson Citizen Patriot -
You only have so much stuff to sell,” Coffey said. Clean and clear-headed, he said he is “deeply sorry” for his actions. “How horrible does that sound? I broke into someone's home to support my drug addiction.” A1main_heroin_evidence2 . jpg.
The Jackson Citizen Patriot -
Joe Bodolai: Former Saturday Night Live writer leaves online apology before ...
Daily Mail
By Michael Zennie A former writer for 'Saturday Night Live' and co-writer of the first draft of 'Wayne's World,' apparently succumbed his battle with alcoholism and killed himself, cops say. Three days before his body was discovered at a Los Angeles ...
Daily Mail
Dilaudid addict says things are looking up
Riverview ThisWeek
To feed his addiction to the painkiller, he committed a robbery and landed in jail for a couple of months. He tried detox, but he couldn't stick with it. In 2006, he got into the city's methadone program. "Things are a lot better now. ...
Program assists addiction fight
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
One of the key reasons for such facilities is to help the recovering addict avoid a return to the people and places that fed the addiction before arrest. “We've seen people who have told us they relapsed four or five times within the same year. ...
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
Study links tasty foods to an addiction
Over time, a high sugar diet suppresses the brain circuits that control feelings of satiation, so that more and more has to be consumed to produce the same sense of fullness – much as an addict has to take ever-increasing doses of a drug to achieve the ...
Alcoholic Plymouth girl, 19, given custody for attacking stranger
Plymouth Herald
AN ALCOHOLIC teenager who took part in an unprovoked gang attack on a stranger has been locked up for nearly five months. Plymouth magistrates sent 19-year-old Gemma Baker to a young offender institution for 20 weeks. The court heard she hit the man ...
Lighthouse Network offering free, 24-hour addiction helpline
Newnan Times-Herald
Those looking at legal consequences for their drinking are not the only ones faced with the pressures -- and the pleasures -- of the holiday season, so say experts at Lighthouse Network, an addictionand mental health referral program that also ...
Reforms aim to stem opiate abuse in Vermont
BEAR CIERI, for the Free Press Burlington Free Press Sam Hemingway produced multiple stories and series in 2011 on the toll of opiate addiction here. Among his findings: • The problem, the nation's second worst, is getting worse. ...
Bangor addiction treatment center provides safe outlet for Lehigh Valley residents
"We're finding that people that had been in recovery for many years, maybe sober from alcohol for 10 years or more, are going to casinos and ending up either relapsing on alcohol, because they provide it for free, or getting an addiction to gambling," ...
Addict-felon turns role model, thanks to de-addiction camp
Deccan Herald
Come New Year, he will begun work as a cook at the canteen of the de-addiction centre where he was treated from May to October this year. Shaukat started with a few drags of hash given by some school friends, only to become an addict a few days later. ...
Stakes are high as 'net gambling rules set
MyFox Tampa Bay
The online gaming community may have gotten a huge Christmas present, but for anyone who's a recovering addict, like the man we interviewed for this story -- who asked us not to reveal his identity and now works as a counselor with Gamblers Anonymous ...
Drug courts turn around lives, one addict at a time
Jackson Clarion Ledger
One can recover and break the bondage of addiction. Tough love helped me to get where I am today to stay clean and sober. It's not a final step; it's a transformation." Archie said her goal is to counsel others. She is currently working as a sitter. ...
Long-term heroin addict granted bail
by - A man with a 13-year-long heroin habit pleaded not guilty to trafficking and possession today. Jonathan Bonello, 32, admitted to simple possession of heroin but pleaded not guilty to possession not for his exclusive ...
Binley thief avoid punishment as he's 'beating drug addiction'
Coventry Telegraph
by Sam Dimmer, Coventry Telegraph A RECOVERING drug addict who stole £156 of cosmetics from Boots has escaped punishment after a court heard he was turning his life around. Mark Thomson, 33, was arrested by police as part of a Christmas crackdown on ...
I think my dad is an alcoholic
The Sun
I BELIEVE my dad is an alcoholic and I'm so worried something is going to happen to him. I'm a 15-year-old girl and Sundays at home are a nightmare. He's down the pub most of the day, then he comes home like some drunken idiot. ...
Alcohol, drugs catch up with aging Boomers
Burlington Times News
The state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission is launching an early-warning campaign to alert people, not just about drinking, but also about the larger issues of substance abuse among the elderly. “I certainly think that it's going to be a rapidly ...
Young mum to battle drug addiction
A YOUNG mum who gave birth at 12 today told how she plans to go into rehab for the sake of her daughter. Tressa Middleton, 18, of Bathgate, told how she ended up using £400 of heroin a day and now hopes to get clean, it was reported today. ...
Everyday Heroes: Mary Marks' troubled childhood leads to life of service
Green Bay Press Gazette
Her mother, who is now dead, was an alcoholic, and Marks found herself counseling other young people who were coping with addiction in their own families. She later volunteered and worked at agencies that dealt with both addiction and domestic violence ...
Addiction Experts Fear Abuse of Painkiller Ten Times Stronger Than ...
By rebneely
Four companies have begun patient testing on new painkillers containing a pure version of the highly addictive hydrocodone, and one of them. One of.
JD Journal
By rebneely
Four companies have begun patient testing on new painkillers containing a pure version of the highly addictive hydrocodone, and one of them. One of.
JD Journal
Addiction Intervention | Alcohol and Drug Intervention | Drug Rehab ...
By Drug Rehab Treatment Center News
We always try to set a goal, so that we can prevent the formation of the gap between the loves ones and the addicts themselves due to the abusive patterns of addiction. At the same time, we also want to help the addict realize the significance ...
Drug Rehab Alcohol Treatment...
Black Men, Addiction, and Recovery
By Staff Contributor
For those entering into the world of “drug rehab” they're required to admit their powerlessness over their drugs of choice, and are urged to adopt the identity of addict or alcoholic as reminders of the disease they suffer from for which there's no cure. ... Speaking of rehab/treatment effectiveness, Enoch Gordis, Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ( NIAAA) stated the following: “In the case of alcoholism, our whole treatment system, with its innumerable ...
Healthy Black Men
By Drug Rehab Treatment Center News
We always try to set a goal, so that we can prevent the formation of the gap between the loves ones and the addicts themselves due to the abusive patterns of addiction. At the same time, we also want to help the addict realize the significance ...
Drug Rehab Alcohol Treatment...
Black Men, Addiction, and Recovery
By Staff Contributor
For those entering into the world of “drug rehab” they're required to admit their powerlessness over their drugs of choice, and are urged to adopt the identity of addict or alcoholic as reminders of the disease they suffer from for which there's no cure. ... Speaking of rehab/treatment effectiveness, Enoch Gordis, Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ( NIAAA) stated the following: “In the case of alcoholism, our whole treatment system, with its innumerable ...
Healthy Black Men
He may be an alcoholic - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug ...
By healthyagain
Go Back · SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information > Friends and Family > Friends and Family of Alcoholics. He may be an alcoholic. User Name, Remember Me? Password. Blogs · FAQ · Calendar · Arcade · Mark ...
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug...
Follow @jmpoolecom
By healthyagain
Go Back · SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information > Friends and Family > Friends and Family of Alcoholics. He may be an alcoholic. User Name, Remember Me? Password. Blogs · FAQ · Calendar · Arcade · Mark ...
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug...