Ex-addict rises up from rock bottom
Monterey County Herald
She was there for stealing from her mother to support an addiction to methamphetamines. "Mom pressed charges, and that's how I ended up in jail," she said. "Her intent was to get me clean." The awakening came slowly as she observed her fellow inmates, ...
Florida House Staff Celebrates Over 500 Years of Recovery Supporting their ...
PR Web (press release)
The Florida House Experience reflects and celebrates over 500 years of recovery supporting their addiction treatment program in Florida. As the year comes to a close, the staff at The Florida House Experience reflects and celebrates over 500 years of ...

PR Web (press release)
Probation for alcoholic who began kissing school girls in a park
Ottawa Citizen
Struthers is an alcoholic who hit “rock bottom” that day, said his lawyer, Brett McGarry. “Difficulties arise when he drinks,” said McGarry, adding there was no sexual component to Struthers' behaviour. Charges of sexual assault and sexual interference ...
Compulsive shopping: When spending is like substance abuse
Compulsive shopping sometimes goes hand in hand with alcoholism and eating disorders, Forrest said. It's not currently a separate diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the "Bible" by which mental health professionals ...
Reaching out to families of alcoholics, the Al-Anon way
Daily News & Analysis
A former alcoholic, who had been drinking for 25 years, talked about how the group helped his family as he himself recovered from alcoholism. A psychiatrist who works on de-addictionprogramme said that medical intervention alone won't help matters. ...
New social media site for recovering addicts
by Joe Galli A new social media site has been created where recovering addicts and healthcare professionals can come together and help fight drug and alcohol addiction. Racing for Recovery has started the online support group Team Racing for Recovery ...
AddictionTribe offers Users an Addiction Support Group of their choice with ...
openPR (press release)
(openPR) - AddictionTribe, a leading online platform for addiction self help, has announced that users can easily find an addiction support group of their choice on the website. This innovative website offers many different categories of addiction ...
Leading Rehab Farley Center Warns How Holiday Overindulgence Can Lead to ...
PR Web (press release)
The Farley Center has issued this guide to help the public better understand what addictionbehaviors to look for this Holiday season. However, if you are unsure and suspect an issue withalcoholism or any addiction, we recommend contacting a ...
Strange thefts from local grocery stores often explained by drug addiction ...
Dr. Kirk Brower, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan, said addiction to drugs like heroin and cocaine are particularly strong. Brower said hard drugs like heroin can not only cause an intense high, but also have an extremely ...
State cracks the whip on alcoholism with closure of bars
Business Daily Africa
Mr Kimemia said the bars that remain in business would be required to adhere to the AlcoholicDrinks Control Act, known as the 'Mututho law', on quality assurance, alcohol promotion and advertisement and pay levies towards the government fund for ...
MedicQuire Launches National Treatment Network and Facilitates Addiction ...
Insurance News Net (press release)
MedicQuire (MDQ), a Franklin, Tennessee based healthcare direct marketing agency, recently launched National Treatment Network (NTN), an online and offline marketing platform that connects substance abuse patients with addiction treatment healthcare ...
How can I beat my drug addiction?
by Coleen Nolan, Daily Mirror 19/12/2011 I'ma 15-year-old boy with a drug addiction. I'm involved with several types of drugs and I regret ever taking them. I have caring parents who have found out I take these drugs, but I don't know what to do ...
Tailored Rx Helps Addicted Pharmacists Get Better
"There is so much stigma related to addiction, and it may be even worse in these professionals than in the general population," said Dr. Merlo. "If we can change the way we talk about this problem and disseminate information about the fact that people ...
Every day a drug addict takes $ 12 to the black market of Kyrgyzstan to buy ...
“Every day a drug addict takes $ 12 to the black market of Kyrgyzstan to buy heroin,” program manager Maxim Zelichenko stated at today's panel discussion devoted to the presentation of research conducted by the Public Fund “Central Asian Center of Drug ...
Running on empty: Can excessive exercise really be an addiction ...
By drmarkgriffiths
Back in 1997, I published my first academic paper on exercise addiction – a case study of a young women addicted to martial arts – at least according to the definition of exercise I was using. However, at present, exercise addiction is not ...
Monterey County Herald
She was there for stealing from her mother to support an addiction to methamphetamines. "Mom pressed charges, and that's how I ended up in jail," she said. "Her intent was to get me clean." The awakening came slowly as she observed her fellow inmates, ...
Florida House Staff Celebrates Over 500 Years of Recovery Supporting their ...
PR Web (press release)
The Florida House Experience reflects and celebrates over 500 years of recovery supporting their addiction treatment program in Florida. As the year comes to a close, the staff at The Florida House Experience reflects and celebrates over 500 years of ...
PR Web (press release)
Probation for alcoholic who began kissing school girls in a park
Ottawa Citizen
Struthers is an alcoholic who hit “rock bottom” that day, said his lawyer, Brett McGarry. “Difficulties arise when he drinks,” said McGarry, adding there was no sexual component to Struthers' behaviour. Charges of sexual assault and sexual interference ...
Compulsive shopping: When spending is like substance abuse
Compulsive shopping sometimes goes hand in hand with alcoholism and eating disorders, Forrest said. It's not currently a separate diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the "Bible" by which mental health professionals ...
Reaching out to families of alcoholics, the Al-Anon way
Daily News & Analysis
A former alcoholic, who had been drinking for 25 years, talked about how the group helped his family as he himself recovered from alcoholism. A psychiatrist who works on de-addictionprogramme said that medical intervention alone won't help matters. ...
New social media site for recovering addicts
by Joe Galli A new social media site has been created where recovering addicts and healthcare professionals can come together and help fight drug and alcohol addiction. Racing for Recovery has started the online support group Team Racing for Recovery ...
AddictionTribe offers Users an Addiction Support Group of their choice with ...
openPR (press release)
(openPR) - AddictionTribe, a leading online platform for addiction self help, has announced that users can easily find an addiction support group of their choice on the website. This innovative website offers many different categories of addiction ...
Leading Rehab Farley Center Warns How Holiday Overindulgence Can Lead to ...
PR Web (press release)
The Farley Center has issued this guide to help the public better understand what addictionbehaviors to look for this Holiday season. However, if you are unsure and suspect an issue withalcoholism or any addiction, we recommend contacting a ...
Strange thefts from local grocery stores often explained by drug addiction ...
Dr. Kirk Brower, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan, said addiction to drugs like heroin and cocaine are particularly strong. Brower said hard drugs like heroin can not only cause an intense high, but also have an extremely ...
State cracks the whip on alcoholism with closure of bars
Business Daily Africa
Mr Kimemia said the bars that remain in business would be required to adhere to the AlcoholicDrinks Control Act, known as the 'Mututho law', on quality assurance, alcohol promotion and advertisement and pay levies towards the government fund for ...
MedicQuire Launches National Treatment Network and Facilitates Addiction ...
Insurance News Net (press release)
MedicQuire (MDQ), a Franklin, Tennessee based healthcare direct marketing agency, recently launched National Treatment Network (NTN), an online and offline marketing platform that connects substance abuse patients with addiction treatment healthcare ...
How can I beat my drug addiction?
by Coleen Nolan, Daily Mirror 19/12/2011 I'ma 15-year-old boy with a drug addiction. I'm involved with several types of drugs and I regret ever taking them. I have caring parents who have found out I take these drugs, but I don't know what to do ...
Tailored Rx Helps Addicted Pharmacists Get Better
"There is so much stigma related to addiction, and it may be even worse in these professionals than in the general population," said Dr. Merlo. "If we can change the way we talk about this problem and disseminate information about the fact that people ...
Every day a drug addict takes $ 12 to the black market of Kyrgyzstan to buy ...
“Every day a drug addict takes $ 12 to the black market of Kyrgyzstan to buy heroin,” program manager Maxim Zelichenko stated at today's panel discussion devoted to the presentation of research conducted by the Public Fund “Central Asian Center of Drug ...
Running on empty: Can excessive exercise really be an addiction ...
By drmarkgriffiths
Back in 1997, I published my first academic paper on exercise addiction – a case study of a young women addicted to martial arts – at least according to the definition of exercise I was using. However, at present, exercise addiction is not ...
Alcoholic Outsider Artist: Early treatment of chronic alcoholism and ...
By Parker Lanier
Early treatment of chronic alcoholism and addiction: The Kirkbride Buildings. Nineteenth century saw considerable growth in state-sponsored treatment of the mentally ill in the United States, and consequently the rise of asylum building. ...
Alcoholic Outsider Artist
Prescription drug addiction up 430% over?past decade - New York ...
Federal statistics released Thursday revealed that treatment for prescription painkiller abuse has skyrocketed 430% over the last decade. The increase is even ...
The Way Out